
     1  // Package postgres contains testing helpers for PostgreSQL databases.
     2  //
     3  // Most of the functions provide independent implementations of functionality
     4  // that the datastore/postgres package does internally in its exposed API.
     5  //
     6  // # Test Databases
     7  //
     8  // The [TestIndexerDB] and [TestMatcherDB] start database engines and create
     9  // suitable databases as needed. See the [test/integration] package for more
    10  // information on the specifics of the former.
    11  //
    12  // As part of the database setup, these functions can load SQL files. This
    13  // package searches both its embedded copy of the local "sql" directory and the
    14  // main test package's "testdata" director for these patterns:
    15  //   - all_*.psql
    16  //   - matcher_*.psql (for [TestMatcherDB])
    17  //   - indexer_*.psql (for [TestIndexerDB])
    18  package postgres