
     1  import React from "react"
     2  import { Redirect, Route, Switch, useHistory } from "react-router"
     3  import { useAppState } from "../overmind"
     4  import EditCourse from "../components/admin/EditCourse"
     5  import Users from "../components/admin/Users"
     6  import Card from "../components/Card"
     7  import CourseForm from "../components/forms/CourseForm"
     8  import RedirectButton from "../components/RedirectButton"
     9  import Alerts from "../components/alerts/Alerts"
    12  // AdminPage is the page containing the admin-only components.
    13  const AdminPage = (): JSX.Element => {
    14      const state = useAppState()
    15      const history = useHistory()
    17      // Objects containing props for the cards in the admin page.
    18      // TODO: Perhaps make a Card prop type.
    19      const manageUsers = { title: "Manage Users", text: "View and manage all users.", buttonText: "Manage Users", to: "/admin/manage" }
    20      const createCourse = { title: "Create Course", text: "Create a new course.", buttonText: "Create Course", to: "/admin/create" }
    21      const editCourse = { title: "Edit Course", text: "Edit an existing course.", buttonText: "Edit Course", to: "/admin/edit" }
    23      // If the user is not an admin, redirect to the home page.
    24      if (!state.self.IsAdmin) {
    25          return <Redirect to="/" />
    26      }
    28      const root = "/admin"
    29      return (
    30          <div className="box">
    31              <RedirectButton to={root} />
    32              <Alerts />
    33              <div className="row" hidden={history.location.pathname !== root}>
    34                  <Card {...manageUsers} />
    35                  <Card {...createCourse} />
    36                  <Card {...editCourse} />
    37              </div>
    39              <Switch>
    40                  <Route path="/admin/manage">
    41                      <Users />
    42                  </Route>
    43                  <Route path="/admin/create">
    44                      <CourseForm />
    45                  </Route>
    46                  <Route path="/admin/edit">
    47                      <EditCourse />
    48                  </Route>
    49              </Switch>
    50          </div>
    51      )
    52  }
    54  export default AdminPage