
     1  // Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package runtime
    17  import (
    18  	"bytes"
    19  	"fmt"
    20  	"reflect"
    21  	"sync/atomic"
    22  	"unsafe"
    23  )
    25  var (
    26  	// DictType is the object representing the Python 'dict' type.
    27  	DictType              = newBasisType("dict", reflect.TypeOf(Dict{}), toDictUnsafe, ObjectType)
    28  	dictItemIteratorType  = newBasisType("dictionary-itemiterator", reflect.TypeOf(dictItemIterator{}), toDictItemIteratorUnsafe, ObjectType)
    29  	dictKeyIteratorType   = newBasisType("dictionary-keyiterator", reflect.TypeOf(dictKeyIterator{}), toDictKeyIteratorUnsafe, ObjectType)
    30  	dictValueIteratorType = newBasisType("dictionary-valueiterator", reflect.TypeOf(dictValueIterator{}), toDictValueIteratorUnsafe, ObjectType)
    31  )
    33  const (
    34  	// maxDictSize is the largest number of entries a dictionary can hold.
    35  	// Dict sizes must be a power of two and this is the largest such
    36  	// number multiplied by 2 is representable as uint32.
    37  	maxDictSize            = 1 << 30
    38  	minDictSize            = 4
    39  	maxDictWithoutHashSize = 8
    40  )
    42  // dictEntry represents an element in array of entries of the dictTable of a Dict.
    43  //
    44  // hash and key field are immutable once set, therefore, they could be checked
    45  // almost without synchronization (synchronization is made at dictTable level).
    46  // They not overwritten even when entry were deleted. Deleted entry is detected
    47  // by nil value.
    48  //
    49  // value is mutable, and therefore should be written and read with atomic
    50  // (except insertAbsentEntry, since it is synced on Dict level).
    51  // value is changed in a way nil->non-nil->non-nil->...->non-nil->nil. Once
    52  // it is set to nil, it should not be overwritten again. It is not hard demand,
    53  // but it simplifies a bit, and allows to preserve ordering, ie if dict had
    54  // no key (since it were deleted) then after insertion it should be last.
    55  type dictEntry struct {
    56  	hash  int
    57  	key   *Object
    58  	value *Object
    59  }
    61  // dictTable is the hash table underlying Dict.
    62  // It preserves insertion order of key by using array of entries and indices
    63  // into array in a hash part.
    64  // For concurrency, indices and entries pointers are never overwritten.
    65  // When entries array is full, new dictTable is created.
    66  // Hash part is twice larger than entries array, therefore, there is no need
    67  // to trace its fill factor separately.
    68  // Index to array is 1 based, and zero means never-written empty element.
    69  // Index is not cleared when entry deleted, but could be overwritten when
    70  // same key inserted again.
    71  // Index should be written with atomic after new entry is written (except insertAbsentEntry),
    72  // therefore lookupEntry could rely on it for synchronization.
    73  // fill field also plays important role in synchronization: it should be incremented
    74  // with atomic after new entry is written (except insertAbsentEntry). Using this
    75  // fact, and entry.key immutability, iteration could access key without synchronization,
    76  // though it still should check entry.value using atomic.
    77  type dictTable struct {
    78  	// used is real number of alive values in a table
    79  	used uint32
    80  	// fill is the number of slots that are used or once were used but have
    81  	// since been cleared. Thus used <= fill <= len(entries).
    82  	// it is like len(entries) if entries were slice
    83  	fill uint32
    84  	// capa is a real capacity of entries, ie cap(entries) if entries were slice
    85  	capa uint32
    86  	// mask is len(indicies)-1 , and as we use power-of-two tables, it is
    87  	// used for index calculation: hash&mask == hash%len(indices)
    88  	mask uint32
    89  	// indices is a hash part of dictTable. It contains indices into entries array.
    90  	indices *[maxDictSize * 2]uint32
    91  	// entries is a an array of entries. It is used to keep insertion order of
    92  	// entries.
    93  	entries *[maxDictSize]dictEntry
    94  }
    96  // newDictTable allocates a table where at least minCapacity entries can be
    97  // accommodated. minCapacity must be <= maxDictSize.
    98  func newDictTable(numEntries uint32) *dictTable {
    99  	// It rounds required to nearest power of two using bit trick if neccessary.
   100  	// It doesn't increase capacity if it is already power of two, unless it is
   101  	// less than minDictSize.
   102  	// For tables smaller than maxDictWithoutHashSize indices array is not allocated.
   103  	if numEntries <= minDictSize {
   104  		numEntries = minDictSize
   105  	} else if (numEntries-1)&numEntries != 0 {
   106  		numEntries |= numEntries >> 1
   107  		numEntries |= numEntries >> 2
   108  		numEntries |= numEntries >> 4
   109  		numEntries |= numEntries >> 8
   110  		numEntries |= numEntries >> 16
   111  		numEntries++
   112  	}
   113  	t := &dictTable{
   114  		capa:    numEntries,
   115  		entries: (*[maxDictSize]dictEntry)(unsafe.Pointer(&make([]dictEntry, numEntries)[0])),
   116  	}
   117  	if numEntries > maxDictWithoutHashSize {
   118  		t.mask = numEntries*2 - 1
   119  		t.indices = (*[maxDictSize * 2]uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(&make([]uint32, numEntries*2)[0]))
   120  	}
   121  	return t
   122  }
   124  func (t *dictTable) loadIndex(i uint32) uint32 {
   125  	return atomic.LoadUint32(&t.indices[i])
   126  }
   128  func (t *dictTable) storeIndex(i, idx uint32) {
   129  	atomic.StoreUint32(&t.indices[i], idx)
   130  }
   132  func (t *dictTable) loadUsed() int {
   133  	if t == nil {
   134  		return 0
   135  	}
   136  	return int(atomic.LoadUint32(&t.used))
   137  }
   139  func (t *dictTable) incUsed(n int) {
   140  	atomic.AddUint32(&t.used, uint32(n))
   141  }
   143  func (t *dictTable) loadFill() uint32 {
   144  	if t == nil {
   145  		return 0
   146  	}
   147  	return atomic.LoadUint32(&t.fill)
   148  }
   150  func (t *dictTable) incFill(n int) {
   151  	atomic.AddUint32(&t.fill, uint32(n))
   152  }
   154  func (t *dictEntry) loadValue() *Object {
   155  	p := (*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&t.value))
   156  	return (*Object)(atomic.LoadPointer(p))
   157  }
   159  func (t *dictEntry) storeValue(o *Object) {
   160  	p := (*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&t.value))
   161  	atomic.StorePointer(p, unsafe.Pointer(o))
   162  }
   164  func (t *dictEntry) swapValue(o *Object) *Object {
   165  	p := (*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&t.value))
   166  	return (*Object)(atomic.SwapPointer(p, unsafe.Pointer(o)))
   167  }
   169  // insertAbsentEntry adds the populated entry to t assuming that the key
   170  // specified in entry is absent from t. Since the key is absent, no key
   171  // comparisons are necessary to perform the insert.
   172  // It doesn't use atomic instructions and there fore it should operate only on
   173  // non-yet reachable table. Dict.storeTable is used as synchronization point.
   174  func (t *dictTable) insertAbsentEntry(entry *dictEntry) {
   175  	if t.fill == t.capa {
   176  		panic("overrun")
   177  	}
   178  	if mask := t.mask; mask != 0 {
   179  		i := uint32(entry.hash) & mask
   180  		perturb := uint(entry.hash)
   181  		index := i
   182  		// The key we're trying to insert is known to be absent from the dict
   183  		// so probe for the first zero entry.
   184  		for ; t.indices[index] != 0; index = i & mask {
   185  			i, perturb = dictNextIndex(i, perturb)
   186  		}
   187  		t.indices[index] = t.fill + 1
   188  	}
   189  	t.entries[t.fill] = *entry
   190  	t.used++
   191  	t.fill++
   192  }
   194  // lookupEntry returns the index to indices table and entry in entries with the given hash and key.
   195  // Non-nil entry could be returned if entry were deleted, therefore entry.value should be checked after.
   196  // When t.indices is allocated, it uses synchronization on t.fill, otherwise, it uses synchronization
   197  // on index (since it is written atomically after entry is written).
   198  // Therefore it is not necessary to lock the dict to do entry lookups in a consistent way.
   199  // When entry is not found, returned index points into empty place in t.indices.
   200  func (t *dictTable) lookupEntry(f *Frame, hash int, key *Object) (uint32, *dictEntry, *BaseException) {
   201  	if t == nil {
   202  		return 0, nil, nil
   203  	}
   204  	mask := t.mask
   205  	if mask == 0 {
   206  		// need to iterate in reverse order to find inserted-after-deleted entries
   207  		for eidx := t.loadFill(); eidx > 0; eidx-- {
   208  			entry := &t.entries[eidx-1]
   209  			if entry.hash == hash {
   210  				o, raised := Eq(f, entry.key, key)
   211  				if raised != nil {
   212  					return 0, nil, raised
   213  				}
   214  				eq, raised := IsTrue(f, o)
   215  				if raised != nil {
   216  					return 0, nil, raised
   217  				}
   218  				if eq {
   219  					return 0, entry, nil
   220  				}
   221  			}
   222  		}
   223  		return 0, nil, nil
   224  	}
   225  	i, perturb := uint32(hash)&mask, uint(hash)
   226  	index := i & mask
   227  	for {
   228  		idx := t.loadIndex(index)
   229  		if idx == 0 {
   230  			return index, nil, nil
   231  		}
   232  		eidx := idx - 1
   233  		entry := &t.entries[eidx]
   234  		if entry.hash == hash {
   235  			o, raised := Eq(f, entry.key, key)
   236  			if raised != nil {
   237  				return 0, nil, raised
   238  			}
   239  			eq, raised := IsTrue(f, o)
   240  			if raised != nil {
   241  				return 0, nil, raised
   242  			}
   243  			if eq {
   244  				return index, entry, nil
   245  			}
   246  		}
   247  		i, perturb = dictNextIndex(i, perturb)
   248  		index = i & mask
   249  	}
   250  }
   252  // writeNewEntry writes entry at the end of entries array, and its index
   253  // into position, returned by previously called lookupEntry (so, index
   254  // points into empty position or position bounded with the same key).
   255  // It differs from insertAbsentEntry because a) index position is known,
   256  // b) it has to use atomics to store index and increment t.fill.
   257  func (t *dictTable) writeNewEntry(index uint32, nentry *dictEntry) {
   258  	eidx := t.fill
   259  	t.entries[eidx] = *nentry
   260  	if t.mask != 0 {
   261  		// store index atomically after entry is stored to synchronize
   262  		// with lookupEntry
   263  		t.storeIndex(index, eidx+1)
   264  	}
   265  	t.incUsed(1)
   266  	// increment fill atomically after entry is stored to synchronize
   267  	// with iteration.
   268  	t.incFill(1)
   269  }
   271  // writeValue rewrites value in non-empty entry.
   272  // Old value should be non-nil and therefore it is not checked.
   273  // While it is not hard demand, but it is part of insertion-order keeping.
   274  func (t *dictTable) writeValue(entry *dictEntry, value *Object) {
   275  	entry.storeValue(value)
   276  	if value == nil {
   277  		t.incUsed(-1)
   278  	}
   279  }
   281  // growTable allocates table at least twice larger than already used space.
   282  // It should be called when t.fill == t.capa .
   283  func (t *dictTable) growTable() (*dictTable, bool) {
   284  	if t == nil {
   285  		// allocate minimal table
   286  		return newDictTable(0), true
   287  	}
   288  	var n uint32
   289  	if t.used < t.capa/2 {
   290  		n = t.used * 2
   291  	} else if t.capa <= maxDictSize/2 {
   292  		n = t.capa * 2
   293  	} else {
   294  		return nil, false
   295  	}
   296  	newTable := newDictTable(n)
   297  	for i := uint32(0); i < t.capa; i++ {
   298  		oldEntry := &t.entries[i]
   299  		if oldEntry.value != nil {
   300  			newTable.insertAbsentEntry(oldEntry)
   301  		}
   302  	}
   303  	return newTable, true
   304  }
   306  // dictEntryIterator is used to iterate over the entries in a dictTable in an
   307  // arbitrary order.
   308  type dictEntryIterator struct {
   309  	index uint32
   310  	table *dictTable
   311  }
   313  // newDictEntryIterator creates a dictEntryIterator object for d. It assumes
   314  // that d.mutex is held by the caller.
   315  func newDictEntryIterator(d *Dict) dictEntryIterator {
   316  	return dictEntryIterator{table: d.loadTable()}
   317  }
   319  // next advances this iterator to the next occupied entry and returns it.
   320  // it returns nil, nil when there is no more elements.
   321  func (iter *dictEntryIterator) next() (*Object, *Object) {
   322  	filled := iter.table.loadFill()
   323  	for {
   324  		index := atomic.AddUint32(&iter.index, 1) - 1
   325  		if index >= filled {
   326  			atomic.AddUint32(&iter.index, ^uint32(0))
   327  			return nil, nil
   328  		}
   329  		entry := &iter.table.entries[index]
   330  		if value := entry.loadValue(); value != nil {
   331  			return entry.key, value
   332  		}
   333  	}
   334  }
   336  // dictVersionGuard is used to detect when a dict has been modified.
   337  type dictVersionGuard struct {
   338  	dict    *Dict
   339  	version int64
   340  }
   342  func newDictVersionGuard(d *Dict) dictVersionGuard {
   343  	return dictVersionGuard{d, d.loadVersion()}
   344  }
   346  // check returns false if the dict held by g has changed since g was created,
   347  // true otherwise.
   348  func (g *dictVersionGuard) check() bool {
   349  	return g.dict.loadVersion() == g.version
   350  }
   352  // Dict represents Python 'dict' objects. The public methods of *Dict are
   353  // thread safe.
   354  type Dict struct {
   355  	Object
   356  	table *dictTable
   357  	// We use a recursive mutex for synchronization because the hash and
   358  	// key comparison operations may re-enter DelItem/SetItem.
   359  	mutex recursiveMutex
   360  	// version is incremented whenever the Dict is modified. See:
   361  	//
   362  	version int64
   363  }
   365  // NewDict returns an empty Dict.
   366  func NewDict() *Dict {
   367  	return &Dict{Object: Object{typ: DictType}}
   368  }
   370  func newStringDict(items map[string]*Object) *Dict {
   371  	if len(items) > maxDictSize {
   372  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("dictionary too big: %d", len(items)))
   373  	}
   374  	table := newDictTable(uint32(len(items)))
   375  	for key, value := range items {
   376  		table.insertAbsentEntry(&dictEntry{hashString(key), NewStr(key).ToObject(), value})
   377  	}
   378  	return &Dict{Object: Object{typ: DictType}, table: table}
   379  }
   381  func toDictUnsafe(o *Object) *Dict {
   382  	return (*Dict)(o.toPointer())
   383  }
   385  // loadTable atomically loads and returns d's underlying dictTable.
   386  func (d *Dict) loadTable() *dictTable {
   387  	p := (*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&d.table))
   388  	return (*dictTable)(atomic.LoadPointer(p))
   389  }
   391  // storeTable atomically updates d's underlying dictTable to the one given.
   392  func (d *Dict) storeTable(table *dictTable) {
   393  	p := (*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&d.table))
   394  	atomic.StorePointer(p, unsafe.Pointer(table))
   395  }
   397  // loadVersion atomically loads and returns d's version.
   398  func (d *Dict) loadVersion() int64 {
   399  	// 64bit atomic ops need to be 8 byte aligned. This compile time check
   400  	// verifies alignment by creating a negative constant for an unsigned type.
   401  	// See sync/atomic docs for details.
   402  	const blank = -(unsafe.Offsetof(d.version) % 8)
   403  	return atomic.LoadInt64(&d.version)
   404  }
   406  // incVersion atomically increments d's version.
   407  func (d *Dict) incVersion() {
   408  	// 64bit atomic ops need to be 8 byte aligned. This compile time check
   409  	// verifies alignment by creating a negative constant for an unsigned type.
   410  	// See sync/atomic docs for details.
   411  	const blank = -(unsafe.Offsetof(d.version) % 8)
   412  	atomic.AddInt64(&d.version, 1)
   413  }
   415  // DelItem removes the entry associated with key from d. It returns true if an
   416  // item was removed, or false if it did not exist in d.
   417  func (d *Dict) DelItem(f *Frame, key *Object) (bool, *BaseException) {
   418  	originValue, raised := d.putItem(f, key, nil, true)
   419  	if raised != nil {
   420  		return false, raised
   421  	}
   422  	return originValue != nil, nil
   423  }
   425  // DelItemString removes the entry associated with key from d. It returns true
   426  // if an item was removed, or false if it did not exist in d.
   427  func (d *Dict) DelItemString(f *Frame, key string) (bool, *BaseException) {
   428  	return d.DelItem(f, NewStr(key).ToObject())
   429  }
   431  // GetItem looks up key in d, returning the associated value or nil if key is
   432  // not present in d.
   433  func (d *Dict) GetItem(f *Frame, key *Object) (*Object, *BaseException) {
   434  	hash, raised := Hash(f, key)
   435  	if raised != nil {
   436  		return nil, raised
   437  	}
   438  	_, entry, raised := d.loadTable().lookupEntry(f, hash.Value(), key)
   439  	if raised != nil {
   440  		return nil, raised
   441  	}
   442  	if entry != nil {
   443  		return entry.loadValue(), nil
   444  	}
   445  	return nil, nil
   446  }
   448  // GetItemString looks up key in d, returning the associated value or nil if
   449  // key is not present in d.
   450  func (d *Dict) GetItemString(f *Frame, key string) (*Object, *BaseException) {
   451  	return d.GetItem(f, NewStr(key).ToObject())
   452  }
   454  // Pop looks up key in d, returning and removing the associalted value if exist,
   455  // or nil if key is not present in d.
   456  func (d *Dict) Pop(f *Frame, key *Object) (*Object, *BaseException) {
   457  	return d.putItem(f, key, nil, true)
   458  }
   460  // Keys returns a list containing all the keys in d.
   461  func (d *Dict) Keys(f *Frame) *List {
   462  	table := d.loadTable()
   463  	fill := int(table.loadFill())
   464  	used := table.loadUsed()
   465  	// since `used` is loaded after `fill`, then number of alive values
   466  	// in t.entries[:fill] could not be larger than `used`
   467  	keys := make([]*Object, used)
   468  	i := 0
   469  	for k := 0; k < fill; k++ {
   470  		entry := &table.entries[k]
   471  		if value := entry.loadValue(); value != nil {
   472  			keys[i] = entry.key
   473  			i++
   474  		}
   475  	}
   476  	return NewList(keys[:i]...)
   477  }
   479  // Len returns the number of entries in d.
   480  func (d *Dict) Len() int {
   481  	return d.loadTable().loadUsed()
   482  }
   484  // putItem associates value with key in d, returning the old associated value if
   485  // the key was added, or nil if it was not already present in d.
   486  func (d *Dict) putItem(f *Frame, key, value *Object, overwrite bool) (*Object, *BaseException) {
   487  	hash, raised := Hash(f, key)
   488  	if raised != nil {
   489  		return nil, raised
   490  	}
   491  	hashv := hash.Value()
   492  	d.mutex.Lock(f)
   493  	// we do not use `defer d.mutex.Unlock(f)` here because defer is not free: it slows putItem by 30% .
   494  	// Since putItem is a hot place, lets Unlock manually.
   495  	t := d.table
   496  	v := d.version
   497  	index, entry, raised := t.lookupEntry(f, hashv, key)
   498  	if raised != nil {
   499  		d.mutex.Unlock(f)
   500  		return nil, raised
   501  	}
   502  	if v != d.version {
   503  		// Dictionary was recursively modified. Blow up instead
   504  		// of trying to recover.
   505  		d.mutex.Unlock(f)
   506  		return nil, f.RaiseType(RuntimeErrorType, "dictionary changed during write")
   507  	}
   508  	var originValue *Object
   509  	if entry == nil || entry.value == nil {
   510  		// either key were never inserted, or it was deleted
   511  		if value != nil {
   512  			if t == nil || t.fill == d.table.capa {
   513  				if newTable, ok := d.table.growTable(); ok {
   514  					newTable.insertAbsentEntry(&dictEntry{
   515  						hash:  hashv,
   516  						key:   key,
   517  						value: value,
   518  					})
   519  					// synchronization point
   520  					d.storeTable(newTable)
   521  				} else {
   522  					d.mutex.Unlock(f)
   523  					return nil, f.RaiseType(OverflowErrorType, errResultTooLarge)
   524  				}
   525  			} else {
   526  				t.writeNewEntry(index, &dictEntry{
   527  					hash:  hashv,
   528  					key:   key,
   529  					value: value,
   530  				})
   531  			}
   532  			d.incVersion()
   533  		}
   534  	} else {
   535  		originValue = entry.value
   536  		if overwrite {
   537  			t.writeValue(entry, value)
   538  			d.incVersion()
   539  			if value == nil && t.used < t.capa/8 && t.fill > t.capa/8*5 {
   540  				if newTable, ok := t.growTable(); ok {
   541  					d.storeTable(newTable)
   542  					// doesn't increment version here, because we didn't change content in growTable.
   543  				} else {
   544  					d.mutex.Unlock(f)
   545  					panic("some unknown error on downsizing dictionary")
   546  				}
   547  			}
   548  		}
   549  	}
   550  	d.mutex.Unlock(f)
   551  	return originValue, raised
   552  }
   554  // SetItem associates value with key in d.
   555  func (d *Dict) SetItem(f *Frame, key, value *Object) *BaseException {
   556  	_, raised := d.putItem(f, key, value, true)
   557  	return raised
   558  }
   560  // SetItemString associates value with key in d.
   561  func (d *Dict) SetItemString(f *Frame, key string, value *Object) *BaseException {
   562  	return d.SetItem(f, NewStr(key).ToObject(), value)
   563  }
   565  // ToObject upcasts d to an Object.
   566  func (d *Dict) ToObject() *Object {
   567  	return &d.Object
   568  }
   570  // Update copies the items from the mapping or sequence of 2-tuples o into d.
   571  func (d *Dict) Update(f *Frame, o *Object) (raised *BaseException) {
   572  	var iter *Object
   573  	if o.isInstance(DictType) {
   574  		d2 := toDictUnsafe(o)
   575  		d2.mutex.Lock(f)
   576  		// Concurrent modifications to d2 will cause Update to raise
   577  		// "dictionary changed during iteration".
   578  		iter = newDictItemIterator(d2).ToObject()
   579  		d2.mutex.Unlock(f)
   580  	} else {
   581  		iter, raised = Iter(f, o)
   582  	}
   583  	if raised != nil {
   584  		return raised
   585  	}
   586  	return seqForEach(f, iter, func(item *Object) *BaseException {
   587  		return seqApply(f, item, func(elems []*Object, _ bool) *BaseException {
   588  			if numElems := len(elems); numElems != 2 {
   589  				format := "dictionary update sequence element has length %d; 2 is required"
   590  				return f.RaiseType(ValueErrorType, fmt.Sprintf(format, numElems))
   591  			}
   592  			return d.SetItem(f, elems[0], elems[1])
   593  		})
   594  	})
   595  }
   597  // dictsAreEqual returns true if d1 and d2 have the same keys and values, false
   598  // otherwise. If either d1 or d2 are concurrently modified then RuntimeError is
   599  // raised.
   600  func dictsAreEqual(f *Frame, d1, d2 *Dict) (bool, *BaseException) {
   601  	if d1 == d2 {
   602  		return true, nil
   603  	}
   604  	// Do not hold both locks at the same time to avoid deadlock.
   605  	d1.mutex.Lock(f)
   606  	iter := newDictEntryIterator(d1)
   607  	g1 := newDictVersionGuard(d1)
   608  	len1 := d1.Len()
   609  	d1.mutex.Unlock(f)
   610  	d2.mutex.Lock(f)
   611  	g2 := newDictVersionGuard(d2)
   612  	len2 := d2.Len()
   613  	d2.mutex.Unlock(f)
   614  	if len1 != len2 {
   615  		return false, nil
   616  	}
   617  	result := true
   618  	for key, value :=; key != nil && result; key, value = {
   619  		if v, raised := d2.GetItem(f, key); raised != nil {
   620  			return false, raised
   621  		} else if v == nil {
   622  			result = false
   623  		} else {
   624  			eq, raised := Eq(f, value, v)
   625  			if raised != nil {
   626  				return false, raised
   627  			}
   628  			result, raised = IsTrue(f, eq)
   629  			if raised != nil {
   630  				return false, raised
   631  			}
   632  		}
   633  	}
   634  	if !g1.check() || !g2.check() {
   635  		return false, f.RaiseType(RuntimeErrorType, "dictionary changed during iteration")
   636  	}
   637  	return result, nil
   638  }
   640  func dictClear(f *Frame, args Args, _ KWArgs) (*Object, *BaseException) {
   641  	if raised := checkMethodArgs(f, "clear", args, DictType); raised != nil {
   642  		return nil, raised
   643  	}
   644  	d := toDictUnsafe(args[0])
   645  	d.mutex.Lock(f)
   646  	d.table = newDictTable(0)
   647  	d.incVersion()
   648  	d.mutex.Unlock(f)
   649  	return None, nil
   650  }
   652  func dictContains(f *Frame, seq, value *Object) (*Object, *BaseException) {
   653  	item, raised := toDictUnsafe(seq).GetItem(f, value)
   654  	if raised != nil {
   655  		return nil, raised
   656  	}
   657  	return GetBool(item != nil).ToObject(), nil
   658  }
   660  func dictCopy(f *Frame, args Args, _ KWArgs) (*Object, *BaseException) {
   661  	if raised := checkMethodArgs(f, "copy", args, DictType); raised != nil {
   662  		return nil, raised
   663  	}
   664  	return DictType.Call(f, args, nil)
   665  }
   667  func dictDelItem(f *Frame, o, key *Object) *BaseException {
   668  	deleted, raised := toDictUnsafe(o).DelItem(f, key)
   669  	if raised != nil {
   670  		return raised
   671  	}
   672  	if !deleted {
   673  		return raiseKeyError(f, key)
   674  	}
   675  	return nil
   676  }
   678  func dictEq(f *Frame, v, w *Object) (*Object, *BaseException) {
   679  	if !w.isInstance(DictType) {
   680  		return NotImplemented, nil
   681  	}
   682  	eq, raised := dictsAreEqual(f, toDictUnsafe(v), toDictUnsafe(w))
   683  	if raised != nil {
   684  		return nil, raised
   685  	}
   686  	return GetBool(eq).ToObject(), nil
   687  }
   689  func dictGet(f *Frame, args Args, kwargs KWArgs) (*Object, *BaseException) {
   690  	expectedTypes := []*Type{DictType, ObjectType, ObjectType}
   691  	argc := len(args)
   692  	if argc == 2 {
   693  		expectedTypes = expectedTypes[:2]
   694  	}
   695  	if raised := checkMethodArgs(f, "get", args, expectedTypes...); raised != nil {
   696  		return nil, raised
   697  	}
   698  	item, raised := toDictUnsafe(args[0]).GetItem(f, args[1])
   699  	if raised == nil && item == nil {
   700  		item = None
   701  		if argc > 2 {
   702  			item = args[2]
   703  		}
   704  	}
   705  	return item, raised
   706  }
   708  func dictHasKey(f *Frame, args Args, _ KWArgs) (*Object, *BaseException) {
   709  	if raised := checkMethodArgs(f, "has_key", args, DictType, ObjectType); raised != nil {
   710  		return nil, raised
   711  	}
   712  	return dictContains(f, args[0], args[1])
   713  }
   715  func dictItems(f *Frame, args Args, kwargs KWArgs) (*Object, *BaseException) {
   716  	if raised := checkMethodArgs(f, "items", args, DictType); raised != nil {
   717  		return nil, raised
   718  	}
   719  	d := toDictUnsafe(args[0])
   720  	d.mutex.Lock(f)
   721  	iter := newDictItemIterator(d).ToObject()
   722  	d.mutex.Unlock(f)
   723  	return ListType.Call(f, Args{iter}, nil)
   724  }
   726  func dictIterItems(f *Frame, args Args, kwargs KWArgs) (*Object, *BaseException) {
   727  	if raised := checkMethodArgs(f, "iteritems", args, DictType); raised != nil {
   728  		return nil, raised
   729  	}
   730  	d := toDictUnsafe(args[0])
   731  	d.mutex.Lock(f)
   732  	iter := newDictItemIterator(d).ToObject()
   733  	d.mutex.Unlock(f)
   734  	return iter, nil
   735  }
   737  func dictIterKeys(f *Frame, args Args, kwargs KWArgs) (*Object, *BaseException) {
   738  	if raised := checkMethodArgs(f, "iterkeys", args, DictType); raised != nil {
   739  		return nil, raised
   740  	}
   741  	return dictIter(f, args[0])
   742  }
   744  func dictIterValues(f *Frame, args Args, kwargs KWArgs) (*Object, *BaseException) {
   745  	if raised := checkMethodArgs(f, "itervalues", args, DictType); raised != nil {
   746  		return nil, raised
   747  	}
   748  	d := toDictUnsafe(args[0])
   749  	d.mutex.Lock(f)
   750  	iter := newDictValueIterator(d).ToObject()
   751  	d.mutex.Unlock(f)
   752  	return iter, nil
   753  }
   755  func dictKeys(f *Frame, args Args, kwargs KWArgs) (*Object, *BaseException) {
   756  	if raised := checkMethodArgs(f, "keys", args, DictType); raised != nil {
   757  		return nil, raised
   758  	}
   759  	return toDictUnsafe(args[0]).Keys(f).ToObject(), nil
   760  }
   762  func dictGetItem(f *Frame, o, key *Object) (*Object, *BaseException) {
   763  	item, raised := toDictUnsafe(o).GetItem(f, key)
   764  	if raised != nil {
   765  		return nil, raised
   766  	}
   767  	if item == nil {
   768  		return nil, raiseKeyError(f, key)
   769  	}
   770  	return item, nil
   771  }
   773  func dictInit(f *Frame, o *Object, args Args, kwargs KWArgs) (*Object, *BaseException) {
   774  	var expectedTypes []*Type
   775  	argc := len(args)
   776  	if argc > 0 {
   777  		expectedTypes = []*Type{ObjectType}
   778  	}
   779  	if raised := checkFunctionArgs(f, "__init__", args, expectedTypes...); raised != nil {
   780  		return nil, raised
   781  	}
   782  	d := toDictUnsafe(o)
   783  	if argc > 0 {
   784  		if raised := d.Update(f, args[0]); raised != nil {
   785  			return nil, raised
   786  		}
   787  	}
   788  	for _, kwarg := range kwargs {
   789  		if raised := d.SetItemString(f, kwarg.Name, kwarg.Value); raised != nil {
   790  			return nil, raised
   791  		}
   792  	}
   793  	return None, nil
   794  }
   796  func dictIter(f *Frame, o *Object) (*Object, *BaseException) {
   797  	d := toDictUnsafe(o)
   798  	d.mutex.Lock(f)
   799  	iter := newDictKeyIterator(d).ToObject()
   800  	d.mutex.Unlock(f)
   801  	return iter, nil
   802  }
   804  func dictLen(f *Frame, o *Object) (*Object, *BaseException) {
   805  	d := toDictUnsafe(o)
   806  	ret := NewInt(d.Len()).ToObject()
   807  	return ret, nil
   808  }
   810  func dictNE(f *Frame, v, w *Object) (*Object, *BaseException) {
   811  	if !w.isInstance(DictType) {
   812  		return NotImplemented, nil
   813  	}
   814  	eq, raised := dictsAreEqual(f, toDictUnsafe(v), toDictUnsafe(w))
   815  	if raised != nil {
   816  		return nil, raised
   817  	}
   818  	return GetBool(!eq).ToObject(), nil
   819  }
   821  func dictNew(f *Frame, t *Type, _ Args, _ KWArgs) (*Object, *BaseException) {
   822  	d := toDictUnsafe(newObject(t))
   823  	d.table = newDictTable(0)
   824  	return d.ToObject(), nil
   825  }
   827  func dictPop(f *Frame, args Args, _ KWArgs) (*Object, *BaseException) {
   828  	expectedTypes := []*Type{DictType, ObjectType, ObjectType}
   829  	argc := len(args)
   830  	if argc == 2 {
   831  		expectedTypes = expectedTypes[:2]
   832  	}
   833  	if raised := checkMethodArgs(f, "pop", args, expectedTypes...); raised != nil {
   834  		return nil, raised
   835  	}
   836  	key := args[1]
   837  	d := toDictUnsafe(args[0])
   838  	item, raised := d.Pop(f, key)
   839  	if raised == nil && item == nil {
   840  		if argc > 2 {
   841  			item = args[2]
   842  		} else {
   843  			raised = raiseKeyError(f, key)
   844  		}
   845  	}
   846  	return item, raised
   847  }
   849  func dictPopItem(f *Frame, args Args, _ KWArgs) (item *Object, raised *BaseException) {
   850  	if raised := checkMethodArgs(f, "popitem", args, DictType); raised != nil {
   851  		return nil, raised
   852  	}
   853  	d := toDictUnsafe(args[0])
   854  	d.mutex.Lock(f)
   855  	defer d.mutex.Unlock(f)
   856  	if d.table.used == 0 {
   857  		return nil, f.RaiseType(KeyErrorType, "popitem(): dictionary is empty")
   858  	}
   859  	// unfortunately, 3.7 standardized popping last key-value
   860  	for i := int(d.table.fill) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
   861  		entry := &d.table.entries[i]
   862  		if entry.value != nil {
   863  			item = NewTuple(entry.key, entry.value).ToObject()
   864  			entry.storeValue(nil)
   865  			d.table.incUsed(-1)
   866  			d.incVersion()
   867  			return item, nil
   868  		}
   869  	}
   870  	panic("there shall be at least one item")
   871  }
   873  func dictRepr(f *Frame, o *Object) (*Object, *BaseException) {
   874  	d := toDictUnsafe(o)
   875  	if f.reprEnter(d.ToObject()) {
   876  		return NewStr("{...}").ToObject(), nil
   877  	}
   878  	defer f.reprLeave(d.ToObject())
   879  	// Lock d so that we get a consistent view of it. Otherwise we may
   880  	// return a state that d was never actually in.
   881  	d.mutex.Lock(f)
   882  	defer d.mutex.Unlock(f)
   883  	var buf bytes.Buffer
   884  	buf.WriteString("{")
   885  	iter := newDictEntryIterator(d)
   886  	i := 0
   887  	for key, value :=; key != nil; key, value = {
   888  		if i > 0 {
   889  			buf.WriteString(", ")
   890  		}
   891  		s, raised := Repr(f, key)
   892  		if raised != nil {
   893  			return nil, raised
   894  		}
   895  		buf.WriteString(s.Value())
   896  		buf.WriteString(": ")
   897  		if s, raised = Repr(f, value); raised != nil {
   898  			return nil, raised
   899  		}
   900  		buf.WriteString(s.Value())
   901  		i++
   902  	}
   903  	buf.WriteString("}")
   904  	return NewStr(buf.String()).ToObject(), nil
   905  }
   907  func dictSetDefault(f *Frame, args Args, _ KWArgs) (*Object, *BaseException) {
   908  	argc := len(args)
   909  	if argc == 1 {
   910  		return nil, f.RaiseType(TypeErrorType, "setdefault expected at least 1 arguments, got 0")
   911  	}
   912  	if argc > 3 {
   913  		return nil, f.RaiseType(TypeErrorType, fmt.Sprintf("setdefault expected at most 2 arguments, got %v", argc-1))
   914  	}
   915  	expectedTypes := []*Type{DictType, ObjectType, ObjectType}
   916  	if argc == 2 {
   917  		expectedTypes = expectedTypes[:2]
   918  	}
   919  	if raised := checkMethodArgs(f, "setdefault", args, expectedTypes...); raised != nil {
   920  		return nil, raised
   921  	}
   922  	d := toDictUnsafe(args[0])
   923  	key := args[1]
   924  	var value *Object
   925  	if argc > 2 {
   926  		value = args[2]
   927  	} else {
   928  		value = None
   929  	}
   930  	originValue, raised := d.putItem(f, key, value, false)
   931  	if originValue != nil {
   932  		return originValue, raised
   933  	}
   934  	return value, raised
   935  }
   937  func dictSetItem(f *Frame, o, key, value *Object) *BaseException {
   938  	return toDictUnsafe(o).SetItem(f, key, value)
   939  }
   941  func dictUpdate(f *Frame, args Args, kwargs KWArgs) (*Object, *BaseException) {
   942  	expectedTypes := []*Type{DictType, ObjectType}
   943  	argc := len(args)
   944  	if argc == 1 {
   945  		expectedTypes = expectedTypes[:1]
   946  	}
   947  	if raised := checkMethodArgs(f, "update", args, expectedTypes...); raised != nil {
   948  		return nil, raised
   949  	}
   950  	d := toDictUnsafe(args[0])
   951  	if argc > 1 {
   952  		if raised := d.Update(f, args[1]); raised != nil {
   953  			return nil, raised
   954  		}
   955  	}
   956  	for _, kwarg := range kwargs {
   957  		if raised := d.SetItemString(f, kwarg.Name, kwarg.Value); raised != nil {
   958  			return nil, raised
   959  		}
   960  	}
   961  	return None, nil
   962  }
   964  func dictValues(f *Frame, args Args, kwargs KWArgs) (*Object, *BaseException) {
   965  	if raised := checkMethodArgs(f, "values", args, DictType); raised != nil {
   966  		return nil, raised
   967  	}
   968  	iter, raised := dictIterValues(f, args, nil)
   969  	if raised != nil {
   970  		return nil, raised
   971  	}
   972  	return ListType.Call(f, Args{iter}, nil)
   973  }
   975  func initDictType(dict map[string]*Object) {
   976  	dict["clear"] = newBuiltinFunction("clear", dictClear).ToObject()
   977  	dict["copy"] = newBuiltinFunction("copy", dictCopy).ToObject()
   978  	dict["get"] = newBuiltinFunction("get", dictGet).ToObject()
   979  	dict["has_key"] = newBuiltinFunction("has_key", dictHasKey).ToObject()
   980  	dict["items"] = newBuiltinFunction("items", dictItems).ToObject()
   981  	dict["iteritems"] = newBuiltinFunction("iteritems", dictIterItems).ToObject()
   982  	dict["iterkeys"] = newBuiltinFunction("iterkeys", dictIterKeys).ToObject()
   983  	dict["itervalues"] = newBuiltinFunction("itervalues", dictIterValues).ToObject()
   984  	dict["keys"] = newBuiltinFunction("keys", dictKeys).ToObject()
   985  	dict["pop"] = newBuiltinFunction("pop", dictPop).ToObject()
   986  	dict["popitem"] = newBuiltinFunction("popitem", dictPopItem).ToObject()
   987  	dict["setdefault"] = newBuiltinFunction("setdefault", dictSetDefault).ToObject()
   988  	dict["update"] = newBuiltinFunction("update", dictUpdate).ToObject()
   989  	dict["values"] = newBuiltinFunction("values", dictValues).ToObject()
   990  	DictType.slots.Contains = &binaryOpSlot{dictContains}
   991  	DictType.slots.DelItem = &delItemSlot{dictDelItem}
   992  	DictType.slots.Eq = &binaryOpSlot{dictEq}
   993  	DictType.slots.GetItem = &binaryOpSlot{dictGetItem}
   994  	DictType.slots.Hash = &unaryOpSlot{hashNotImplemented}
   995  	DictType.slots.Init = &initSlot{dictInit}
   996  	DictType.slots.Iter = &unaryOpSlot{dictIter}
   997  	DictType.slots.Len = &unaryOpSlot{dictLen}
   998  	DictType.slots.NE = &binaryOpSlot{dictNE}
   999  	DictType.slots.New = &newSlot{dictNew}
  1000  	DictType.slots.Repr = &unaryOpSlot{dictRepr}
  1001  	DictType.slots.SetItem = &setItemSlot{dictSetItem}
  1002  }
  1004  type dictItemIterator struct {
  1005  	Object
  1006  	iter  dictEntryIterator
  1007  	guard dictVersionGuard
  1008  }
  1010  // newDictItemIterator creates a dictItemIterator object for d. It assumes that
  1011  // d.mutex is held by the caller.
  1012  func newDictItemIterator(d *Dict) *dictItemIterator {
  1013  	return &dictItemIterator{
  1014  		Object: Object{typ: dictItemIteratorType},
  1015  		iter:   newDictEntryIterator(d),
  1016  		guard:  newDictVersionGuard(d),
  1017  	}
  1018  }
  1020  func toDictItemIteratorUnsafe(o *Object) *dictItemIterator {
  1021  	return (*dictItemIterator)(o.toPointer())
  1022  }
  1024  func (iter *dictItemIterator) ToObject() *Object {
  1025  	return &iter.Object
  1026  }
  1028  func dictItemIteratorIter(f *Frame, o *Object) (*Object, *BaseException) {
  1029  	return o, nil
  1030  }
  1032  func dictItemIteratorNext(f *Frame, o *Object) (ret *Object, raised *BaseException) {
  1033  	iter := toDictItemIteratorUnsafe(o)
  1034  	key, value, raised := dictIteratorNext(f, &iter.iter, &iter.guard)
  1035  	if raised != nil {
  1036  		return nil, raised
  1037  	}
  1038  	return NewTuple2(key, value).ToObject(), nil
  1039  }
  1041  func initDictItemIteratorType(map[string]*Object) {
  1042  	dictItemIteratorType.flags &^= typeFlagBasetype | typeFlagInstantiable
  1043  	dictItemIteratorType.slots.Iter = &unaryOpSlot{dictItemIteratorIter}
  1044  	dictItemIteratorType.slots.Next = &unaryOpSlot{dictItemIteratorNext}
  1045  }
  1047  type dictKeyIterator struct {
  1048  	Object
  1049  	iter  dictEntryIterator
  1050  	guard dictVersionGuard
  1051  }
  1053  // newDictKeyIterator creates a dictKeyIterator object for d. It assumes that
  1054  // d.mutex is held by the caller.
  1055  func newDictKeyIterator(d *Dict) *dictKeyIterator {
  1056  	return &dictKeyIterator{
  1057  		Object: Object{typ: dictKeyIteratorType},
  1058  		iter:   newDictEntryIterator(d),
  1059  		guard:  newDictVersionGuard(d),
  1060  	}
  1061  }
  1063  func toDictKeyIteratorUnsafe(o *Object) *dictKeyIterator {
  1064  	return (*dictKeyIterator)(o.toPointer())
  1065  }
  1067  func (iter *dictKeyIterator) ToObject() *Object {
  1068  	return &iter.Object
  1069  }
  1071  func dictKeyIteratorIter(f *Frame, o *Object) (*Object, *BaseException) {
  1072  	return o, nil
  1073  }
  1075  func dictKeyIteratorNext(f *Frame, o *Object) (*Object, *BaseException) {
  1076  	iter := toDictKeyIteratorUnsafe(o)
  1077  	key, _, raised := dictIteratorNext(f, &iter.iter, &iter.guard)
  1078  	if raised != nil {
  1079  		return nil, raised
  1080  	}
  1081  	return key, nil
  1082  }
  1084  func initDictKeyIteratorType(map[string]*Object) {
  1085  	dictKeyIteratorType.flags &^= typeFlagBasetype | typeFlagInstantiable
  1086  	dictKeyIteratorType.slots.Iter = &unaryOpSlot{dictKeyIteratorIter}
  1087  	dictKeyIteratorType.slots.Next = &unaryOpSlot{dictKeyIteratorNext}
  1088  }
  1090  type dictValueIterator struct {
  1091  	Object
  1092  	iter  dictEntryIterator
  1093  	guard dictVersionGuard
  1094  }
  1096  // newDictValueIterator creates a dictValueIterator object for d. It assumes
  1097  // that d.mutex is held by the caller.
  1098  func newDictValueIterator(d *Dict) *dictValueIterator {
  1099  	return &dictValueIterator{
  1100  		Object: Object{typ: dictValueIteratorType},
  1101  		iter:   newDictEntryIterator(d),
  1102  		guard:  newDictVersionGuard(d),
  1103  	}
  1104  }
  1106  func toDictValueIteratorUnsafe(o *Object) *dictValueIterator {
  1107  	return (*dictValueIterator)(o.toPointer())
  1108  }
  1110  func (iter *dictValueIterator) ToObject() *Object {
  1111  	return &iter.Object
  1112  }
  1114  func dictValueIteratorIter(f *Frame, o *Object) (*Object, *BaseException) {
  1115  	return o, nil
  1116  }
  1118  func dictValueIteratorNext(f *Frame, o *Object) (*Object, *BaseException) {
  1119  	iter := toDictValueIteratorUnsafe(o)
  1120  	_, value, raised := dictIteratorNext(f, &iter.iter, &iter.guard)
  1121  	if raised != nil {
  1122  		return nil, raised
  1123  	}
  1124  	return value, nil
  1125  }
  1127  func initDictValueIteratorType(map[string]*Object) {
  1128  	dictValueIteratorType.flags &^= typeFlagBasetype | typeFlagInstantiable
  1129  	dictValueIteratorType.slots.Iter = &unaryOpSlot{dictValueIteratorIter}
  1130  	dictValueIteratorType.slots.Next = &unaryOpSlot{dictValueIteratorNext}
  1131  }
  1133  func raiseKeyError(f *Frame, key *Object) *BaseException {
  1134  	s, raised := ToStr(f, key)
  1135  	if raised == nil {
  1136  		raised = f.RaiseType(KeyErrorType, s.Value())
  1137  	}
  1138  	return raised
  1139  }
  1141  func dictNextIndex(i uint32, perturb uint) (uint32, uint) {
  1142  	return (i << 2) + i + uint32(perturb) + 1, perturb >> 5
  1143  }
  1145  func dictIteratorNext(f *Frame, iter *dictEntryIterator, guard *dictVersionGuard) (*Object, *Object, *BaseException) {
  1146  	// NOTE: The behavior here diverges from CPython where an iterator that
  1147  	// is exhausted will always return StopIteration regardless whether the
  1148  	// underlying dict is subsequently modified. In Grumpy, an iterator for
  1149  	// a dict that has been modified will always raise RuntimeError even if
  1150  	// the iterator was exhausted before the modification.
  1151  	key, value :=
  1152  	if !guard.check() {
  1153  		return nil, nil, f.RaiseType(RuntimeErrorType, "dictionary changed during iteration")
  1154  	}
  1155  	if key == nil {
  1156  		return nil, nil, f.Raise(StopIterationType.ToObject(), nil, nil)
  1157  	}
  1158  	return key, value, nil
  1159  }