
     1  // Copyright 2015 The Prometheus Authors
     2  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     3  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     4  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     5  //
     6  //
     7  //
     8  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     9  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    10  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    11  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    12  // limitations under the License.
    14  package file
    16  import (
    17  	"context"
    18  	"encoding/json"
    19  	"fmt"
    20  	"io/ioutil"
    21  	"os"
    22  	"path/filepath"
    23  	"regexp"
    24  	"strings"
    25  	"sync"
    26  	"time"
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	pmodel ""
    36  	""
    37  	yaml ""
    38  )
    40  var (
    41  	fileSDScanDuration = prometheus.NewSummary(
    42  		prometheus.SummaryOpts{
    43  			Name:       "pyroscope_sd_file_scan_duration_seconds",
    44  			Help:       "The duration of the File-SD scan in seconds.",
    45  			Objectives: map[float64]float64{0.5: 0.05, 0.9: 0.01, 0.99: 0.001},
    46  		})
    47  	fileSDReadErrorsCount = prometheus.NewCounter(
    48  		prometheus.CounterOpts{
    49  			Name: "pyroscope_sd_file_read_errors_total",
    50  			Help: "The number of File-SD read errors.",
    51  		})
    52  	fileSDTimeStamp = NewTimestampCollector()
    54  	patFileSDName = regexp.MustCompile(`^[^*]*(\*[^/]*)?\.(json|yml|yaml|JSON|YML|YAML)$`)
    56  	// DefaultSDConfig is the default file SD configuration.
    57  	DefaultSDConfig = SDConfig{
    58  		RefreshInterval: model.Duration(5 * time.Minute),
    59  	}
    60  )
    62  func init() {
    63  	discovery.RegisterConfig(&SDConfig{})
    64  	prometheus.MustRegister(fileSDScanDuration, fileSDReadErrorsCount, fileSDTimeStamp)
    65  }
    67  // SDConfig is the configuration for file based discovery.
    68  type SDConfig struct {
    69  	Files           []string       `yaml:"files"`
    70  	RefreshInterval model.Duration `yaml:"refresh-interval,omitempty"`
    71  }
    73  // Name returns the name of the Config.
    74  func (*SDConfig) Name() string { return "file" }
    76  // NewDiscoverer returns a Discoverer for the Config.
    77  func (c *SDConfig) NewDiscoverer(opts discovery.DiscovererOptions) (discovery.Discoverer, error) {
    78  	return NewDiscovery(c, opts.Logger), nil
    79  }
    81  // SetDirectory joins any relative file paths with dir.
    82  func (c *SDConfig) SetDirectory(dir string) {
    83  	for i, file := range c.Files {
    84  		c.Files[i] = config.JoinDir(dir, file)
    85  	}
    86  }
    88  // UnmarshalYAML implements the yaml.Unmarshaler interface.
    89  func (c *SDConfig) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
    90  	*c = DefaultSDConfig
    91  	type plain SDConfig
    92  	err := unmarshal((*plain)(c))
    93  	if err != nil {
    94  		return err
    95  	}
    96  	if len(c.Files) == 0 {
    97  		return errors.New("file service discovery config must contain at least one path name")
    98  	}
    99  	for _, name := range c.Files {
   100  		if !patFileSDName.MatchString(name) {
   101  			return errors.Errorf("path name %q is not valid for file discovery", name)
   102  		}
   103  	}
   104  	return nil
   105  }
   107  const fileSDFilepathLabel = model.MetaLabelPrefix + "filepath"
   109  // TimestampCollector is a Custom Collector for Timestamps of the files.
   110  type TimestampCollector struct {
   111  	Description *prometheus.Desc
   112  	discoverers map[*Discovery]struct{}
   113  	lock        sync.RWMutex
   114  }
   116  // Describe method sends the description to the channel.
   117  func (t *TimestampCollector) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) {
   118  	ch <- t.Description
   119  }
   121  // Collect creates constant metrics for each file with last modified time of the file.
   122  func (t *TimestampCollector) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
   123  	// New map to dedup filenames.
   124  	uniqueFiles := make(map[string]float64)
   125  	t.lock.RLock()
   126  	for fileSD := range t.discoverers {
   127  		fileSD.lock.RLock()
   128  		for filename, timestamp := range fileSD.timestamps {
   129  			uniqueFiles[filename] = timestamp
   130  		}
   131  		fileSD.lock.RUnlock()
   132  	}
   133  	t.lock.RUnlock()
   134  	for filename, timestamp := range uniqueFiles {
   135  		ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(
   136  			t.Description,
   137  			prometheus.GaugeValue,
   138  			timestamp,
   139  			filename,
   140  		)
   141  	}
   142  }
   144  func (t *TimestampCollector) addDiscoverer(disc *Discovery) {
   145  	t.lock.Lock()
   146  	t.discoverers[disc] = struct{}{}
   147  	t.lock.Unlock()
   148  }
   150  func (t *TimestampCollector) removeDiscoverer(disc *Discovery) {
   151  	t.lock.Lock()
   152  	delete(t.discoverers, disc)
   153  	t.lock.Unlock()
   154  }
   156  // NewTimestampCollector creates a TimestampCollector.
   157  func NewTimestampCollector() *TimestampCollector {
   158  	return &TimestampCollector{
   159  		Description: prometheus.NewDesc(
   160  			"pyroscope_sd_file_mtime_seconds",
   161  			"Timestamp (mtime) of files read by FileSD. Timestamp is set at read time.",
   162  			[]string{"filename"},
   163  			nil,
   164  		),
   165  		discoverers: make(map[*Discovery]struct{}),
   166  	}
   167  }
   169  // Discovery provides service discovery functionality based
   170  // on files that contain target groups in JSON or YAML format. Refreshing
   171  // happens using file watches and periodic refreshes.
   172  type Discovery struct {
   173  	paths      []string
   174  	watcher    *fsnotify.Watcher
   175  	interval   time.Duration
   176  	timestamps map[string]float64
   177  	lock       sync.RWMutex
   179  	// lastRefresh stores which files were found during the last refresh
   180  	// and how many target groups they contained.
   181  	// This is used to detect deleted target groups.
   182  	lastRefresh map[string]int
   183  	logger      logrus.FieldLogger
   184  }
   186  // NewDiscovery returns a new file discovery for the given paths.
   187  func NewDiscovery(conf *SDConfig, logger logrus.FieldLogger) *Discovery {
   188  	disc := &Discovery{
   189  		paths:      conf.Files,
   190  		interval:   time.Duration(conf.RefreshInterval),
   191  		timestamps: make(map[string]float64),
   192  		logger:     logger,
   193  	}
   194  	fileSDTimeStamp.addDiscoverer(disc)
   195  	return disc
   196  }
   198  // listFiles returns a list of all files that match the configured patterns.
   199  func (d *Discovery) listFiles() []string {
   200  	var paths []string
   201  	for _, p := range d.paths {
   202  		files, err := filepath.Glob(p)
   203  		if err != nil {
   204  			d.logger.WithError(err).WithField("glob", p).Error("Error expanding glob")
   205  			continue
   206  		}
   207  		paths = append(paths, files...)
   208  	}
   209  	return paths
   210  }
   212  // watchFiles sets watches on all full paths or directories that were configured for
   213  // this file discovery.
   214  func (d *Discovery) watchFiles() {
   215  	if d.watcher == nil {
   216  		panic("no watcher configured")
   217  	}
   218  	for _, p := range d.paths {
   219  		if idx := strings.LastIndex(p, "/"); idx > -1 {
   220  			p = p[:idx]
   221  		} else {
   222  			p = "./"
   223  		}
   224  		if err := d.watcher.Add(p); err != nil {
   225  			d.logger.WithError(err).WithField("path", p).Error("Error adding file watch")
   226  		}
   227  	}
   228  }
   230  // Run implements the Discoverer interface.
   231  func (d *Discovery) Run(ctx context.Context, ch chan<- []*targetgroup.Group) {
   232  	watcher, err := fsnotify.NewWatcher()
   233  	if err != nil {
   234  		d.logger.WithError(err).Error("Error adding file watcher")
   235  		return
   236  	}
   237  	d.watcher = watcher
   238  	defer d.stop()
   240  	d.refresh(ctx, ch)
   242  	ticker := time.NewTicker(d.interval)
   243  	defer ticker.Stop()
   245  	for {
   246  		select {
   247  		case <-ctx.Done():
   248  			return
   250  		case event := <-d.watcher.Events:
   251  			// fsnotify sometimes sends a bunch of events without name or operation.
   252  			// It's unclear what they are and why they are sent - filter them out.
   253  			if len(event.Name) == 0 {
   254  				break
   255  			}
   256  			// Everything but a chmod requires rereading.
   257  			if event.Op^fsnotify.Chmod == 0 {
   258  				break
   259  			}
   260  			// Changes to a file can spawn various sequences of events with
   261  			// different combinations of operations. For all practical purposes
   262  			// this is inaccurate.
   263  			// The most reliable solution is to reload everything if anything happens.
   264  			d.refresh(ctx, ch)
   266  		case <-ticker.C:
   267  			// Setting a new watch after an update might fail. Make sure we don't lose
   268  			// those files forever.
   269  			d.refresh(ctx, ch)
   271  		case err := <-d.watcher.Errors:
   272  			if err != nil {
   273  				d.logger.WithError(err).Error("Error watching file")
   274  			}
   275  		}
   276  	}
   277  }
   279  func (d *Discovery) writeTimestamp(filename string, timestamp float64) {
   280  	d.lock.Lock()
   281  	d.timestamps[filename] = timestamp
   282  	d.lock.Unlock()
   283  }
   285  func (d *Discovery) deleteTimestamp(filename string) {
   286  	d.lock.Lock()
   287  	delete(d.timestamps, filename)
   288  	d.lock.Unlock()
   289  }
   291  // stop shuts down the file watcher.
   292  func (d *Discovery) stop() {
   293  	d.logger.WithField("paths", fmt.Sprintf("%v", d.paths)).Debug("Stopping file discovery...")
   294  	done := make(chan struct{})
   295  	defer close(done)
   297  	fileSDTimeStamp.removeDiscoverer(d)
   299  	// Closing the watcher will deadlock unless all events and errors are drained.
   300  	go func() {
   301  		for {
   302  			select {
   303  			case <-d.watcher.Errors:
   304  			case <-d.watcher.Events:
   305  				// Drain all events and errors.
   306  			case <-done:
   307  				return
   308  			}
   309  		}
   310  	}()
   311  	if err := d.watcher.Close(); err != nil {
   312  		d.logger.WithError(err).WithField("paths", fmt.Sprintf("%v", d.paths)).Error("Error closing file watcher")
   313  	}
   314  	d.logger.Debug("File discovery stopped")
   315  }
   317  // refresh reads all files matching the discovery's patterns and sends the respective
   318  // updated target groups through the channel.
   319  func (d *Discovery) refresh(ctx context.Context, ch chan<- []*targetgroup.Group) {
   320  	t0 := time.Now()
   321  	defer func() {
   322  		fileSDScanDuration.Observe(time.Since(t0).Seconds())
   323  	}()
   324  	ref := map[string]int{}
   325  	for _, p := range d.listFiles() {
   326  		tgroups, err := d.readFile(p)
   327  		if err != nil {
   328  			fileSDReadErrorsCount.Inc()
   330  			d.logger.WithField("path", p).WithError(err).Debug("Error reading file")
   331  			// Prevent deletion down below.
   332  			ref[p] = d.lastRefresh[p]
   333  			continue
   334  		}
   335  		select {
   336  		case ch <- tgroups:
   337  		case <-ctx.Done():
   338  			return
   339  		}
   341  		ref[p] = len(tgroups)
   342  	}
   343  	// Send empty updates for sources that disappeared.
   344  	for f, n := range d.lastRefresh {
   345  		m, ok := ref[f]
   346  		if !ok || n > m {
   347  			d.logger.Debug("msg", "file_sd refresh found file that should be removed", "file", f)
   348  			d.deleteTimestamp(f)
   349  			for i := m; i < n; i++ {
   350  				select {
   351  				case ch <- []*targetgroup.Group{{Source: fileSource(f, i)}}:
   352  				case <-ctx.Done():
   353  					return
   354  				}
   355  			}
   356  		}
   357  	}
   358  	d.lastRefresh = ref
   360  	d.watchFiles()
   361  }
   363  // readFile reads a JSON or YAML list of targets groups from the file, depending on its
   364  // file extension. It returns full configuration target groups.
   365  func (d *Discovery) readFile(filename string) ([]*targetgroup.Group, error) {
   366  	fd, err := os.Open(filename)
   367  	if err != nil {
   368  		return nil, err
   369  	}
   370  	defer fd.Close()
   372  	content, err := ioutil.ReadAll(fd)
   373  	if err != nil {
   374  		return nil, err
   375  	}
   377  	info, err := fd.Stat()
   378  	if err != nil {
   379  		return nil, err
   380  	}
   382  	var targetGroups []*targetgroup.Group
   384  	switch ext := filepath.Ext(filename); strings.ToLower(ext) {
   385  	case ".json":
   386  		if err := json.Unmarshal(content, &targetGroups); err != nil {
   387  			return nil, err
   388  		}
   389  	case ".yml", ".yaml":
   390  		if err := yaml.UnmarshalStrict(content, &targetGroups); err != nil {
   391  			return nil, err
   392  		}
   393  	default:
   394  		panic(errors.Errorf("discovery.File.readFile: unhandled file extension %q", ext))
   395  	}
   397  	for i, tg := range targetGroups {
   398  		if tg == nil {
   399  			err = errors.New("nil target group item found")
   400  			return nil, err
   401  		}
   403  		tg.Source = fileSource(filename, i)
   404  		if tg.Labels == nil {
   405  			tg.Labels = pmodel.LabelSet{}
   406  		}
   407  		tg.Labels[fileSDFilepathLabel] = pmodel.LabelValue(filename)
   408  	}
   410  	d.writeTimestamp(filename, float64(info.ModTime().Unix()))
   411  	return targetGroups, nil
   412  }
   414  // fileSource returns a source ID for the i-th target group in the file.
   415  func fileSource(filename string, i int) string {
   416  	return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", filename, i)
   417  }