
     1  /* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */
     2  import { add, format, getUnixTime } from 'date-fns';
     4  const multiplierMapping = new Map(
     5    Object.entries({
     6      s: 'seconds',
     7      m: 'minutes',
     8      h: 'hours',
     9      d: 'days',
    10      w: 'weeks',
    11      M: 'months',
    12      y: 'years',
    13    })
    14  );
    16  export function convertPresetsToDate(from: string) {
    17    const match = from.match(/^now-(?<number>\d+)(?<multiplier>\D+)$/);
    18    if (!match) {
    19      throw new Error(`Could not apply regex to '${from}'`);
    20    }
    22    const { groups } = match;
    23    if (!groups) {
    24      throw new Error(`Could not extract required fields from regex'`);
    25    }
    27    const { number, multiplier } = groups;
    29    const _multiplier = multiplierMapping.get(multiplier);
    30    if (!_multiplier) {
    31      throw new Error(`Cant access ${multiplier} from map`);
    32    }
    33    const now = new Date();
    35    const _from =
    36      add(now, {
    37        [_multiplier]: -number,
    38      }).getTime() / 1000;
    40    return { _from, number, _multiplier };
    41  }
    43  export function readableRange(
    44    from: string,
    45    until: string,
    46    offsetInMinutes: number
    47  ) {
    48    const dateFormat = 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm a';
    49    if (/^now-/.test(from) && until === 'now') {
    50      const { number, _multiplier } = convertPresetsToDate(from);
    51      const multiplier =
    52        parseInt(number, 10) >= 2 ? _multiplier : _multiplier.slice(0, -1);
    53      return `Last ${number} ${multiplier}`;
    54    }
    56    const d1 = getUTCdate(parseUnixTime(from), offsetInMinutes);
    57    const d2 = getUTCdate(parseUnixTime(until), offsetInMinutes);
    59    if (!isValidDate(d1) || !isValidDate(d2)) {
    60      return '';
    61    }
    63    return `${format(d1, dateFormat)} - ${format(d2, dateFormat)}`;
    64  }
    66  function isValidDate(d: Date) {
    67    return d instanceof Date && !isNaN(d.getTime());
    68  }
    70  /**
    71   * formateAsOBject() returns a Date object
    72   * based on the passed-in parameter value
    73   * which is either a Number repsenting a date
    74   * or a default preset(example: "now-1h")
    75   * this is neccessary because the DatePicker component
    76   * from react-datepicker package has a property (selected)
    77   * that requires an input of type Date if we passed another
    78   * type the Component will throw an error and the app will crash
    79   */
    80  export function formatAsOBject(value: string) {
    81    if (/^now-/.test(value)) {
    82      const { _from } = convertPresetsToDate(value);
    83      return new Date(_from * 1000);
    84    }
    85    if (value === 'now') {
    86      return new Date();
    87    }
    88    return parseUnixTime(value);
    89  }
    91  export function parseUnixTime(value: string) {
    92    const parsed = parseInt(value, 10);
    93    switch (value.length) {
    94      default:
    95        // Seconds.
    96        return new Date(parsed * 1000);
    97      case 13: // Milliseconds.
    98        return new Date(parsed);
    99      case 16: // Microseconds.
   100        return new Date(Math.round(parsed / 1000));
   101      case 19: // Nanoseconds.
   102        return new Date(Math.round(parsed / 1000 / 1000));
   103    }
   104  }
   106  export const getUTCdate = (date: Date, offsetInMinutes: number): Date =>
   107    offsetInMinutes === 0
   108      ? new Date(date.getTime() + date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000)
   109      : date;
   111  export const getTimelineFormatDate = (date: Date, hours: number) => {
   112    if (hours < 12) {
   113      return format(date, 'HH:mm:ss');
   114    }
   115    if (hours >= 12 && hours <= 24) {
   116      return format(date, 'HH:mm');
   117    }
   118    if (hours > 24) {
   119      return format(date, 'MMM do HH:mm');
   120    }
   121    return format(date, 'MMM do HH:mm');
   122  };
   124  export function timezoneToOffset(timezone: 'utc' | 'browser'): number {
   125    if (timezone === 'utc') {
   126      return 0;
   127    }
   129    // Use browser's
   130    // FIXME: this does not account for arbitrary timezones
   131    // eg one that is not the user's browser
   132    return new Date().getTimezoneOffset();
   133  }
   135  /**
   136   * given a Date returns its representation in unix timestamp
   137   */
   138  export function toUnixTimestamp(d: Date) {
   139    return getUnixTime(d);
   140  }