
     1  package poolstats
     3  import (
     4  	"time"
     6  	""
     7  	""
     8  )
    10  var (
    11  	_ prometheus.Collector = (*Collector)(nil)
    12  	_ stat                 = (*pgxpool.Stat)(nil)
    13  )
    15  // Stat is the interface implemented by pgxpool.Stat.
    16  type stat interface {
    17  	AcquireCount() int64
    18  	AcquireDuration() time.Duration
    19  	AcquiredConns() int32
    20  	CanceledAcquireCount() int64
    21  	ConstructingConns() int32
    22  	EmptyAcquireCount() int64
    23  	IdleConns() int32
    24  	MaxConns() int32
    25  	TotalConns() int32
    26  }
    28  type staterFunc func() stat
    30  // Collector is a prometheus.Collector that will collect the nine statistics produced by pgxpool.Stat.
    31  type Collector struct {
    32  	name string
    33  	stat staterFunc
    35  	acquireCountDesc         *prometheus.Desc
    36  	acquireDurationDesc      *prometheus.Desc
    37  	acquiredConnsDesc        *prometheus.Desc
    38  	canceledAcquireCountDesc *prometheus.Desc
    39  	constructingConnsDesc    *prometheus.Desc
    40  	emptyAcquireCountDesc    *prometheus.Desc
    41  	idleConnsDesc            *prometheus.Desc
    42  	maxConnsDesc             *prometheus.Desc
    43  	totalConnsDesc           *prometheus.Desc
    44  }
    46  // Stater is a provider of the Stat() function. Implemented by pgxpool.Pool.
    47  type Stater interface {
    48  	Stat() *pgxpool.Stat
    49  }
    51  // NewCollector creates a new Collector to collect stats from pgxpool.
    52  func NewCollector(stater Stater, appname string) *Collector {
    53  	fn := func() stat { return stater.Stat() }
    54  	return newCollector(fn, appname)
    55  }
    57  // NewCollector is an internal only constructor for a Collecter. It accepts a
    58  // staterFunc which provides a closure for requesting pgxpool.Stat metrics.
    59  // Labels to each metric and may be nil. A label is recommended when an
    60  // application uses more than one pgxpool.Pool to enable differentiation between
    61  // them.
    62  func newCollector(fn staterFunc, n string) *Collector {
    63  	var constLabels = prometheus.Labels{"application_name": n}
    64  	return &Collector{
    65  		name: n,
    66  		stat: fn,
    67  		acquireCountDesc: prometheus.NewDesc(
    68  			"pgxpool_acquire_count",
    69  			"Cumulative count of successful acquires from the pool.",
    70  			nil, constLabels),
    71  		acquireDurationDesc: prometheus.NewDesc(
    72  			"pgxpool_acquire_duration_seconds_total",
    73  			"Total duration of all successful acquires from the pool in nanoseconds.",
    74  			nil, constLabels),
    75  		acquiredConnsDesc: prometheus.NewDesc(
    76  			"pgxpool_acquired_conns",
    77  			"Number of currently acquired connections in the pool.",
    78  			nil, constLabels),
    79  		canceledAcquireCountDesc: prometheus.NewDesc(
    80  			"pgxpool_canceled_acquire_count",
    81  			"Cumulative count of acquires from the pool that were canceled by a context.",
    82  			nil, constLabels),
    83  		constructingConnsDesc: prometheus.NewDesc(
    84  			"pgxpool_constructing_conns",
    85  			"Number of conns with construction in progress in the pool.",
    86  			nil, constLabels),
    87  		emptyAcquireCountDesc: prometheus.NewDesc(
    88  			"pgxpool_empty_acquire",
    89  			"Cumulative count of successful acquires from the pool that waited for a resource to be released or constructed because the pool was empty.",
    90  			nil, constLabels),
    91  		idleConnsDesc: prometheus.NewDesc(
    92  			"pgxpool_idle_conns",
    93  			"Number of currently idle conns in the pool.",
    94  			nil, constLabels),
    95  		maxConnsDesc: prometheus.NewDesc(
    96  			"pgxpool_max_conns",
    97  			"Maximum size of the pool.",
    98  			nil, constLabels),
    99  		totalConnsDesc: prometheus.NewDesc(
   100  			"pgxpool_total_conns",
   101  			"Total number of resources currently in the pool. The value is the sum of ConstructingConns, AcquiredConns, and IdleConns.",
   102  			nil, constLabels),
   103  	}
   104  }
   106  // Describe implements the prometheus.Collector interface.
   107  func (c *Collector) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) {
   108  	prometheus.DescribeByCollect(c, ch)
   109  }
   111  // Collect implements the prometheus.Collector interface.
   112  func (c *Collector) Collect(metrics chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
   113  	s := c.stat()
   114  	metrics <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(
   115  		c.acquireCountDesc,
   116  		prometheus.CounterValue,
   117  		float64(s.AcquireCount()),
   118  	)
   119  	metrics <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(
   120  		c.acquireDurationDesc,
   121  		prometheus.CounterValue,
   122  		s.AcquireDuration().Seconds(),
   123  	)
   124  	metrics <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(
   125  		c.acquiredConnsDesc,
   126  		prometheus.GaugeValue,
   127  		float64(s.AcquiredConns()),
   128  	)
   129  	metrics <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(
   130  		c.canceledAcquireCountDesc,
   131  		prometheus.CounterValue,
   132  		float64(s.CanceledAcquireCount()),
   133  	)
   134  	metrics <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(
   135  		c.constructingConnsDesc,
   136  		prometheus.GaugeValue,
   137  		float64(s.ConstructingConns()),
   138  	)
   139  	metrics <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(
   140  		c.emptyAcquireCountDesc,
   141  		prometheus.CounterValue,
   142  		float64(s.EmptyAcquireCount()),
   143  	)
   144  	metrics <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(
   145  		c.idleConnsDesc,
   146  		prometheus.GaugeValue,
   147  		float64(s.IdleConns()),
   148  	)
   149  	metrics <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(
   150  		c.maxConnsDesc,
   151  		prometheus.GaugeValue,
   152  		float64(s.MaxConns()),
   153  	)
   154  	metrics <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(
   155  		c.totalConnsDesc,
   156  		prometheus.GaugeValue,
   157  		float64(s.TotalConns()),
   158  	)
   159  }