
     1  ---
     2  title: Content Summaries
     3  linktitle: Summaries
     4  description: Hugo generates summaries of your content.
     5  date: 2017-01-10
     6  publishdate: 2017-01-10
     7  lastmod: 2017-01-10
     8  categories: [content management]
     9  keywords: [summaries,abstracts,read more]
    10  menu:
    11    docs:
    12      parent: "content-management"
    13      weight: 90
    14  weight: 90	#rem
    15  draft: false
    16  aliases: [/content/summaries/,/content-management/content-summaries/]
    17  toc: true
    18  ---
    20  With the use of the `.Summary` [page variable][pagevariables], Hugo generates summaries of content to use as a short version in summary views.
    22  ## Summary Splitting Options
    24  * Hugo-defined Summary Split
    25  * User-defined Summary Split
    27  It is natural to accompany the summary with links to the original content, and a common design pattern is to see this link in the form of a "Read More ..." button. See the `.RelPermalink`, `.Permalink`, and `.Truncated` [page variables][pagevariables].
    29  ### Hugo-defined: Automatic Summary Splitting
    31  By default, Hugo automatically takes the first 70 words of your content as its summary and stores it into the `.Summary` page variable for use in your templates. Taking the Hugo-defined approach to summaries may save time, but it has pros and cons:
    33  * **Pros:** Automatic, no additional work on your part.
    34  * **Cons:** All HTML tags are stripped from the summary, and the first 70 words, whether they belong to a heading or to different paragraphs, are all put into one paragraph.
    36  {{% note %}}
    37  The Hugo-defined summaries are set to use word count calculated by splitting the text by one or more consecutive white space characters. If you are creating content in a `CJK` language and want to use Hugo's automatic summary splitting, set `hasCJKLanguage` to `true` in you [site configuration](/getting-started/configuration/).
    38  {{% /note %}}
    40  ### User-defined: Manual Summary Splitting
    42  Alternatively, you may add the <code>&#60;&#33;&#45;&#45;more&#45;&#45;&#62;</code> summary divider where you want to split the article. For [org content][org], use `# more` where you want to split the article. Content that comes before the summary divider will be used as that content's summary and stored in the `.Summary` page variable with all HTML formatting intact.
    44  {{% note "Summary Divider"%}}
    45  The concept of a *summary divider* is not unique to Hugo. It is also called the "more tag" or "excerpt separator" in other literature.
    46  {{% /note %}}
    48  * Pros: Freedom, precision, and improved rendering.  All HTML tags and formatting are preserved.
    49  * Cons: Extra work for content authors, since they need to remember to type <code>&#60;&#33;&#45;&#45;more&#45;&#45;&#62;</code> (or `# more` for [org content][org]) in each content file. This can be automated by adding the summary divider below the front matter of an [archetype](/content-management/archetypes/).
    51  {{% warning "Be Precise with the Summary Divider" %}}
    52  Be careful to enter <code>&#60;&#33;&#45;&#45;more&#45;&#45;&#62;</code> exactly; i.e., all lowercase and with no whitespace.
    53  {{% /warning %}}
    55  ## Example: First 10 Articles with Summaries
    57  You can show content summaries with the following code. You could use the following snippet, for example, in a [section template][].
    59  {{< code file="page-list-with-summaries.html" >}}
    60  {{ range first 10 .Pages }}
    61      <article>
    62        <!-- this <div> includes the title summary -->
    63        <div>
    64          <h2><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a></h2>
    65          {{ .Summary }}
    66        </div>
    67        {{ if .Truncated }}
    68        <!-- This <div> includes a read more link, but only if the summary is truncated... -->
    69        <div>
    70          <a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">Read Moreā€¦</a>
    71        </div>
    72        {{ end }}
    73      </article>
    74  {{ end }}
    75  {{< /code >}}
    77  Note how the `.Truncated` boolean valuable may be used to hide the "Read More..." link when the content is not truncated; i.e., when the summary contains the entire article.
    79  [org]: /content-management/formats/
    80  [pagevariables]: /variables/page/
    81  [section template]: /templates/section-templates/