(about) 1 | Variable | Current context | Pages included | 2 |----------------------|-----------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 3 | `.Site.Pages` | **any** page | ALL pages of the site: content, sections, taxonomies, etc. -- Superset of everything! | 4 | `.Site.RegularPages` | **any** page | Only regular (content) pages -- Subset of `.Site.Pages` | 5 | `.Pages` | _List_ page | Regular pages under that _list_ page representing the homepage, section, taxonomy term (`/tags`) or taxonomy (`/tags/foo`) page -- Subset of `.Site.Pages` or `.Site.RegularPages`, depending on context. | 6 | `.Pages` | _Single_ page | empty slice | 7 8 Note 9 : In the **home** context (`index.html`), `.Pages` is the same as `.Site.RegularPages`.