
     1  import React from 'react'
     2  import Alerts from '../components/alerts/Alerts'
     5  /* AboutPage displays information about QuickFeed. Mainly displayed to non-logged in users. */
     6  const AboutPage = (): JSX.Element => {
     7      return (
     8          <div>
     9              <div className="banner">
    10                  <div key="jb" id="0" className="jumbotron">
    11                      <div key="cblock" className="centerblock container">
    12                          <h1>Automated student feedback</h1>
    13                          <p>
    14                              <strong>QuickFeed </strong>
    15                              provides instantaneous feedback to students on
    16                              their programming assignments. It is also a
    17                              valuable tool for teachers when grading lab
    18                              assignments.
    19                          </p>
    20                          <p>
    21                              <a className="btn btn-primary btn-lg" href="#quickfeed" role="button">Learn more »</a>
    22                          </p>
    23                      </div>
    24                  </div>
    25              </div>
    26              <Alerts />
    27              <div key="container" className="container">
    29                  <div key="rowheader" className="row marketing">
    30                      <div key="gh" className="col-lg-4">
    31                          <img
    32                              className="img-circle"
    33                              src="/assets/img/GitHub-Mark-120px-plus.png"
    34                              alt="GitHub logo" style={{ width: "140px", height: "140px" }} />
    35                          <h2>GitHub Integration</h2>
    36                          <p>
    37                              Manage all students and courses on GitHub.
    38                              Each student gets their own repository.
    39                              Teachers get separate repositories for publishing assignments and information to students.
    40                              All taken care of automatically.
    41                          </p>
    42                          <p>
    43                              <a className="btn btn-default" href="#versioncontrol" role="button">View details »</a>
    44                          </p>
    45                      </div>
    46                      <div key="ci" className="col-lg-4">
    48                          <img
    49                              className="img-circle"
    50                              src="/assets/img/overlapping-arrows.png"
    51                              style={{ width: "140px", height: "140px" }}
    52                          />
    53                          <h2>Continuous Integration</h2>
    54                          <p>
    55                              Instantaneous feedback to students on how well their code performs.
    56                              Students can quickly identify what they need to focus on to improve.
    57                              All customizable for the teaching staff.
    58                          </p>
    59                          <p>
    60                              <a className="btn btn-default" href="#ci" role="button">
    61                                  View details »
    62                              </a>
    63                          </p>
    64                      </div>
    65                      <div key="grade" className="col-lg-4">
    66                          <img
    67                              className="img-circle"
    68                              src="/assets/img/Aplus2.png"
    69                              alt="A+ image" style={{ width: "140px", height: "140px" }} />
    70                          <h2>Fair Grading</h2>
    71                          <p>
    72                              On due date of an assignment, the most recent version
    73                              of each student&apos;s code is available through GitHub.
    74                              Easily accessible for the teachers.
    75                              Together with latest build log, this makes grading easier and more fair.
    76                          </p>
    77                          <p>
    78                              <a className="btn btn-default" href="#grading" role="button">View details »</a>
    79                          </p>
    80                      </div>
    81                  </div>
    82                  <section id="#quickfeed">
    83                      <hr className="featurette-divider" />
    84                      <div key="row1" className="row featurette">
    85                          <div key="c1r1" className="col-md-7">
    86                              <h2 className="featurette-heading">
    87                                  QuickFeed: <span className="text-muted">Automated student feedback</span>
    88                              </h2>
    89                              <p className="lead">
    90                                  QuickFeed aims to provide students with fast
    91                                  feedback on their lab assignments, and is designed
    92                                  to help students learn about state-of-the-art tools
    93                                  used in the industry.
    94                                  QuickFeed builds upon version control systems and
    95                                  continuous integration.
    96                                  When students upload code to their repositories,
    97                                  QuickFeed automatically builds their code and
    98                                  provides feedback based on tests supplied by the
    99                                  teaching staff.
   100                                  When grading assignments, teaching staff can access
   101                                  the results of test execution and have a valuable
   102                                  tool in the grading process.
   103                              </p>
   104                          </div>
   105                          <div key="c2r1" className="col-md-5">
   106                              <img
   107                                  className="featurette-image img-responsive about"
   108                                  src="/assets/img/intro1.png"
   109                                  alt="Generic placeholder image" />
   110                          </div>
   111                      </div>
   112                  </section>
   114                  <section id="versioncontrol">
   116                      <hr className="featurette-divider" />
   117                      <div key="row2" className="row featurette">
   118                          <div key="c1r2" className="col-md-5">
   119                              <img
   120                                  className="featurette-image img-responsive about"
   121                                  src="/assets/img/intro3.png"
   122                                  alt="Generic placeholder image" />
   123                          </div>
   124                          <div key="c2r2" className="col-md-7">
   125                              <h2 className="featurette-heading">
   126                                  GitHub Integration: <span className="text-muted">Managing courses and students</span>
   127                              </h2>
   128                              <p className="lead">
   129                                  A course is an organization on GitHub.
   130                                  Students get access to their own private GitHub repository.
   131                                  Uploading their code for review or grading, students can
   132                                  learn to use git for version control.
   133                              </p>
   134                          </div>
   135                      </div>
   136                  </section>
   138                  <section id="ci">
   140                      <hr className="featurette-divider" />
   141                      <div key="row3" className="row featurette">
   142                          <div key="c1r3" className="col-md-7">
   143                              <h2 className="featurette-heading">
   144                                  Continuous Integration: <span className="text-muted">builds and tests student code. </span>
   145                              </h2>
   146                              <p className="lead">
   147                                  As code gets pushed up to GitHub, an automatic build process
   148                                  defined by the teacher, generates feedback to students.
   149                                  When the build process is completed, student gets immediate
   150                                  access to this feedback on their personal course page.
   151                                  Tests defined by either teachers or students will be processed
   152                                  and tell students about their progress on the assignments.
   153                              </p>
   154                          </div>
   155                          <div key="c2r3" className="col-md-5">
   156                              <img
   157                                  className="featurette-image img-responsive about"
   158                                  src="/assets/img/intro2.png"
   159                                  alt="Generic placeholder image" />
   160                          </div>
   161                      </div>
   162                  </section>
   164                  <section id="grading">
   166                      <hr className="featurette-divider" />
   167                      <div key="row4" className="row featurette">
   168                          <div key="c1r4" className="col-md-5">
   169                              <img
   170                                  className="featurette-image img-responsive about"
   171                                  src="/assets/img/intro4.png"
   172                                  alt="Generic placeholder image" />
   173                          </div>
   174                          <div key="c2r4" className="col-md-7">
   175                              <h2 className="featurette-heading">
   176                                  Grading: <span className="text-muted">Easy and Fair</span>
   177                              </h2>
   178                              <p className="lead">
   179                                  On the due date, teachers can access the test results and
   180                                  use this as a tool in the grading process.
   181                                  The teaching staff will immediately know which of their
   182                                  tests passed, and how much of the code is covered by the tests.
   183                              </p>
   184                          </div>
   185                      </div>
   186                  </section>
   188                  <footer>
   189                      <hr />
   190                      <p className="pull-right"><a href="#">Back to top</a></p>
   191                  </footer>
   192              </div>
   193          </div>
   195      )
   196  }
   198  export default AboutPage