(about) 1 --- 2 3 # A suitable title for this article. 4 title: Hugo Showcase Template 5 6 # Set this to the current date. 7 date: 2018-02-07 8 9 description: "A short description of this page." 10 11 # The URL to the site on the internet. 12 siteURL: 13 14 # Link to the site's Hugo source code if public and you can/want to share. 15 # Remove or leave blank if not needed/wanted. 16 siteSource: 17 18 # Add credit to the article author. Leave blank or remove if not needed/wanted. 19 byline: "[bep](, Hugo Lead" 20 21 --- 22 23 Have a **notable Hugo site[^1]**? We would love to feature it in this **Showcase Section** 24 25 We would really appreciate if you could: 26 27 1. Fork 28 1. Create a copy of the [content/showcase/template]( directory with a suitable name. If you now run `hugo server`, your site should show up in [http://localhost:1313/showcase/](http://localhost:1313/showcase/) and on the front page. 29 2. Adjust the [files](#files) and write a story about your site 30 3. Create a new pull request in 31 32 **Note:** The Showcase section uses the latest bells and whistles from Hugo, [resources](/content-management/page-resources/) with [image processing](/content-management/image-processing/), so you need a reasonable up-to-date [Hugo version]( 33 34 ## Files 35 36 The content of the [content/showcase/template]( directory explained: 37 38 39 : The main content file. Fill in required front matter metadata and write your story. I does not have to be a novel. It can even be self-promotional, but it should include Hugo in some form. 40 41 42 : A short summary of the website. Site credits (who built it) fits nicely here. 43 44 featured-template.png 45 : A reasonably sized screenshot of your website. It can be named anything, but the name must start with "featured". The sample image is `1500x750` (2:1 aspect ratio). 46 47 48 49 [^1]: We want this to show Hugo in its best light, so this is not for the average Hugo blog. In most cases the answer to "Is my site [notabable](" will be obvious, but if in doubt, create an [issue]( with a link and some words, and we can discuss it. But if you have a site with an interesting Hugo story or a company site where the company itself is notable, you are most welcome.