
     1  // Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  // Parallel for algorithm.
     7  package runtime
     9  // A parfor holds state for the parallel for operation.
    10  type parfor struct {
    11  	body   func(*parfor, uint32) // executed for each element
    12  	done   uint32                // number of idle threads
    13  	nthr   uint32                // total number of threads
    14  	thrseq uint32                // thread id sequencer
    15  	cnt    uint32                // iteration space [0, cnt)
    16  	wait   bool                  // if true, wait while all threads finish processing,
    17  	// otherwise parfor may return while other threads are still working
    19  	thr []parforthread // thread descriptors
    21  	// stats
    22  	nsteal     uint64
    23  	nstealcnt  uint64
    24  	nprocyield uint64
    25  	nosyield   uint64
    26  	nsleep     uint64
    27  }
    29  // A parforthread holds state for a single thread in the parallel for.
    30  type parforthread struct {
    31  	// the thread's iteration space [32lsb, 32msb)
    32  	pos uint64
    33  	// stats
    34  	nsteal     uint64
    35  	nstealcnt  uint64
    36  	nprocyield uint64
    37  	nosyield   uint64
    38  	nsleep     uint64
    39  	pad        [_CacheLineSize]byte
    40  }
    42  func parforalloc(nthrmax uint32) *parfor {
    43  	return &parfor{
    44  		thr: make([]parforthread, nthrmax),
    45  	}
    46  }
    48  // Parforsetup initializes desc for a parallel for operation with nthr
    49  // threads executing n jobs.
    50  //
    51  // On return the nthr threads are each expected to call parfordo(desc)
    52  // to run the operation. During those calls, for each i in [0, n), one
    53  // thread will be used invoke body(desc, i).
    54  // If wait is true, no parfordo will return until all work has been completed.
    55  // If wait is false, parfordo may return when there is a small amount
    56  // of work left, under the assumption that another thread has that
    57  // work well in hand.
    58  func parforsetup(desc *parfor, nthr, n uint32, wait bool, body func(*parfor, uint32)) {
    59  	if desc == nil || nthr == 0 || nthr > uint32(len(desc.thr)) || body == nil {
    60  		print("desc=", desc, " nthr=", nthr, " count=", n, " body=", body, "\n")
    61  		throw("parfor: invalid args")
    62  	}
    64  	desc.body = body
    65  	desc.done = 0
    66  	desc.nthr = nthr
    67  	desc.thrseq = 0
    68  	desc.cnt = n
    69  	desc.wait = wait
    70  	desc.nsteal = 0
    71  	desc.nstealcnt = 0
    72  	desc.nprocyield = 0
    73  	desc.nosyield = 0
    74  	desc.nsleep = 0
    76  	for i := range desc.thr {
    77  		begin := uint32(uint64(n) * uint64(i) / uint64(nthr))
    78  		end := uint32(uint64(n) * uint64(i+1) / uint64(nthr))
    79  		desc.thr[i].pos = uint64(begin) | uint64(end)<<32
    80  	}
    81  }
    83  func parfordo(desc *parfor) {
    84  	// Obtain 0-based thread index.
    85  	tid := xadd(&desc.thrseq, 1) - 1
    86  	if tid >= desc.nthr {
    87  		print("tid=", tid, " nthr=", desc.nthr, "\n")
    88  		throw("parfor: invalid tid")
    89  	}
    91  	// If single-threaded, just execute the for serially.
    92  	body := desc.body
    93  	if desc.nthr == 1 {
    94  		for i := uint32(0); i < desc.cnt; i++ {
    95  			body(desc, i)
    96  		}
    97  		return
    98  	}
   100  	me := &desc.thr[tid]
   101  	mypos := &me.pos
   102  	for {
   103  		for {
   104  			// While there is local work,
   105  			// bump low index and execute the iteration.
   106  			pos := xadd64(mypos, 1)
   107  			begin := uint32(pos) - 1
   108  			end := uint32(pos >> 32)
   109  			if begin < end {
   110  				body(desc, begin)
   111  				continue
   112  			}
   113  			break
   114  		}
   116  		// Out of work, need to steal something.
   117  		idle := false
   118  		for try := uint32(0); ; try++ {
   119  			// If we don't see any work for long enough,
   120  			// increment the done counter...
   121  			if try > desc.nthr*4 && !idle {
   122  				idle = true
   123  				xadd(&desc.done, 1)
   124  			}
   126  			// ...if all threads have incremented the counter,
   127  			// we are done.
   128  			extra := uint32(0)
   129  			if !idle {
   130  				extra = 1
   131  			}
   132  			if desc.done+extra == desc.nthr {
   133  				if !idle {
   134  					xadd(&desc.done, 1)
   135  				}
   136  				goto exit
   137  			}
   139  			// Choose a random victim for stealing.
   140  			var begin, end uint32
   141  			victim := fastrand1() % (desc.nthr - 1)
   142  			if victim >= tid {
   143  				victim++
   144  			}
   145  			victimpos := &desc.thr[victim].pos
   146  			for {
   147  				// See if it has any work.
   148  				pos := atomicload64(victimpos)
   149  				begin = uint32(pos)
   150  				end = uint32(pos >> 32)
   151  				if begin+1 >= end {
   152  					end = 0
   153  					begin = end
   154  					break
   155  				}
   156  				if idle {
   157  					xadd(&desc.done, -1)
   158  					idle = false
   159  				}
   160  				begin2 := begin + (end-begin)/2
   161  				newpos := uint64(begin) | uint64(begin2)<<32
   162  				if cas64(victimpos, pos, newpos) {
   163  					begin = begin2
   164  					break
   165  				}
   166  			}
   167  			if begin < end {
   168  				// Has successfully stolen some work.
   169  				if idle {
   170  					throw("parfor: should not be idle")
   171  				}
   172  				atomicstore64(mypos, uint64(begin)|uint64(end)<<32)
   173  				me.nsteal++
   174  				me.nstealcnt += uint64(end) - uint64(begin)
   175  				break
   176  			}
   178  			// Backoff.
   179  			if try < desc.nthr {
   180  				// nothing
   181  			} else if try < 4*desc.nthr {
   182  				me.nprocyield++
   183  				procyield(20)
   184  			} else if !desc.wait {
   185  				// If a caller asked not to wait for the others, exit now
   186  				// (assume that most work is already done at this point).
   187  				if !idle {
   188  					xadd(&desc.done, 1)
   189  				}
   190  				goto exit
   191  			} else if try < 6*desc.nthr {
   192  				me.nosyield++
   193  				osyield()
   194  			} else {
   195  				me.nsleep++
   196  				usleep(1)
   197  			}
   198  		}
   199  	}
   201  exit:
   202  	xadd64(&desc.nsteal, int64(me.nsteal))
   203  	xadd64(&desc.nstealcnt, int64(me.nstealcnt))
   204  	xadd64(&desc.nprocyield, int64(me.nprocyield))
   205  	xadd64(&desc.nosyield, int64(me.nosyield))
   206  	xadd64(&desc.nsleep, int64(me.nsleep))
   207  	me.nsteal = 0
   208  	me.nstealcnt = 0
   209  	me.nprocyield = 0
   210  	me.nosyield = 0
   211  	me.nsleep = 0
   212  }