
     1  ## Blackfriday Options
     3  `taskLists`
     4  : default: **`true`**<br>
     5      Blackfriday flag: <br>
     6      Purpose: `false` turns off GitHub-style automatic task/TODO list generation.
     8  `smartypants`
     9  : default: **`true`** <br>
    10      Blackfriday flag: **`HTML_USE_SMARTYPANTS`** <br>
    11      Purpose: `false` disables smart punctuation substitutions, including smart quotes, smart dashes, smart fractions, etc. If `true`, it may be fine-tuned with the `angledQuotes`, `fractions`, `smartDashes`, and `latexDashes` flags (see below).
    13  `smartypantsQuotesNBSP`
    14  : default: **`false`** <br>
    15      Blackfriday flag: **`HTML_SMARTYPANTS_QUOTES_NBSP`** <br>
    16      Purpose: `true` enables French style Guillemets with non-breaking space inside the quotes.
    18  `angledQuotes`
    19  : default: **`false`**<br>
    20      Blackfriday flag: **`HTML_SMARTYPANTS_ANGLED_QUOTES`**<br>
    21      Purpose: `true` enables smart, angled double quotes. Example: "Hugo" renders to «Hugo» instead of “Hugo”.
    23  `fractions`
    24  : default: **`true`**<br>
    25      Blackfriday flag: **`HTML_SMARTYPANTS_FRACTIONS`** <br>
    26      Purpose: <code>false</code> disables smart fractions.<br>
    27      Example: `5/12` renders to <sup>5</sup>&frasl;<sub>12</sub>(<code>&lt;sup&gt;5&lt;/sup&gt;&amp;frasl;&lt;sub&gt;12&lt;/sub&gt;</code>).<br> <strong>Caveat:</strong> Even with <code>fractions = false</code>, Blackfriday still converts `1/2`, `1/4`, and `3/4` respectively to ½ (<code>&amp;frac12;</code>), ¼ (<code>&amp;frac14;</code>) and ¾ (<code>&amp;frac34;</code>), but only these three.</small>
    29  `smartDashes`
    30  : default: **`true`** <br>
    31      Blackfriday flag: **`HTML_SMARTY_DASHES`** <br>
    32      Purpose: `false` disables smart dashes; i.e., the conversion of multiple hyphens into an en-dash or em-dash. If `true`, its behavior can be modified with the `latexDashes` flag below.
    34  `latexDashes`
    35  : default: **`true`** <br>
    36      Blackfriday flag: **`HTML_SMARTYPANTS_LATEX_DASHES`** <br>
    37      Purpose: `false` disables LaTeX-style smart dashes and selects conventional smart dashes. Assuming `smartDashes`: <br>
    38      If `true`, `--` is translated into &ndash; (`&ndash;`), whereas `---` is translated into &mdash; (`&mdash;`). <br>
    39      However, *spaced* single hyphen between two words is translated into an en&nbsp;dash&mdash; e.g., "`12 June - 3 July`" becomes `12 June &ndash; 3 July` upon rendering.
    41  `hrefTargetBlank`
    42  : default: **`false`** <br>
    43      Blackfriday flag: **`HTML_HREF_TARGET_BLANK`** <br>
    44      Purpose: `true` opens <s>external links</s> **absolute** links in a new window or tab. While the `target="_blank"` attribute is typically used for external links, Blackfriday does that for _all_ absolute links ([ref]( One needs to make note of this if they use absolute links throughout, for internal links too (for example, by setting `canonifyURLs` to `true` or via `absURL`).
    46  `nofollowLinks`
    47  : default: **`false`** <br>
    48      Blackfriday flag: **`HTML_NOFOLLOW_LINKS`** <br>
    49      Purpose: `true` creates <s>external links</s> **absolute** links with `nofollow` being added to their `rel` attribute. Thereby crawlers are advised to not follow the link. While the `rel="nofollow"` attribute is typically used for external links, Blackfriday does that for _all_ absolute links. One needs to make note of this if they use absolute links throughout, for internal links too (for example, by setting `canonifyURLs` to `true` or via `absURL`).
    51  `noreferrerLinks`
    52  : default: **`false`** <br>
    53      Blackfriday flag: **`HTML_NOREFERRER_LINKS`** <br>
    54      Purpose: `true` creates <s>external links</s> **absolute** links with `noreferrer` being added to their `rel` attribute. Thus when following the link no referrer information will be leaked. While the `rel="noreferrer"` attribute is typically used for external links, Blackfriday does that for _all_ absolute links. One needs to make note of this if they use absolute links throughout, for internal links too (for example, by setting `canonifyURLs` to `true` or via `absURL`).
    56  `plainIDAnchors`
    57  : default **`true`** <br>
    58      Blackfriday flag: **`FootnoteAnchorPrefix` and `HeaderIDSuffix`** <br>
    59      Purpose: `true` renders any heading and footnote IDs without the document ID. <br>
    60      Example: renders `#my-heading` instead of `#my-heading:bec3ed8ba720b970`
    62  `extensions`
    63  : default: **`[]`** <br>
    64      Purpose: Enable one or more Blackfriday's Markdown extensions (**`EXTENSION_*`**). <br>
    65      Example: Include `hardLineBreak` in the list to enable Blackfriday's `EXTENSION_HARD_LINE_BREAK`. <br>
    66      *See [Blackfriday extensions](#blackfriday-extensions) section for information on all extensions.*
    68  `extensionsmask`
    69  : default: **`[]`** <br>
    70      Purpose: Disable one or more of Blackfriday's Markdown extensions (**`EXTENSION_*`**). <br>
    71      Example: Include `autoHeaderIds` as `false` in the list to disable Blackfriday's `EXTENSION_AUTO_HEADER_IDS`. <br>
    72      *See [Blackfriday extensions](#blackfriday-extensions) section for information on all extensions.*
    74  ## Blackfriday extensions
    76  `noIntraEmphasis`
    77  : default: *enabled* <br>
    78      Purpose: The "\_" character is commonly used inside words when discussing
    79      code, so having Markdown interpret it as an emphasis command is usually the
    80      wrong thing.  When enabled, Blackfriday lets you treat all emphasis markers
    81      as normal characters when they occur inside a word.
    83  `tables`
    84  : default: *enabled* <br>
    85      Purpose: When enabled, tables can be created by drawing them in the input
    86      using the below syntax:
    87      Example:
    89             Name | Age
    90          --------|------
    91              Bob | 27
    92            Alice | 23
    94  `fencedCode`
    95  : default: *enabled* <br>
    96      Purpose: When enabled, in addition to the normal 4-space indentation to mark
    97      code blocks, you can explicitly mark them and supply a language (to make
    98      syntax highlighting simple).
   100      You can use 3 or more backticks to mark the beginning of the block, and the
   101      same number to mark the end of the block.
   103      Example:
   105           ```md
   106          # Heading Level 1
   107          Some test
   108          ## Heading Level 2
   109          Some more test
   110          ```
   112  `autolink`
   113  : default: *enabled* <br>
   114      Purpose: When enabled, URLs that have not been explicitly marked as links
   115      will be converted into links.
   117  `strikethrough`
   118  : default: *enabled* <br>
   119      Purpose: When enabled, text wrapped with two tildes will be crossed out. <br>
   120      Example: `~~crossed-out~~`
   122  `laxHtmlBlocks`
   123  : default: *disabled* <br>
   124      Purpose: When enabled, loosen up HTML block parsing rules.
   126  `spaceHeaders`
   127  : default: *enabled* <br>
   128      Purpose: When enabled, be strict about prefix header rules.
   130  `hardLineBreak`
   131  : default: *disabled* <br>
   132      Purpose: When enabled, newlines in the input translate into line breaks in
   133      the output.
   136  `tabSizeEight`
   137  : default: *disabled* <br>
   138      Purpose: When enabled, expand tabs to eight spaces instead of four.
   140  `footnotes`
   141  : default: *enabled* <br>
   142      Purpose: When enabled, Pandoc-style footnotes will be supported.  The
   143      footnote marker in the text that will become a superscript text; the
   144      footnote definition will be placed in a list of footnotes at the end of the
   145      document. <br>
   146      Example:
   148          This is a footnote.[^1]
   150          [^1]: the footnote text.
   152  `noEmptyLineBeforeBlock`
   153  : default: *disabled* <br>
   154      Purpose: When enabled, no need to insert an empty line to start a (code,
   155      quote, ordered list, unordered list) block.
   158  `headerIds`
   159  : default: *enabled* <br>
   160      Purpose: When enabled, allow specifying header IDs with `{#id}`.
   162  `titleblock`
   163  : default: *disabled* <br>
   164      Purpose: When enabled, support [Pandoc-style title blocks][1].
   166  `autoHeaderIds`
   167  : default: *enabled* <br>
   168      Purpose: When enabled, auto-create the header ID's from the headline text.
   170  `backslashLineBreak`
   171  : default: *enabled* <br>
   172      Purpose: When enabled, translate trailing backslashes into line breaks.
   174  `definitionLists`
   175  : default: *enabled* <br>
   176      Purpose: When enabled, a simple definition list is made of a single-line
   177      term followed by a colon and the definition for that term. <br>
   178      Example:
   180          Cat
   181          : Fluffy animal everyone likes
   183          Internet
   184          : Vector of transmission for pictures of cats
   186      Terms must be separated from the previous definition by a blank line.
   188  `joinLines`
   189  : default: *enabled* <br>
   190      Purpose: When enabled, delete newlines and join the lines.
   192  [1]: