
     1  import React, { useState } from "react"
     2  import { GradingCriterion, GradingCriterion_Grade } from "../../../proto/qf/types_pb"
     3  import { useAppState } from "../../overmind"
     4  import GradeComment from "./GradeComment"
     5  import CriteriaStatus from "./CriteriaStatus"
     6  import CriterionComment from "./Comment"
     7  import UnstyledButton from "../UnstyledButton"
    10  /* Criteria component for the manual grading page */
    11  const Criteria = ({ criteria }: { criteria: GradingCriterion }): JSX.Element => {
    13      // editing, setEditing is used to toggle the GradeComment component
    14      const [editing, setEditing] = useState<boolean>(false)
    15      const [showComment, setShowComment] = React.useState<boolean>(true)
    16      const { isTeacher } = useAppState()
    18      // classname is used to style the first column of the row returned by this component
    19      // it adds a vertical line to the left of the row with color based on the grading criterion.
    20      let className: string
    21      switch (criteria.grade) {
    22          case GradingCriterion_Grade.PASSED:
    23              className = "passed"
    24              break
    25          case GradingCriterion_Grade.FAILED:
    26              className = "failed"
    27              break
    28          case GradingCriterion_Grade.NONE:
    29              className = "not-graded"
    30              break
    31      }
    33      const passed = criteria.grade == GradingCriterion_Grade.PASSED
    34      // manageOrShowPassed renders the ManageCriteriaStatus component if the user is a teacher, otherwise it renders a passed/failed icon
    35      const criteriaStatusOrPassFailIcon = isTeacher
    36          ? <CriteriaStatus criterion={criteria} />
    37          : <i className={passed ? "fa fa-check" : "fa fa-exclamation-circle"} />
    40      let comment: JSX.Element | null = null
    41      let button: JSX.Element | null = null
    42      if (isTeacher) {
    43          // Display edit icon if comment is empty
    44          // If comment is not empty, display the comment
    45          button = <UnstyledButton onClick={() => setEditing(true)}><i className="fa fa-pencil-square-o" aria-hidden="true" /></UnstyledButton>
    46          if (criteria.comment.length > 0) {
    47              comment = <CriterionComment comment={criteria.comment} />
    48          }
    49      } else {
    50          comment = <CriterionComment comment={criteria.comment} />
    51          button = <UnstyledButton onClick={() => setShowComment(!showComment)}><i className={`fa fa-comment${!showComment ? "-o" : ""}`} /></UnstyledButton>
    52      }
    54      // Only display the comment if the comment is not empty
    55      const displayComment = criteria.comment.length > 0
    56      return (
    57          <>
    58              <tr className="align-items-center">
    59                  <td className={className}>{criteria.description}</td>
    60                  <td>
    61                      {criteriaStatusOrPassFailIcon}
    62                  </td>
    63                  <td>
    64                      { // Only display the comment button if the comment is not empty, or if the user is a teacher
    65                          (displayComment || isTeacher) ? button : null
    66                      }
    67                  </td>
    68              </tr>
    69              {displayComment ?
    70                  <tr className={`comment comment-${className}${!showComment ? " hidden" : ""} `}>
    71                      <td onClick={() => setEditing(true)} colSpan={3}>
    72                          {comment}
    73                      </td>
    74                  </tr> : null
    75              }
    76              <GradeComment grade={criteria} editing={editing} setEditing={setEditing} />
    77          </>
    78      )
    79  }
    81  export default Criteria