
     1  #!/usr/bin/env bash
     3  while getopts ":s" opt; do
     4    case $opt in
     5      s)
     6        SSD="true"
     7        ;;
     8    esac
     9  done
    11  SSD="${SSD:-false}"
    13  # Required tools
    14  DOCKER="${DOCKER:-docker}"
    15  NSENTER="${NSENTER:-nsenter}"
    16  BRIDGE="${BRIDGE:-bridge}"
    17  IPTABLES="${IPTABLES:-iptables}"
    18  IPVSADM="${IPVSADM:-ipvsadm}"
    19  IP="${IP:-ip}"
    20  SSDBIN="${SSDBIN:-ssd}"
    21  JQ="${JQ:-jq}"
    23  networks=0
    24  containers=0
    25  ip_overlap=0
    27  NSDIR=/var/run/docker/netns
    29  function die {
    30      echo $*
    31      exit 1
    32  }
    34  function echo_and_run {
    35    echo "#" "$@"
    36    eval $(printf '%q ' "$@") < /dev/stdout
    37  }
    39  function check_ip_overlap {
    40    inspect=$1
    41    overlap=$(echo "$inspect_output" | grep "EndpointIP\|VIP" | cut -d':' -f2 | sort | uniq -c | grep -v "1 ")
    42    if [ ! -z "$overlap" ]; then
    43      echo -e "\n\n*** OVERLAP on Network ${networkID} ***";
    44      echo -e "${overlap} \n\n"
    45      ((ip_overlap++))
    46    else
    47      echo "No overlap"
    48    fi
    49  }
    51  type -P ${DOCKER} > /dev/null || echo "This tool requires the docker binary"
    52  type -P ${NSENTER} > /dev/null || echo "This tool requires nsenter"
    53  type -P ${BRIDGE} > /dev/null || echo "This tool requires bridge"
    54  type -P ${IPTABLES} > /dev/null || echo "This tool requires iptables"
    55  type -P ${IPVSADM} > /dev/null || echo "This tool requires ipvsadm"
    56  type -P ${IP} > /dev/null || echo "This tool requires ip"
    57  type -P ${JQ} > /dev/null || echo "This tool requires jq"
    59  if ${DOCKER} network inspect --help | grep -q -- --verbose; then
    60      NETINSPECT_VERBOSE_SUPPORT="--verbose"
    61  else
    63  fi
    65  echo "Host iptables"
    66  echo_and_run ${IPTABLES} -w1 -n -v -L -t filter | grep -v '^$'
    67  echo_and_run ${IPTABLES} -w1 -n -v -L -t nat | grep -v '^$'
    68  echo_and_run ${IPTABLES} -w1 -n -v -L -t mangle | grep -v '^$'
    69  printf "\n"
    71  echo "Host links addresses and routes"
    72  echo_and_run ${IP} -o link show
    73  echo_and_run ${IP} -o -4 address show
    74  echo_and_run ${IP} -4 route show
    75  printf "\n"
    77  echo "Overlay network configuration"
    78  for networkID in $(${DOCKER} network ls --no-trunc --filter driver=overlay -q) "ingress_sbox"; do
    79      echo "nnn Network ${networkID}"
    80      if [ "${networkID}" != "ingress_sbox" ]; then
    81          nspath=($(ls ${NSDIR}/*${networkID:0:9}*))
    82          inspect_output=$(${DOCKER} network inspect ${NETINSPECT_VERBOSE_SUPPORT} ${networkID})
    83          echo "$inspect_output"
    84          check_ip_overlap $inspect_output
    85      else
    86          nspath=(${NSDIR}/${networkID})
    87      fi
    89      for i in "${nspath[@]}"
    90      do
    91        echo_and_run ${NSENTER} --net=${i} ${IP} -o -4 address show
    92        echo_and_run ${NSENTER} --net=${i} ${IP} -4 route show
    93        echo_and_run ${NSENTER} --net=${i} ${IP} -4 neigh show
    94        bridges=$(${NSENTER} --net=${i} ${IP} -j link show type bridge | ${JQ} -r '.[].ifname')
    95        # break string to array
    96        bridges=(${bridges})
    97        for b in "${bridges[@]}"
    98        do
    99          if [ -z ${b} ] || [ ${b} == "null" ]; then
   100            continue
   101          fi
   102          echo_and_run ${NSENTER} --net=${i} ${BRIDGE} fdb show br ${b}
   103        done
   104        echo_and_run ${NSENTER} --net=${i} ${IPTABLES} -w1 -n -v -L -t filter | grep -v '^$'
   105        echo_and_run ${NSENTER} --net=${i} ${IPTABLES} -w1 -n -v -L -t nat | grep -v '^$'
   106        echo_and_run ${NSENTER} --net=${i} ${IPTABLES} -w1 -n -v -L -t mangle | grep -v '^$'
   107        echo_and_run ${NSENTER} --net=${i} ${IPVSADM} -l -n
   108        printf "\n"
   109        ((networks++))
   110      done
   111  done
   113  echo "Container network configuration"
   114  while read containerID status; do
   115      echo "ccc Container ${containerID} state: ${status}"
   116      ${DOCKER} container inspect ${containerID} --format 'Name:{{json .Name | printf "%s\n"}}Id:{{json .Id | printf "%s\n"}}Hostname:{{json .Config.Hostname | printf "%s\n"}}CreatedAt:{{json .Created | printf "%s\n"}}State:{{json .State|printf "%s\n"}}RestartCount:{{json .RestartCount | printf "%s\n" }}Labels:{{json .Config.Labels | printf "%s\n"}}NetworkSettings:{{json .NetworkSettings}}' | sed '/^State:/ {s/\\"/QUOTE/g; s/,"Output":"[^"]*"//g;}'
   117      if [ ${status} = "Up" ]; then
   118          nspath=$(docker container inspect --format {{.NetworkSettings.SandboxKey}} ${containerID})
   119          echo_and_run ${NSENTER} --net=${nspath[0]} ${IP} -o -4 address show
   120          echo_and_run ${NSENTER} --net=${nspath[0]} ${IP} -4 route show
   121          echo_and_run ${NSENTER} --net=${nspath[0]} ${IP} -4 neigh show
   122          echo_and_run ${NSENTER} --net=${nspath[0]} ${IPTABLES} -w1 -n -v -L -t nat | grep -v '^$'
   123          echo_and_run ${NSENTER} --net=${nspath[0]} ${IPTABLES} -w1 -n -v -L -t mangle | grep -v '^$'
   124          echo_and_run ${NSENTER} --net=${nspath[0]} ${IPVSADM} -l -n
   125          ((containers++))
   126      fi
   127      printf "\n"
   128  done < <(${DOCKER} container ls -a --format '{{.ID}} {{.Status}}' |cut -d' ' -f1,2)
   130  if [ "true" == ${SSD} ] ; then
   131      echo "" ; echo "#### SSD control-plane and datapath consistency check on a node ####"
   132      for netName in $(docker network ls -f driver=overlay --format "{{.Name}}") ; do
   133          echo "## $netName ##"
   134          ${SSDBIN} $netName
   135          echo ""
   136      done
   137  fi
   139  echo -e "\n\n==SUMMARY=="
   140  echo -e "\t Processed $networks networks"
   141  echo -e "\t IP overlap found: $ip_overlap"
   142  echo -e "\t Processed $containers running containers"