
     1  import type { Profile, Groups } from '@pyroscope/models/src';
     2  import type { Timeline } from '@webapp/models/timeline';
     3  import type { Annotation } from '@webapp/models/annotation';
     4  import type { App } from '@webapp/models/app';
     6  type NewAnnotationState =
     7    | {
     8        type: 'pristine';
     9      }
    10    | { type: 'saving' };
    12  type SingleView =
    13    | { type: 'pristine'; profile?: Profile }
    14    | { type: 'loading'; profile?: Profile }
    15    | {
    16        type: 'loaded';
    17        timeline: Timeline;
    18        profile: Profile;
    19        annotations: Annotation[];
    20      }
    21    | {
    22        type: 'reloading';
    23        timeline: Timeline;
    24        profile: Profile;
    25        annotations: Annotation[];
    26      };
    28  type TagExplorerView = GroupByType &
    29    GroupsLoadingType &
    30    ActiveProfileType & {
    31      annotations: Annotation[];
    32    };
    34  type GroupByType = {
    35    groupByTag: string;
    36    groupByTagValue: string;
    37  };
    39  type GroupsLoadingType =
    40    | {
    41        groupsLoadingType: 'pristine';
    42        groups: Groups;
    43      }
    44    | {
    45        groupsLoadingType: 'loading';
    46        groups: Groups;
    47      }
    48    | {
    49        groupsLoadingType: 'loaded';
    50        groups: Groups;
    51      }
    52    | {
    53        groupsLoadingType: 'reloading';
    54        groups: Groups;
    55      };
    57  type ActiveProfileType =
    58    | {
    59        activeTagProfileLoadingType: 'pristine';
    60      }
    61    | {
    62        activeTagProfileLoadingType: 'loading';
    63      }
    64    | {
    65        activeTagProfileLoadingType: 'loaded';
    66        activeTagProfile: Profile;
    67      }
    68    | {
    69        activeTagProfileLoadingType: 'reloading';
    70        activeTagProfile: Profile;
    71      };
    73  type ComparisonView = {
    74    left:
    75      | { type: 'pristine'; profile?: Profile }
    76      | { type: 'loading'; profile?: Profile }
    77      | { type: 'loaded'; profile: Profile }
    78      | { type: 'reloading'; profile: Profile };
    80    right:
    81      | { type: 'pristine'; profile?: Profile }
    82      | { type: 'loading'; profile?: Profile }
    83      | { type: 'loaded'; profile: Profile }
    84      | { type: 'reloading'; profile: Profile };
    86    comparisonMode: {
    87      active: boolean;
    88      period: {
    89        label: string;
    90        ms: number;
    91      };
    92    };
    93  };
    95  type DiffView =
    96    | { type: 'pristine'; profile?: Profile }
    97    | { type: 'loading'; profile?: Profile }
    98    | { type: 'loaded'; profile: Profile }
    99    | { type: 'reloading'; profile: Profile };
   101  type TimelineState =
   102    | { type: 'pristine'; timeline: Timeline }
   103    | { type: 'loading'; timeline: Timeline }
   104    | { type: 'reloading'; timeline: Timeline }
   105    | { type: 'loaded'; timeline: Timeline; annotations: Annotation[] };
   107  type TagsData =
   108    | { type: 'pristine' }
   109    | { type: 'loading' }
   110    | { type: 'failed' }
   111    | { type: 'loaded'; values: string[] };
   113  // Tags really refer to each application
   114  // Should we nest them to an application?
   115  export type TagsState =
   116    | { type: 'pristine'; tags: Record<string, TagsData> }
   117    | { type: 'loading'; tags: Record<string, TagsData> }
   118    | {
   119        type: 'loaded';
   120        tags: Record<string, TagsData>;
   121        from: number;
   122        until: number;
   123      }
   124    | { type: 'failed'; tags: Record<string, TagsData> };
   126  // TODO
   127  type appName = string;
   128  type Tags = Record<appName, TagsState>;
   130  export interface ContinuousState {
   131    from: string;
   132    until: string;
   133    leftFrom: string;
   134    leftUntil: string;
   135    rightFrom: string;
   136    rightUntil: string;
   137    query: string;
   138    leftQuery?: string;
   139    rightQuery?: string;
   140    maxNodes: string;
   141    refreshToken?: string;
   143    singleView: SingleView;
   144    diffView: DiffView;
   145    comparisonView: ComparisonView;
   146    tagExplorerView: TagExplorerView;
   147    newAnnotation: NewAnnotationState;
   148    tags: Tags;
   150    apps:
   151      | { type: 'loaded'; data: App[] }
   152      | { type: 'reloading'; data: App[] }
   153      | { type: 'failed'; data: App[] };
   155    // Since both comparison and diff use the same timeline
   156    // Makes sense storing them separately
   157    leftTimeline: TimelineState;
   158    rightTimeline: TimelineState;
   159  }