
     1  {
     2    "architecture": "x86_64",
     3    "build-date": "2021-10-06T13:08:17.304497",
     4    "": "",
     5    "com.redhat.component": "s2i-core-container",
     6    "com.redhat.license_terms": "",
     7    "description": "The s2i-core image provides any images layered on top of it with all the tools needed to use source-to-image functionality while keeping the image size as small as possible.",
     8    "distribution-scope": "public",
     9    "io.k8s.description": "The s2i-core image provides any images layered on top of it with all the tools needed to use source-to-image functionality while keeping the image size as small as possible.",
    10    "io.k8s.display-name": "s2i core",
    11    "io.openshift.s2i.scripts-url": "image:///usr/libexec/s2i",
    12    "io.s2i.scripts-url": "image:///usr/libexec/s2i",
    13    "name": "rhscl/s2i-core-rhel7",
    14    "release": "235",
    15    "summary": "Base image which allows using of source-to-image.",
    16    "url": "",
    17    "vcs-ref": "7fb31fe42247120f04b5e2d94f1719411f1037e8",
    18    "vcs-type": "git",
    19    "vendor": "Red Hat, Inc.",
    20    "version": "1"
    21  }