(about) 1 # Webapp 2 3 # Tests 4 ## Snapshot tests 5 Similar to what we do in cypress, we take snapshots of the canvas. 6 7 To make the results reproducible, we run in `docker` 8 9 To update the snapshots, run 10 ``` 11 yarn test:ss 12 ``` 13 14 To check the snapshots, run 15 ``` 16 yarn test:ss:check 17 ``` 18 19 Here ONLY tests matching the regex `group:snapshot` will run. 20 And the opposite is true, when running `yarn test`, these tests with `group:snapshot` in the name will be ignored. 21 22 # dependencies vs devDependencies 23 When installing a new package, consider the following: 24 Add to `dependencies` if it's **absolutely necessary to build** the application. 25 Anything else (local dev, CI) add too `devDependencies`. 26 27 The reasoning is that when building the docker image we install only `dependencies` required to build the application, by running `yarn install --production`. 28 Linting, testing etc is assumed to be ran in a different CI step. 29 30 # Using alias imports 31 Alias imports allow importing as if it was an external package, for example: 32 ```javascript 33 import Button from '@ui/Button'; 34 ``` 35 36 To be able to do that, you need to add the alias to the following files: 37 * `.storybook/main.js` 38 * `scripts/webpack/shared.ts` 39 * `tsconfig.json` 40 * `jest.config.js` 41 42 # Developing the webapp/templates page 43 By default, developing pages other than the index require a bit of setup: 44 45 46 For example, acessing http://locahlost:4040/forbidden won't work 47 To be able to access it, update the variable `pages` in `scripts/webpack.common.ts` to allow building all pages when in dev mode. 48 49 Beware, this will make the (local) build slower. 50 51 # Investigating webpack speed 52 Run with `--progress=profile` to get more info. 53 54 for example `yarn dev --progress=profile` 55 56 57 Another interesting flag is `--json`, which you can then analyze on 58 59 # Testing baseURL 60 It can be a bit of a pain in the ass. 61 62 Install nginx 63 ``` 64 nginx -c cypress/base-url/nginx.conf -g 'daemon off;' 65 ``` 66 67 Then run the server with `PYROSCOPE_BASE_URL=/pyroscope` 68 69 ## Testing baseURL + auth 70 Same as before, but also run the `oauth2-mock-server`: 71 ``` 72 node scripts/oauth-mock/oauth-mock.js 73 ``` 74 75 Also run the server with 76 ``` 77 make dev SERVERPARAMS=--config=scripts/oauth-mock/pyroscope-config-base-url.yml 78 ```