
     1  # This image is the base image for all s2i configurable container images.
     2  FROM sha256:6f683d6ef7a8199fdabf203f98cce97d628e40eefa42b7085f1f151d384a97fc
     4  ENV SUMMARY="Base image which allows using of source-to-image."	\
     5      DESCRIPTION="The s2i-core image provides any images layered on top of it \
     6  with all the tools needed to use source-to-image functionality while keeping \
     7  the image size as small as possible."
     9  LABEL summary="$SUMMARY" \
    10        description="$DESCRIPTION" \
    11        io.k8s.description="$DESCRIPTION" \
    12        io.k8s.display-name="s2i core" \
    13        io.openshift.s2i.scripts-url=image:///usr/libexec/s2i \
    14        io.s2i.scripts-url=image:///usr/libexec/s2i \
    15        com.redhat.component="s2i-core-container" \
    16        name="rhscl/s2i-core-rhel7" \
    17        version="1" \
    18        com.redhat.license_terms=""
    20  ENV \
    21      # DEPRECATED: Use above LABEL instead, because this will be removed in future versions.
    22      STI_SCRIPTS_URL=image:///usr/libexec/s2i \
    23      # Path to be used in other layers to place s2i scripts into
    24      STI_SCRIPTS_PATH=/usr/libexec/s2i \
    25      APP_ROOT=/opt/app-root \
    26      # The $HOME is not set by default, but some applications needs this variable
    27      # TODO: There is a bug in rhel7.1 image where the PATH variable is not exported
    28      # properly as container image metadata, which causes the $PATH variable do not
    29      # expand properly.
    30      HOME=/opt/app-root/src \
    31      PATH=/opt/app-root/src/bin:/opt/app-root/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin \
    32      PLATFORM="el7"
    34  # When bash is started non-interactively, to run a shell script, for example it
    35  # looks for this variable and source the content of this file. This will enable
    36  # the SCL for all scripts without need to do 'scl enable'.
    37  ENV BASH_ENV=${APP_ROOT}/etc/scl_enable \
    38      ENV=${APP_ROOT}/etc/scl_enable \
    39      PROMPT_COMMAND=". ${APP_ROOT}/etc/scl_enable"
    41  # Copy just prepare-yum-repositories that is needed for packages install step,
    42  # other files might be added later so changing them does not cause packages
    43  # to be installed again, which takes long time
    44  COPY ./root/usr/bin/prepare-yum-repositories /usr/bin/prepare-yum-repositories
    46  # This is the list of basic dependencies that all language container image can
    47  # consume.
    48  # Also setup the 'openshift' user that is used for the build execution and for the
    49  # application runtime execution.
    50  # TODO: Use better UID and GID values
    51  RUN prepare-yum-repositories && \
    52    INSTALL_PKGS="bsdtar \
    53    findutils \
    54    gettext \
    55    groff-base \
    56    rsync \
    57    scl-utils \
    58    tar \
    59    unzip \
    60    yum-utils" && \
    61    mkdir -p ${HOME}/.pki/nssdb && \
    62    chown -R 1001:0 ${HOME}/.pki && \
    63    yum install -y --setopt=tsflags=nodocs $INSTALL_PKGS && \
    64    rpm -V $INSTALL_PKGS && \
    65    yum -y clean all --enablerepo='*'
    67  # Copy extra files to the image.
    68  COPY ./root/ /
    70  # Directory with the sources is set as the working directory so all STI scripts
    71  # can execute relative to this path.
    72  WORKDIR ${HOME}
    74  ENTRYPOINT ["container-entrypoint"]
    75  CMD ["base-usage"]
    77  # Reset permissions of modified directories and add default user
    78  RUN rpm-file-permissions && \
    79    useradd -u 1001 -r -g 0 -d ${HOME} -s /sbin/nologin \
    80        -c "Default Application User" default && \
    81    chown -R 1001:0 ${APP_ROOT}
    83  ADD help.1 /help.1
    84  ADD s2i-core-container-1-235.json /root/buildinfo/content_manifests/s2i-core-container-1-235.json
    85  LABEL "release"="235" "distribution-scope"="public" "vendor"="Red Hat, Inc." "build-date"="2021-10-06T13:08:17.304497" "architecture"="x86_64" "vcs-type"="git" "vcs-ref"="7fb31fe42247120f04b5e2d94f1719411f1037e8" ""="" "url"=""