
     1  #!/bin/sh
     2  set -e
     3  command -v gh >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
     4  	printf 'need "gh" tool:\n'>&2
     5  	exit 1
     6  }
     7  : "${GH_REPO:=quay/claircore}"
     8  export GH_REPO
     9  : "${BRANCH:=$(git branch --show-current)}"
    10  # Autodetect weirdos that use upsteam+origin instead of origin+fork.
    11  : "${REMOTE:=$(git remote | grep -q '^upstream$' && echo upstream || echo origin)}"
    12  while getopts hb:r: arg; do
    13  	case "$arg" in
    14  		b) BRANCH="$OPTARG";;
    15  		r) REMOTE="$OPTARG";;
    16  		?) printf 'usage: %s: [-h] [-b BRANCH] [-r REMOTE] version\n' "$0"
    17  			exit 2;;
    18  	esac
    19  done
    20  shift $((OPTIND - 1))
    21  VERSION="${1:?need a version argument}"
    22  VERSION="v${VERSION#v}"
    24  prs=$(gh search prs --repo $GH_REPO --state closed --merged --label=needs-changelog --json=title,url | jq -r '.[] | (.url | @text) + " - " + (.title | @text)')
    25  if [ -n "$prs" ]
    26  then
    27      echo "There are still PRs that need changelog entries"
    28      echo $prs
    29      exit 1
    30  fi
    32  printf 'operating on branch: %s\n' "$BRANCH" >&2
    33  gh workflow run prepare-release.yml -F "branch=$BRANCH" -F "tag=$VERSION"
    34  # TODO(hank) Watch for a gh update that has the above command output the ID.
    35  id=$(gh run list --workflow=prepare-release.yml --limit=1  | grep -Eo '[0-9]{9,}')
    36  gh run watch "${id}"
    37  cat <<.
    38  Now, to merge and release:
    40  	git checkout ${BRANCH}
    41  	git fetch ${REMOTE}
    42  	git merge --ff-only ${REMOTE}/ready-${VERSION}
    43  	git tag -s ${VERSION}
    44  	git push ${REMOTE} ${BRANCH} :ready-${VERSION} tag ${VERSION}
    46  .