
     1  ---
     2  layout: api
     3  page_title: Nodes - HTTP API
     4  sidebar_current: api-nodes
     5  description: |-
     6    The /node endpoints are used to query for and interact with client nodes.
     7  ---
     9  # Nodes HTTP API
    11  The `/node` endpoints are used to query for and interact with client nodes.
    13  ### List Nodes
    15  This endpoint lists all nodes registered with Nomad.
    17  | Method | Path                      | Produces                   |
    18  | ------ | ------------------------- | -------------------------- |
    19  | `GET`  | `/v1/nodes`               | `application/json`         |
    21  The table below shows this endpoint's support for
    22  [blocking queries](/api/index.html#blocking-queries) and
    23  [required ACLs](/api/index.html#acls).
    25  | Blocking Queries | ACL Required |
    26  | ---------------- | ------------ |
    27  | `YES`            | `node:read`  |
    29  ### Parameters
    31  - `prefix` `(string: "")`- Specifies a string to filter nodes on based on an
    32    index prefix. This is specified as a querystring parameter.
    34  ### Sample Request
    36  ```text
    37  $ curl \
    38      http://localhost:4646/v1/nodes
    39  ```
    41  ```text
    42  $ curl \
    43      http://localhost:4646/v1/nodes?prefix=prod
    44  ```
    46  ### Sample Response
    48  ```json
    49  [
    50    {
    51      "Address": "",
    52      "CreateIndex": 6,
    53      "Datacenter": "dc1",
    54      "Drain": false,
    55      "Drivers": {
    56        "java": {
    57          "Attributes": {
    58            "": "OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_162-8u162-b12-1~deb9u1-b12)",
    59            "": "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.162-b12, mixed mode)",
    60            "": "openjdk version \"1.8.0_162"
    61          },
    62          "Detected": true,
    63          "HealthDescription": "",
    64          "Healthy": true,
    65          "UpdateTime": "2018-04-11T23:33:48.781948669Z"
    66        },
    67        "qemu": {
    68          "Attributes": null,
    69          "Detected": false,
    70          "HealthDescription": "",
    71          "Healthy": false,
    72          "UpdateTime": "2018-04-11T23:33:48.7819898Z"
    73        },
    74        "rkt": {
    75          "Attributes": {
    76            "driver.rkt.appc.version": "0.8.11",
    77            "driver.rkt.volumes.enabled": "1",
    78            "driver.rkt.version": "1.29.0"
    79          },
    80          "Detected": true,
    81          "HealthDescription": "Driver rkt is detected: true",
    82          "Healthy": true,
    83          "UpdateTime": "2018-04-11T23:34:48.81079772Z"
    84        },
    85        "docker": {
    86          "Attributes": {
    87            "driver.docker.bridge_ip": "",
    88            "driver.docker.version": "18.03.0-ce",
    89            "driver.docker.volumes.enabled": "1"
    90          },
    91          "Detected": true,
    92          "HealthDescription": "Driver is available and responsive",
    93          "Healthy": true,
    94          "UpdateTime": "2018-04-11T23:34:48.713720323Z"
    95        },
    96        "exec": {
    97          "Attributes": {},
    98          "Detected": true,
    99          "HealthDescription": "Driver exec is detected: true",
   100          "Healthy": true,
   101          "UpdateTime": "2018-04-11T23:34:48.711026521Z"
   102        },
   103        "raw_exec": {
   104          "Attributes": {},
   105          "Detected": true,
   106          "HealthDescription": "",
   107          "Healthy": true,
   108          "UpdateTime": "2018-04-11T23:33:48.710448534Z"
   109        }
   110      },
   111      "ID": "f7476465-4d6e-c0de-26d0-e383c49be941",
   112      "ModifyIndex": 2526,
   113      "Name": "nomad-4",
   114      "NodeClass": "",
   115      "SchedulingEligibility": "eligible",
   116      "Status": "ready",
   117      "StatusDescription": "",
   118      "Version": "0.8.0-rc1"
   119    }
   120  ]
   121  ```
   123  ## Read Node
   125  This endpoint queries the status of a client node.
   127  | Method | Path                      | Produces                   |
   128  | ------ | ------------------------- | -------------------------- |
   129  | `GET`  | `/v1/node/:node_id`       | `application/json`         |
   131  The table below shows this endpoint's support for
   132  [blocking queries](/api/index.html#blocking-queries) and
   133  [required ACLs](/api/index.html#acls).
   135  | Blocking Queries | ACL Required      |
   136  | ---------------- | ----------------- |
   137  | `YES`            | `node:read`       |
   139  ### Parameters
   141  - `:node_id` `(string: <required>)`- Specifies the ID of the node. This must be
   142    the full UUID, not the short 8-character one. This is specified as part of the
   143    path.
   145  ### Sample Request
   147  ```text
   148  $ curl \
   149      http://localhost:4646/v1/node/f7476465-4d6e-c0de-26d0-e383c49be941
   150  ```
   152  ### Sample Response
   154  ```json
   155  {
   156    "Attributes": {
   157      "driver.rkt": "1",
   158      "driver.docker.bridge_ip": "",
   159      "": "/dev/sda1",
   160      "driver.exec": "1",
   161      "driver.rkt.volumes.enabled": "1",
   163      "cpu.totalcompute": "2200",
   164      "driver.raw_exec": "1",
   165      "": "openjdk version \"1.8.0_162",
   166      "": "linux",
   167      "unique.cgroup.mountpoint": "/sys/fs/cgroup",
   168      "driver.docker.volumes.enabled": "1",
   169      "cpu.frequency": "2200",
   170      "consul.datacenter": "dc1",
   171      "": "31637520384",
   172      "": "",
   173      "os.version": "9.4",
   174      "unique.hostname": "nomad-4",
   175      "driver.rkt.version": "1.29.0",
   176      "": "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.162-b12, mixed mode)",
   177      "consul.server": "false",
   178      "kernel.version": "4.9.0-6-amd64",
   179      "cpu.numcores": "1",
   180      "driver.docker.version": "18.03.0-ce",
   181      "": "nomad-4",
   182      "": "1",
   183      "consul.revision": "9a494b5f+CHANGES",
   184      "": "debian",
   185      "consul.version": "1.0.6",
   186      "": "OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_162-8u162-b12-1~deb9u1-b12)",
   187      "nomad.version": "0.8.0-rc1",
   188      "memory.totalbytes": "3883982848",
   189      "": "26626150400",
   190      "driver.docker": "1",
   191      "cpu.modelname": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz",
   192      "cpu.arch": "amd64",
   193      "driver.rkt.appc.version": "0.8.11"
   194    },
   195    "ComputedClass": "v1:1652208824869124256",
   196    "CreateIndex": 6,
   197    "Datacenter": "dc1",
   198    "Drain": false,
   199    "DrainStrategy": null,
   200    "Drivers": {
   201      "java": {
   202        "Attributes": {
   203          "": "OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_162-8u162-b12-1~deb9u1-b12)",
   204          "": "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.162-b12, mixed mode)",
   205          "": "openjdk version \"1.8.0_162"
   206        },
   207        "Detected": true,
   208        "HealthDescription": "",
   209        "Healthy": true,
   210        "UpdateTime": "2018-04-11T23:33:48.781948669Z"
   211      },
   212      "qemu": {
   213        "Attributes": null,
   214        "Detected": false,
   215        "HealthDescription": "",
   216        "Healthy": false,
   217        "UpdateTime": "2018-04-11T23:33:48.7819898Z"
   218      },
   219      "rkt": {
   220        "Attributes": {
   221          "driver.rkt.appc.version": "0.8.11",
   222          "driver.rkt.volumes.enabled": "1",
   223          "driver.rkt.version": "1.29.0"
   224        },
   225        "Detected": true,
   226        "HealthDescription": "Driver rkt is detected: true",
   227        "Healthy": true,
   228        "UpdateTime": "2018-04-11T23:34:48.81079772Z"
   229      },
   230      "docker": {
   231        "Attributes": {
   232          "driver.docker.bridge_ip": "",
   233          "driver.docker.version": "18.03.0-ce",
   234          "driver.docker.volumes.enabled": "1"
   235        },
   236        "Detected": true,
   237        "HealthDescription": "Driver is available and responsive",
   238        "Healthy": true,
   239        "UpdateTime": "2018-04-11T23:34:48.713720323Z"
   240      },
   241      "exec": {
   242        "Attributes": {},
   243        "Detected": true,
   244        "HealthDescription": "Driver exec is detected: true",
   245        "Healthy": true,
   246        "UpdateTime": "2018-04-11T23:34:48.711026521Z"
   247      },
   248      "raw_exec": {
   249        "Attributes": {},
   250        "Detected": true,
   251        "HealthDescription": "",
   252        "Healthy": true,
   253        "UpdateTime": "2018-04-11T23:33:48.710448534Z"
   254      }
   255    },
   256    "Events": [
   257      {
   258        "CreateIndex": 0,
   259        "Details": null,
   260        "Message": "Node registered",
   261        "Subsystem": "Cluster",
   262        "Timestamp": "2018-04-10T23:43:17Z"
   263      }
   264    ],
   265    "HTTPAddr": "",
   266    "ID": "f7476465-4d6e-c0de-26d0-e383c49be941",
   267    "Links": {
   268      "consul": "dc1.nomad-4"
   269    },
   270    "Meta": null,
   271    "ModifyIndex": 2526,
   272    "Name": "nomad-4",
   273    "NodeClass": "",
   274    "Reserved": {
   275      "CPU": 0,
   276      "DiskMB": 0,
   277      "IOPS": 0,
   278      "MemoryMB": 0,
   279      "Networks": null
   280    },
   281    "Resources": {
   282      "CPU": 2200,
   283      "DiskMB": 25392,
   284      "IOPS": 0,
   285      "MemoryMB": 3704,
   286      "Networks": [
   287        {
   288          "CIDR": "",
   289          "Device": "eth0",
   290          "DynamicPorts": null,
   291          "IP": "",
   292          "MBits": 1000,
   293          "ReservedPorts": null
   294        }
   295      ]
   296    },
   297    "SchedulingEligibility": "eligible",
   298    "SecretID": "",
   299    "Status": "ready",
   300    "StatusDescription": "",
   301    "StatusUpdatedAt": 1523552938,
   302    "TLSEnabled": false
   303  }
   304  ```
   306  ## List Node Allocations
   308  This endpoint lists all of the allocations for the given node. This can be used to 
   309  determine what allocations have been scheduled on the node, their current status,
   310  and the values of dynamically assigned resources, like ports.
   312  | Method  | Path                            | Produces                   |
   313  | ------- | ------------------------------- | -------------------------- |
   314  | `GET`   | `/v1/node/:node_id/allocations` | `application/json`         |
   316  The table below shows this endpoint's support for
   317  [blocking queries](/api/index.html#blocking-queries) and
   318  [required ACLs](/api/index.html#acls).
   320  | Blocking Queries | ACL Required                   |
   321  | ---------------- | ------------------------------ |
   322  | `YES`            | `node:read,namespace:read-job` |
   324  ### Parameters
   326  - `:node_id` `(string: <required>)`- Specifies the UUID of the node. This must
   327    be the full UUID, not the short 8-character one. This is specified as part of
   328    the path.
   330  ### Sample Request
   332  ```text
   333  $ curl \
   334      http://localhost:4646/v1/node/e02b6169-83bd-9df6-69bd-832765f333eb/allocations
   335  ```
   337  ### Sample Response
   339  ```json
   340  [
   341    {
   342      "AllocModifyIndex": 2555,
   343      "ClientDescription": "",
   344      "ClientStatus": "running",
   345      "CreateIndex": 2555,
   346      "CreateTime": 1523490066575461000,
   347      "DeploymentID": "",
   348      "DeploymentStatus": {
   349        "Healthy": true,
   350        "ModifyIndex": 0
   351      },
   352      "DesiredDescription": "",
   353      "DesiredStatus": "run",
   354      "DesiredTransition": {
   355        "Migrate": null
   356      },
   357      "EvalID": "5129bc74-9785-c39a-08da-bddc8aa778b1",
   358      "FollowupEvalID": "",
   359      "ID": "fefe81d0-08b2-4eca-fae6-6560cde46d31",
   360      "Job": {
   361        "AllAtOnce": false,
   362        "Constraints": null,
   363        "CreateIndex": 2553,
   364        "Datacenters": [
   365          "dc1"
   366        ],
   367        "ID": "webapp",
   368        "JobModifyIndex": 2553,
   369        "Meta": null,
   370        "ModifyIndex": 2554,
   371        "Name": "webapp",
   372        "Namespace": "default",
   373        "ParameterizedJob": null,
   374        "ParentID": "",
   375        "Payload": null,
   376        "Periodic": null,
   377        "Priority": 50,
   378        "Region": "global",
   379        "Stable": false,
   380        "Status": "pending",
   381        "StatusDescription": "",
   382        "Stop": false,
   383        "SubmitTime": 1523490066563405000,
   384        "TaskGroups": [
   385          {
   386            "Constraints": null,
   387            "Count": 9,
   388            "EphemeralDisk": {
   389              "Migrate": false,
   390              "SizeMB": 300,
   391              "Sticky": false
   392            },
   393            "Meta": null,
   394            "Migrate": {
   395              "HealthCheck": "checks",
   396              "HealthyDeadline": 300000000000,
   397              "MaxParallel": 2,
   398              "MinHealthyTime": 15000000000
   399            },
   400            "Name": "webapp",
   401            "ReschedulePolicy": {
   402              "Attempts": 0,
   403              "Delay": 30000000000,
   404              "DelayFunction": "exponential",
   405              "Interval": 0,
   406              "MaxDelay": 3600000000000,
   407              "Unlimited": true
   408            },
   409            "RestartPolicy": {
   410              "Attempts": 2,
   411              "Delay": 15000000000,
   412              "Interval": 1800000000000,
   413              "Mode": "fail"
   414            },
   415            "Tasks": [
   416              {
   417                "Artifacts": null,
   418                "Config": {
   419                  "args": [
   420                    "-text",
   421                    "ok4"
   422                  ],
   423                  "image": "hashicorp/http-echo:0.2.3",
   424                  "port_map": [
   425                    {
   426                      "http": 5678
   427                    }
   428                  ]
   429                },
   430                "Constraints": null,
   431                "DispatchPayload": null,
   432                "Driver": "docker",
   433                "Env": null,
   434                "KillSignal": "",
   435                "KillTimeout": 5000000000,
   436                "Leader": false,
   437                "LogConfig": {
   438                  "MaxFileSizeMB": 10,
   439                  "MaxFiles": 10
   440                },
   441                "Meta": null,
   442                "Name": "webapp",
   443                "Resources": {
   444                  "CPU": 100,
   445                  "DiskMB": 0,
   446                  "IOPS": 0,
   447                  "MemoryMB": 300,
   448                  "Networks": [
   449                    {
   450                      "CIDR": "",
   451                      "Device": "",
   452                      "DynamicPorts": [
   453                        {
   454                          "Label": "http",
   455                          "Value": 0
   456                        }
   457                      ],
   458                      "IP": "",
   459                      "MBits": 10,
   460                      "ReservedPorts": null
   461                    }
   462                  ]
   463                },
   464                "Services": [
   465                  {
   466                    "AddressMode": "auto",
   467                    "Checks": [
   468                      {
   469                        "AddressMode": "",
   470                        "Args": null,
   471                        "CheckRestart": null,
   472                        "Command": "",
   473                        "Header": null,
   474                        "InitialStatus": "",
   475                        "Interval": 10000000000,
   476                        "Method": "",
   477                        "Name": "http-ok",
   478                        "Path": "/",
   479                        "PortLabel": "",
   480                        "Protocol": "",
   481                        "TLSSkipVerify": false,
   482                        "Timeout": 2000000000,
   483                        "Type": "http"
   484                      }
   485                    ],
   486                    "Name": "webapp",
   487                    "PortLabel": "http",
   488                    "Tags": null
   489                  }
   490                ],
   491                "ShutdownDelay": 0,
   492                "Templates": null,
   493                "User": "",
   494                "Vault": null
   495              }
   496            ],
   497            "Update": null
   498          }
   499        ],
   500        "Type": "service",
   501        "Update": {
   502          "AutoRevert": false,
   503          "Canary": 0,
   504          "HealthCheck": "",
   505          "HealthyDeadline": 0,
   506          "MaxParallel": 0,
   507          "MinHealthyTime": 0,
   508          "Stagger": 0
   509        },
   510        "VaultToken": "",
   511        "Version": 0
   512      },
   513      "JobID": "webapp",
   514      "Metrics": {
   515        "AllocationTime": 63337,
   516        "ClassExhausted": null,
   517        "ClassFiltered": null,
   518        "CoalescedFailures": 0,
   519        "ConstraintFiltered": null,
   520        "DimensionExhausted": null,
   521        "NodesAvailable": {
   522          "dc1": 2
   523        },
   524        "NodesEvaluated": 2,
   525        "NodesExhausted": 0,
   526        "NodesFiltered": 0,
   527        "QuotaExhausted": null,
   528        "Scores": {
   529          "46f1c6c4-a0e5-21f6-fd5c-d76c3d84e806.binpack": 2.6950883117541586,
   530          "f7476465-4d6e-c0de-26d0-e383c49be941.binpack": 2.6950883117541586
   531        }
   532      },
   533      "ModifyIndex": 2567,
   534      "ModifyTime": 1523490089807324000,
   535      "Name": "webapp.webapp[0]",
   536      "Namespace": "default",
   537      "NextAllocation": "",
   538      "NodeID": "f7476465-4d6e-c0de-26d0-e383c49be941",
   539      "PreviousAllocation": "",
   540      "RescheduleTracker": null,
   541      "Resources": {
   542        "CPU": 100,
   543        "DiskMB": 300,
   544        "IOPS": 0,
   545        "MemoryMB": 300,
   546        "Networks": [
   547          {
   548            "CIDR": "",
   549            "Device": "eth0",
   550            "DynamicPorts": [
   551              {
   552                "Label": "http",
   553                "Value": 25920
   554              }
   555            ],
   556            "IP": "",
   557            "MBits": 10,
   558            "ReservedPorts": null
   559          }
   560        ]
   561      },
   562      "SharedResources": {
   563        "CPU": 0,
   564        "DiskMB": 300,
   565        "IOPS": 0,
   566        "MemoryMB": 0,
   567        "Networks": null
   568      },
   569      "TaskGroup": "webapp",
   570      "TaskResources": {
   571        "webapp": {
   572          "CPU": 100,
   573          "DiskMB": 0,
   574          "IOPS": 0,
   575          "MemoryMB": 300,
   576          "Networks": [
   577            {
   578              "CIDR": "",
   579              "Device": "eth0",
   580              "DynamicPorts": [
   581                {
   582                  "Label": "http",
   583                  "Value": 25920
   584                }
   585              ],
   586              "IP": "",
   587              "MBits": 10,
   588              "ReservedPorts": null
   589            }
   590          ]
   591        }
   592      },
   593      "TaskStates": {
   594        "webapp": {
   595          "Events": [
   596            {
   597              "Details": {},
   598              "DiskLimit": 0,
   599              "DisplayMessage": "Task received by client",
   600              "DownloadError": "",
   601              "DriverError": "",
   602              "DriverMessage": "",
   603              "ExitCode": 0,
   604              "FailedSibling": "",
   605              "FailsTask": false,
   606              "GenericSource": "",
   607              "KillError": "",
   608              "KillReason": "",
   609              "KillTimeout": 0,
   610              "Message": "",
   611              "RestartReason": "",
   612              "SetupError": "",
   613              "Signal": 0,
   614              "StartDelay": 0,
   615              "TaskSignal": "",
   616              "TaskSignalReason": "",
   617              "Time": 1523490066712543500,
   618              "Type": "Received",
   619              "ValidationError": "",
   620              "VaultError": ""
   621            },
   622            {
   623              "Details": {
   624                "message": "Building Task Directory"
   625              },
   626              "DiskLimit": 0,
   627              "DisplayMessage": "Building Task Directory",
   628              "DownloadError": "",
   629              "DriverError": "",
   630              "DriverMessage": "",
   631              "ExitCode": 0,
   632              "FailedSibling": "",
   633              "FailsTask": false,
   634              "GenericSource": "",
   635              "KillError": "",
   636              "KillReason": "",
   637              "KillTimeout": 0,
   638              "Message": "Building Task Directory",
   639              "RestartReason": "",
   640              "SetupError": "",
   641              "Signal": 0,
   642              "StartDelay": 0,
   643              "TaskSignal": "",
   644              "TaskSignalReason": "",
   645              "Time": 1523490066715208000,
   646              "Type": "Task Setup",
   647              "ValidationError": "",
   648              "VaultError": ""
   649            },
   650            {
   651              "Details": {},
   652              "DiskLimit": 0,
   653              "DisplayMessage": "Task started by client",
   654              "DownloadError": "",
   655              "DriverError": "",
   656              "DriverMessage": "",
   657              "ExitCode": 0,
   658              "FailedSibling": "",
   659              "FailsTask": false,
   660              "GenericSource": "",
   661              "KillError": "",
   662              "KillReason": "",
   663              "KillTimeout": 0,
   664              "Message": "",
   665              "RestartReason": "",
   666              "SetupError": "",
   667              "Signal": 0,
   668              "StartDelay": 0,
   669              "TaskSignal": "",
   670              "TaskSignalReason": "",
   671              "Time": 1523490068433051100,
   672              "Type": "Started",
   673              "ValidationError": "",
   674              "VaultError": ""
   675            }
   676          ],
   677          "Failed": false,
   678          "FinishedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   679          "LastRestart": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   680          "Restarts": 0,
   681          "StartedAt": "2018-04-11T23:41:08.445128764Z",
   682          "State": "running"
   683        }
   684      }
   685    }
   686  ]
   687  ```
   689  ## Create Node Evaluation
   691  This endpoint creates a new evaluation for the given node. This can be used to
   692  force a run of the scheduling logic.
   694  | Method  | Path                         | Produces                   |
   695  | ------- | ---------------------------- | -------------------------- |
   696  | `POST`  | `/v1/node/:node_id/evaluate` | `application/json`         |
   698  The table below shows this endpoint's support for
   699  [blocking queries](/api/index.html#blocking-queries) and
   700  [required ACLs](/api/index.html#acls).
   702  | Blocking Queries | ACL Required       |
   703  | ---------------- | ------------------ |
   704  | `NO`             | `node:write`       |
   706  ### Parameters
   708  - `:node_id` `(string: <required>)`- Specifies the UUID of the node. This must
   709    be the full UUID, not the short 8-character one. This is specified as part of
   710    the path.
   712  ### Sample Request
   714  ```text
   715  $ curl \
   716      http://localhost:4646/v1/node/fb2170a8-257d-3c64-b14d-bc06cc94e34c/evaluate
   717  ```
   719  ### Sample Response
   721  ```json
   722  {
   723    "EvalCreateIndex": 3671,
   724    "EvalIDs": [
   725      "4dfc2db7-b481-c53b-3072-14479aa44be3"
   726    ],
   727    "HeartbeatTTL": 0,
   728    "Index": 3671,
   729    "KnownLeader": false,
   730    "LastContact": 0,
   731    "LeaderRPCAddr": "",
   732    "NodeModifyIndex": 0,
   733    "NumNodes": 3,
   734    "Servers": [
   735      {
   736        "Datacenter": "dc1",
   737        "RPCAdvertiseAddr": "",
   738        "RPCMajorVersion": 1,
   739        "RPCMinorVersion": 1
   740      },
   741      {
   742        "Datacenter": "dc1",
   743        "RPCAdvertiseAddr": "",
   744        "RPCMajorVersion": 1,
   745        "RPCMinorVersion": 1
   746      },
   747      {
   748        "Datacenter": "dc1",
   749        "RPCAdvertiseAddr": "",
   750        "RPCMajorVersion": 1,
   751        "RPCMinorVersion": 1
   752      }
   753    ]
   754  }
   756  ```
   758  ## Drain Node
   760  This endpoint toggles the drain mode of the node. When draining is enabled, no
   761  further allocations will be assigned to this node, and existing allocations will
   762  be migrated to new nodes. See the [Decommissioning Nodes
   763  guide](/guides/node-draining.html) for suggested usage.
   765  | Method  | Path                      | Produces                   |
   766  | ------- | ------------------------- | -------------------------- |
   767  | `POST`  | `/v1/node/:node_id/drain` | `application/json`         |
   769  The table below shows this endpoint's support for
   770  [blocking queries](/api/index.html#blocking-queries) and
   771  [required ACLs](/api/index.html#acls).
   773  | Blocking Queries | ACL Required       |
   774  | ---------------- | ------------------ |
   775  | `NO`             | `node:write`       |
   777  ### Parameters
   779  - `:node_id` `(string: <required>)`- Specifies the UUID of the node. This must
   780    be the full UUID, not the short 8-character one. This is specified as part of
   781    the path.
   783  - `DrainSpec` `(object: <optional>)` - Specifies if drain mode should be
   784    enabled. A missing or null value disables an existing drain.
   786    - `Deadline` `(int: <required>)` - Specifies how long to wait in nanoseconds
   787      for allocations to finish migrating before they are force stopped. This is
   788      also how long batch jobs are given to complete before being migrated.
   790    - `IgnoreSystemJobs` `(bool: false)` - Specifies whether or not to stop system
   791      jobs as part of a drain. By default system jobs will be stopped after all
   792      other allocations have migrated or the deadline is reached. Setting this to
   793      `true` means system jobs are always left running.
   795  - `MarkEligible` `(bool: false)` - Specifies whether to mark a node as eligible
   796    for scheduling again when _disabling_ a drain.
   798  ### Sample Payload
   800  ```json
   801  {
   802      "DrainSpec": {
   803           "Deadline": "3600000000000",
   804           "IgnoreSystemJobs": true
   805      }
   806  }
   807  ```
   809  ### Sample Request
   811  ```text
   812  $ curl \
   813      -XPOST \
   814      --data @drain.json \
   815      http://localhost:4646/v1/node/fb2170a8-257d-3c64-b14d-bc06cc94e34c/drain
   816  ```
   818  ### Sample Response
   820  ```json
   821  {
   822    "EvalCreateIndex": 0,
   823    "EvalIDs": null,
   824    "Index": 3742,
   825    "NodeModifyIndex": 3742
   826  }
   827  ```
   829  ## Purge Node
   831  This endpoint purges a node from the system. Nodes can still join the cluster if
   832  they are alive.
   834  | Method  | Path                      | Produces                   |
   835  | ------- | ------------------------- | -------------------------- |
   836  | `POST`  | `/v1/node/:node_id/purge` | `application/json`         |
   838  The table below shows this endpoint's support for
   839  [blocking queries](/api/index.html#blocking-queries) and
   840  [required ACLs](/api/index.html#acls).
   842  | Blocking Queries | ACL Required       |
   843  | ---------------- | ------------------ |
   844  | `NO`             | `node:write`       |
   846  ### Parameters
   848  - `:node_id` `(string: <required>)`- Specifies the UUID of the node. This must
   849    be the full UUID, not the short 8-character one. This is specified as part of
   850    the path.
   852  ### Sample Request
   854  ```text
   855  $ curl \
   856      -XPOST http://localhost:4646/v1/node/f7476465-4d6e-c0de-26d0-e383c49be941/purge
   857  ```
   859  ### Sample Response
   861  ```json
   862  {
   863    "EvalCreateIndex": 3817,
   864    "EvalIDs": [
   865      "71bad787-5ab1-9939-be02-4809441583cd"
   866    ],
   867    "HeartbeatTTL": 0,
   868    "Index": 3816,
   869    "KnownLeader": false,
   870    "LastContact": 0,
   871    "LeaderRPCAddr": "",
   872    "NodeModifyIndex": 3816,
   873    "NumNodes": 0,
   874    "Servers": null
   875  }
   876  ```
   878  #### Field Reference
   880  - Events - A list of the last 10 node events for this node. A node event is a
   881    high level concept of noteworthy events for a node.
   883    Each node event has the following fields:
   885    - `Message` - The specific message for the event, detailing what occurred.
   887    - `Subsystem` - The subsystem where the node event took place. Subsysystems
   888      include:
   890      - `Drain` - The Nomad server draining subsystem.
   892      - `Driver` - The Nomad client driver subsystem.
   894      - `Heartbeat` - Either Nomad client or server heartbeating subsystem.
   896      - `Cluster` - Nomad server cluster management subsystem.
   898    - `Details` - Any further details about the event, formatted as a key/value
   899      pair.
   901    - `Timestamp` - Each node event has an ISO 8601 timestamp.
   903    - `CreateIndex` - The Raft index at which the event was committed.