(about) 1 -- Needed for uuid generation in-database. 2 -- The inline function makes for a nicer error message. 3 DO $$ 4 DECLARE 5 hint text; 6 detail text; 7 code text; 8 BEGIN 9 EXECUTE 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp"'; 10 EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN 11 -- 12 GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS 13 code = RETURNED_SQLSTATE, 14 detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, 15 hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT; 16 RAISE EXCEPTION USING 17 MESSAGE = 'Please load the "uuid-ossp" extension.', 18 ERRCODE = code, 19 DETAIL = detail, 20 HINT = hint; 21 END; 22 $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 23 -- Update_operation is a table keeping a log of updater runs. 24 -- 25 -- Ref is used when a specific update_operation needs to be exposed to a 26 -- client. 27 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS update_operation ( 28 id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, 29 ref uuid UNIQUE DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), 30 updater TEXT NOT NULL, 31 fingerprint TEXT, 32 date TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT now() 33 ); 34 CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uo_updater_idx ON update_operation (updater); 35 -- Create the type used as a column later. 36 CREATE TYPE VersionRange AS RANGE ( SUBTYPE = integer[10]); 37 -- Vuln is a write-once table of vulnerabilities. 38 -- 39 -- Updaters should attempt to insert vulnerabilities and on success or 40 -- collision, insert a row into ou_vuln. 41 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vuln ( 42 id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, 43 hash_kind TEXT NOT NULL, 44 hash BYTEA NOT NULL, 45 updater TEXT, 46 name TEXT, 47 description TEXT, 48 issued timestamptz, 49 links TEXT, 50 severity TEXT, 51 normalized_severity TEXT, 52 package_name TEXT, 53 package_version TEXT, 54 package_module TEXT, 55 package_arch TEXT, 56 package_kind TEXT, 57 dist_id TEXT, 58 dist_name TEXT, 59 dist_version TEXT, 60 dist_version_code_name TEXT, 61 dist_version_id TEXT, 62 dist_arch TEXT, 63 dist_cpe TEXT, 64 dist_pretty_name TEXT, 65 repo_name TEXT, 66 repo_key TEXT, 67 repo_uri TEXT, 68 fixed_in_version TEXT, 69 arch_operation TEXT, 70 vulnerable_range VersionRange NOT NULL DEFAULT VersionRange('{}', '{}', '()'), 71 version_kind TEXT, 72 UNIQUE (hash_kind, hash) 73 ); 74 -- this index is tuned for the application. if you change this measure pre and post 75 -- change query speeds when generating vulnerability reports. 76 CREATE INDEX vuln_lookup_idx on vuln (package_name, dist_id, 77 dist_name, dist_pretty_name, 78 dist_version, dist_version_id, 79 package_module, dist_version_code_name, 80 repo_name, dist_arch, 81 dist_cpe, repo_key, 82 repo_uri); 83 -- Uo_vuln is the association table that does the many-many association 84 -- between update operations and vulnerabilities. 85 -- 86 -- The FKs enable us to GC the vulnerabilities by first removing old 87 -- update_operation rows and having that cascade to this table, then 88 -- remove vulnerabilities that are not referenced from this table. 89 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS uo_vuln ( 90 uo bigint REFERENCES update_operation (id) ON DELETE CASCADE, 91 vuln bigint REFERENCES vuln (id) ON DELETE CASCADE, 92 PRIMARY KEY (uo, vuln) 93 ); 94 -- Latest_vuln is a helper view to get the current snapshot of the vuln database. 95 CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW latest_vuln AS 96 SELECT v.* 97 FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ON (updater) id FROM update_operation ORDER BY updater, id DESC) uo 98 JOIN uo_vuln ON uo_vuln.uo = 99 JOIN vuln v ON uo_vuln.vuln =;