(about) 1 --- 2 date: 2014-03-01T17:21:33Z 3 description: "Hugo 0.10 brings syntax highlighting (powered by Pygments), automatic table of contents generation, support for Unicode, and a lot more!" 4 title: "Hugo 0.10" 5 categories: ["Releases"] 6 --- 7 8 - [Syntax highlighting]( powered by pygments (**slow**) 9 - Ability to [sort content]( many more ways 10 - Automatic [table of contents]( generation 11 - Support for unicode URLs, aliases and indexes 12 - Configurable per-section [permalink]( pattern support 13 - Support for [paired shortcodes]( 14 - Shipping with some [shortcodes]( (highlight & figure) 15 - Adding [canonify]( option to keep URLs relative 16 - A bunch of [additional template functions]( 17 - Watching very large sites now works on mac 18 - RSS generation improved. Limited to 50 items by default, can limit further in [template]( 19 - Boolean params now supported in [frontmatter]( 20 - Launched website [showcase]( Show off your own hugo site! 21 - A bunch of [bug fixes](