
     1  #!/bin/sh
     2  # Takes a list of identifiers as arguments and prints OVAL definitions from the specified OVAL XML.
     3  # The "p" flag allows for specifying a substring of a package name to return objects naming it from the Vulnerability.
     4  set -e
     6  needcmd() {
     7  	for cmd in "$@"; do
     8  		if ! command -v "$cmd" 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
     9  			printf 'need command: %s\n' "$cmd" >&2
    10  			exit 99
    11  		fi
    12  	done
    13  }
    14  needcmd wget xmllint zstd
    16  pkgname=''
    17  dofetch=0
    18  url=''
    19  while getopts fp:u: flag; do
    20  	case $flag in
    21  	f) dofetch=1;;
    22  	p) pkgname="$OPTARG";;
    23  	u) url="$OPTARG";;
    24  	?)
    25  		printf "Usage: %s: [-f] [-p package_name] -u URL ID...\n" "$0" >&2
    26  		exit 2;;
    27  	esac
    28  done
    29  shift $((OPTIND - 1))
    30  if [ "$#" -eq 0 ] || [ -z "$url" ]; then
    31  	printf "Usage: %s: [-f] [-p package_name] -u URL ID...\n" "$0" >&2
    32  	exit 2
    33  fi
    34  : "$url"
    35  : "$@"
    37  workdir=/tmp/OVAL
    38  test -d "$workdir" || mkdir -p "$workdir"
    39  infile="${workdir}/$(basename "$url").zst"
    41  if test "$dofetch" -eq 1 || ! test -f "$infile"; then 
    42  	echo \# fetching "$(basename "$url")" >&2
    43  	wget -q -O - "$url" |
    44  		xmllint --format - |
    45  		zstd > "$infile"
    46  	echo \# OK >&2
    47  fi
    49  # OVAL documents use namespaces, which xmllint has poor support for from the command line.
    50  # The query needs to end up looking something like:
    51  #
    52  #	xmllint --xpath '//*[local-name()="definition"][.//*[local-name()="criterion" and contains(@comment, "pkg")]]/
    54  q=''
    55  for id in "$@"; do
    56  	q="${q}${q:+ or }(local-name()='reference' and @ref_id='${id}')"
    57  done
    58  q="//*[local-name()='definition'][.//*[(${q})"
    59  if test -n "$pkgname"; then
    60  	q="${q} or (local-name()='criterion' and contains(@name, '${pkgname}'))"
    61  fi
    62  q="${q}]]"
    63  : "$q"
    65  zstdcat "$infile" |
    66  	xmllint --xpath "$q" -