
     1  # this docker-compose file is used to test base-url functionality
     2  #   run `docker-compose up --build` and then open http://localhost:8081/pyroscope in your browser
     3  #   key thing to look for is any sort of errors in the browser console
     4  # ask Dmitry (@petethepig) for oauth-config.yml file
     5  ---
     6  version: '3.8'
     8  services:
     9    caddy:
    10      image: caddy
    11      ports:
    12        - 8081:8080
    13        - 8082:8080
    14      volumes:
    15        - ./Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile:ro
    17    pyroscope:
    18      build:
    19        context: ../../../
    20      command:
    21        - server
    22        - -log-level
    23        - debug
    24      ports:
    25        - 4040:4040
    26      environment:
    27        # it should work with all of these variations:
    28        # - PYROSCOPE_BASE_URL=http://localhost:8081/pyroscope
    29        # - PYROSCOPE_BASE_URL=
    30        # - PYROSCOPE_BASE_URL=/long/path/pyroscope
    31      volumes:
    32        - ./oauth-config.yml:/etc/pyroscope/server.yml
    34    # this allows you to test that the version without base-url still works
    35    pyroscope-no-base-url:
    36      build:
    37        context: ../../../
    38      command:
    39        - server
    40      ports:
    41        - 4041:4040