
     1  ---
     2  layout: guides
     3  sidebar_current: guides
     4  page_title: Guides
     5  description: |-
     6    Welcome to the Packer guides. If you are just getting started with Packer,
     7    please see the Packer introduction instead and then continue on to the guides.
     8    These guides provide examples for common Packer workflows and actions for
     9    users of Packer.
    10  ---
    12  # Packer
    14  Welcome to the Packer guides. If you are just getting started with Packer,
    15  please see the [Packer introduction][intro] instead and then continue on to the
    16  guides. These guides provide examples for common Packer workflows and actions
    17  for users of Packer.
    19  [intro]: /intro/index.html