
     1  import React from "react"
     2  import { useAppState } from "../overmind"
     3  import { Submission, Submission_Status } from "../../proto/qf/types_pb"
     5  export enum Progress {
     6      NAV,
     7      LAB,
     8      OVERVIEW
     9  }
    11  type ProgressBarProps = {
    12      courseID: string,
    13      assignmentIndex: number,
    14      submission?: Submission,
    15      type: Progress
    16  }
    18  const ProgressBar = ({ courseID, assignmentIndex, submission, type }: ProgressBarProps): JSX.Element => {
    19      const state = useAppState()
    21      const sub = submission
    22          ? submission
    23          : state.submissions[courseID][assignmentIndex]
    25      const assignment = state.assignments[courseID][assignmentIndex]
    27      const score = sub?.score ?? 0
    28      const scorelimit = assignment?.scoreLimit ?? 0
    29      const status = sub?.status ?? Submission_Status.NONE
    30      const secondaryProgress = scorelimit - score
    31      // Returns a thin line to be used for labs in the NavBar
    32      if (type === Progress.NAV) {
    33          const percentage = 100 - score
    34          const color = score >= scorelimit ? "green" : "yellow"
    35          return (
    36              <div style={{
    37                  position: "absolute",
    38                  borderBottom: `2px solid ${color}`,
    39                  bottom: 0,
    40                  left: 0,
    41                  right: `${percentage}%`,
    42                  opacity: 0.3
    43              }} />
    44          )
    45      }
    47      let text = ""
    48      let secondaryText = ""
    49      if (type === Progress.LAB) {
    50          text = `${score} %`
    51          secondaryText = `${secondaryProgress} %`
    52      }
    54      // Returns a regular size progress bar to be used for labs
    55      let color = ""
    56      if (type > Progress.NAV) {
    57          switch (status) {
    58              case Submission_Status.NONE:
    59                  color = "bg-primary"
    60                  break
    61              case Submission_Status.APPROVED:
    62                  color = "bg-success"
    63                  break
    64              case Submission_Status.REJECTED:
    65                  color = "bg-danger"
    66                  break
    67              case Submission_Status.REVISION:
    68                  color = "bg-warning text-dark"
    69                  break
    70          }
    71      }
    73      return (
    74          <div className="progress">
    75              <div
    76                  className={`progress-bar ${color}`}
    77                  role="progressbar"
    78                  style={{ width: `${score}%`, transitionDelay: "0.5s" }}
    79                  aria-valuenow={score}
    80                  aria-valuemin={0}
    81                  aria-valuemax={100}
    82              >
    83                  {text}
    84              </div>
    85              {secondaryProgress > 0 &&
    86                  <div
    87                      className={"progress-bar progressbar-secondary bg-secondary"}
    88                      role="progressbar"
    89                      style={{ width: `${secondaryProgress}%` }}
    90                      aria-valuemax={100}
    91                  >
    92                      {secondaryText}
    93                  </div>
    94              }
    95          </div>
    96      )
    97  }
    99  export default ProgressBar