
     1  [![CircleCI](](
     3  # Rainforest-cli
     5  A command line interface to interact with [Rainforest QA](
     7  This is the easiest way to integrate Rainforest with your deploy scripts or CI server. See [our documentation]( on the subject.
     9  ## Installation
    11  If you are on a mac and use brew, you can run:
    13  ```bash
    14  brew install rainforestapp/public/rainforest-cli
    15  ```
    17  If not, follow the directions on our [download page]( For non-homebrew mac users, please make sure you use the "Install via the command line" instructions.
    19  The CLI will check for updates and automatically update itself on every use unless the `--skip-update` global flag is given.
    21  For migration directions from 1.x, please read our [migration guide](./
    23  ## Basic Usage
    24  To use the cli client, you'll need your API token from your [integrations settings page](
    26  In order to access your account from the CLI, set the `RAINFOREST_API_TOKEN` environment variable
    27  to your API token. Alternatively, you may pass your token with the global `--token` flag.
    29  CLI Commands are formatted as follows:
    30  ```bash
    31  rainforest [global flags] <command> [command-specific-flags] [arguments]
    32  ```
    34  ## Options
    36  #### Running Tests
    38  Run all tests in the foreground and report.
    40  ```bash
    41  rainforest run all
    42  ```
    44  Run all your tests in the background and exit the process immediately.
    46  ```bash
    47  rainforest run all --bg
    48  ```
    50  Run all tests with tag 'run-me' and abort previous in-progress runs.
    52  ```bash
    53  rainforest run --tag run-me --conflict abort
    54  ```
    56  Run all tests and generate a junit xml report.
    58  ```bash
    59  rainforest run all --junit-file results.xml
    60  ```
    62  Run individual tests in the foreground and report.
    64  ```bash
    65  rainforest run <test_id1> <test_id2>
    66  ```
    68  #### Creating and Managing Tests
    70  Create new Rainforest test in RFML format (Rainforest Markup Language).
    72  ```bash
    73  rainforest new
    74  ```
    76  You may also specify a custom test title or file name.
    78  ```bash
    79  rainforest new "My Awesome Title"
    80  ```
    82  Validate your tests for syntax and correct RFML ids for embedded tests.
    83  Use the `--token` options or `RAINFOREST_API_TOKEN` environment variable
    84  to validate your tests against server data as well.
    86  ```bash
    87  rainforest validate
    88  ```
    90  Validate RFML syntax of a specified file.
    91  This command just validates RFML syntax for more complex validation including checking
    92  embedded tests id correctness and existence of potential circural dependiences in tests
    93  use general command.
    95  ```bash
    96  rainforest validate /path/to/test/file.rfml
    97  ```
    99  Upload tests to Rainforest
   101  ```bash
   102  rainforest upload
   103  ```
   105  Upload a specific test to Rainforest
   107  ```bash
   108  rainforest upload /path/to/test/file.rfml
   109  ```
   111  Remove RFML file and remove test from Rainforest test suite.
   113  ```bash
   114  rainforest rm /path/to/test/file.rfml
   115  ```
   117  Download all tests from Rainforest
   119  ```bash
   120  rainforest download
   121  ```
   123  Download tests filtered by tags, site, and smart folder
   125  ```bash
   126  rainforest download --tag foo --tag bar --site-id 123 --folder 456
   127  ```
   129  Download specific tests based on their id on the Rainforest dashboard
   131  ```bash
   132  rainforest download 33445 11232 1337
   133  ```
   135  #### Running Local RFML Tests Only
   137  If you want to run a local set of RFML files (for instance in a CI environment), use the `run -f` option:
   139  ```
   140  rainforest run -f [FILES OR FOLDERS]
   141  ```
   143  `run -f` accepts any number of files and folders as arguments (folders will be recursively checked for `*.rfml` files). All embedded tests must be included within `FILES OR FOLDERS`.
   145  There is a specific metadata option in RFML files for `run -f`: `# execute: true|false`, which indicates whether a test should be run by default (defaults to `true`). Embedded tests that are not usually run directly should specify `# execute: false`.
   147  The following options are specific to `run -f` or behave differently:
   149  - `--tag TAG_NAME`: only run tests that are tagged with `TAG_NAME` (which can be a comma-separated list of tags). Note that this filters *within* local RFML files, not tests stored on Rainforest. Tests that are not tagged with `TAG_NAME` will not be executed but may be still be uploaded if they are embedded in another test.
   150  - `--exclude FILE`: exclude the test in `FILE` from being run, even if `# execute: true` is specified.
   151  - `--force-execute FILE`: execute the test in `FILE` even if `# execute: false` is specified.
   153  Run-level setting options (`--browsers`, `--environment_id`, etc) behave the same for `run -f`. Other test filtering options (such as `--run-group`, `--site`, etc) cannot be used in conjunction with `run -f`.
   155  #### Viewing Account Specific Information
   157  See a list of all of your sites and their IDs
   158  ```bash
   159  rainforest sites
   160  ```
   162  See a list of all of your environments and their IDs
   163  ```bash
   164  rainforest environments
   165  ```
   167  See a list of all of your smart folders and their IDs
   168  ```bash
   169  rainforest folders
   170  ```
   172  See a list of all of your browsers and their IDs
   173  ```bash
   174  rainforest browsers
   175  ```
   177  See a list of all of your features and their IDs
   178  ```bash
   179  rainforest features
   180  ```
   182  See a list of all of your run groups and their IDs
   183  ```bash
   184  rainforest run-groups
   185  ```
   187  To generate a junit xml report for a test run which has already completed
   188  ```bash
   189  rainforest report <run-id> --junit-file rainforest.xml
   190  ```
   192  #### Updating Tabular Variables
   194  Upload a CSV to create a new tabular variables.
   195  ```bash
   196  rainforest csv-upload --import-variable-name my_variable PATH/TO/CSV.csv
   197  ```
   199  Upload a CSV to update an existing tabular variables.
   200  ```bash
   201  rainforest csv-upload --import-variable-name my_variable --overwrite-variable PATH/TO/CSV.csv
   202  ```
   204  #### Uploading Mobile Apps
   206  Upload a mobile app to Rainforest.
   207  ```bash
   208  rainforest mobile-upload --site-id <site_id> --environment-id <environment_id> PATH/TO/mobile_app.ipa
   209  ```
   210  - `--site-id SITE_ID` - Filter tests by a specific site. You can see a list of your site IDs with `rainforest sites`.
   211  - `--environment-id` - Run your tests using this environment. Otherwise it will use your default environment.
   212  - `--app-slot` - An optional flag for specifying the app slot (1-100) of your app, if your site-environment contains multiple apps. Default is 1.
   215  ## Options
   217  ### Global
   219  - `--token <your-rainforest-token>` - supply your token (get it from any tests API tab), if not set in `RAINFOREST_API_TOKEN` environment variable
   220  - `--skip-update` - Do not automatically check for CLI updates.
   222  ### Writing Tests
   223  Rainforest Tests written using RFML have the following format
   225  ```
   226  #! [RFML ID]
   227  # title: [TITLE]
   228  # start_uri: [START_URI]
   229  # tags: [TAGS]
   230  # site_id: [SITE ID]
   231  # browsers: [BROWSER IDS]
   232  # feature_id: [FEATURE_ID]
   233  # state: [STATE]
   234  # [OTHER COMMENTS]
   236  [ACTION 1]
   237  [QUESTION 1]
   239  # redirect: [REDIRECT FLAG]
   242  Action with an embedded screenshot: {{ file.screenshot(./relative/path/to/screenshot.jpg) }}
   243  Response with an embedded file download: {{ }}
   245  [ACTION 3]
   246  [QUESTION 3]
   248  ... etc.
   249  ```
   251  Required Fields:
   252  - `RFML ID` - Unique identifier for your test. For newly generated tests, this will
   253  be a UUID, but you are free to change it for easier reference (for example, your
   254  login test might have the id `login_test`).
   255  - `TITLE` - The title of your test.
   256  - `START_URI` - The path used to direct the tester to the correct page to begin the test.
   257  - `ACTION 1`, `ACTION 2`, ... - The directions for your tester to follow in this
   258  step. You must have at least one step in your test.
   259  - `QUESTION 1`, `QUESTION 2`, ... - The question you would like your tester to
   260  answer in this step. You must have at least one step in your test.
   262  Optional Fields:
   263  - `SITE ID` - Site ID for the site this test is for. You can find your available
   264  site IDs with the `sites` command. Sites can be configured at
   266  - `BROWSER IDS` - Comma separated list of browsers for this test. You can reference
   267  your available browsers with the `browsers` command. If left empty or omitted,
   268  your test will default to using your account's default browsers.
   269  - `TAGS` - Comma separated list of your desired tags for this test.
   270  - `FEATURE_ID` - Feature ID for the feature that this test is a part of. You can
   271  find your available feature IDs with the `features` command.
   272  - `STATE` - State of the test. Valid states are `enabled`, `disabled` and `draft`.
   273  - `OTHER COMMENTS` - Any comments you'd like to save to this test. All lines beginning with
   274  `#` will be ignored by Rainforest unless they begin with a supported data field,
   275  such as `tags` or `start_uri`.
   276  - `REDIRECT FLAG` - A `true` or `false` flag to designate whether the tester should be
   277  redirected. The default value is `true`. This flag is only applicable for embedded
   278  tests and the first step of a test.
   279  - `EMBEDDED TEST RFML ID` - Embed the steps of another test within the current test
   280  using the embedded test's RFML ID.
   282  For more information on embedding inline screenshots and file downloads,
   283  [see our examples](./examples/
   285  For more information on test writing, please visit our [documentation](
   287  ### Command Line Options
   289  Popular command line options are:
   290  - `--browsers ie8` or `--browsers ie8,chrome` - specify the browsers you wish to run against. This overrides the test own settings. Valid browsers can be found in your account settings.
   291  - `--tag TAG_NAME` - filter tests by tag. Can be used multiple times for filtering by multiple tags.
   292  - `--site-id SITE_ID` - filter tests by a specific site. You can see a list of your site IDs with `rainforest sites`.
   293  - `--folder ID/--filter ID` - filter tests in specified folder.
   294  - `--feature ID` - filter tests in a feature.
   295  - `--run-group ID` - run/filter based on a run group. When used with `run`, this trigger a run from the run group; it can't be used in conjunction with other test filters.
   296  - `--environment-id` - run your tests using this environment. Otherwise it will use your default environment
   297  - `--conflict OPTION` - use the `abort` option to abort any runs in progress in the same environment as your new run. use the `abort-all` option to abort all runs in progress.
   298  - `--bg` - creates a run in the background and rainforest-cli exits immediately after. Do not use if you want rainforest-cli to track your run and exit with an error code upon run failure (ie: using Rainforest in your CI environment).
   299  - `--crowd [default|on_premise_crowd]` - select your crowd of testers for clients with on premise testers. For more information, contact us at
   300  - `--wait RUN_ID` - wait for an existing run to finish instead of starting a new one, and exit with a non-0 code if the run fails. rainforest-cli will exit immediately if the run is already complete.
   301  - `--fail-fast` - fail the build as soon as the first failed result comes in. If you don't pass this it will wait until 100% of the run is done. Has no effect with `--bg`.
   302  - `--custom-url` - use a custom url for this run to use an ad-hoc QA environment on all tests. You will need to specify a `site_id` too for this to work. Note that we will be creating a new environment for your account for this particular run.
   303  - `--git-trigger` - only trigger a run when the last commit (for a git repo in the current working directory) has contains `@rainforest` and a list of one or more tags. E.g. "Fix checkout process. @rainforest #checkout" would trigger a run for everything tagged `checkout`. This over-rides `--tag` and any tests specified. If no `@rainforest` is detected it will exit 0.
   304  - `--description "CI automatic run"` - add an arbitrary description for the run.
   305  - `--release "1a2b3d"` - add an ID to associate the run with a release. Commonly used values are commit SHAs, build IDs, branch names, etc.
   306  - `--flatten-steps` - Use with `rainforest download` to download your tests with steps extracted from embedded tests.
   307  - `--test-folder /path/to/directory` - Use with `rainforest [new, upload, export]`. If this option is not provided, rainforest-cli will, in the case of 'new' create a directory, or in the case of 'upload' and 'export' use the directory, at the default path `./spec/rainforest/`.
   308  - `--junit-file` - Create a junit xml report file with the specified name.  Must be run in foreground mode, or with the report command. Uses the rainforest
   309  api to construct a junit report.  This is useful to track tests in CI such as Jenkins or Bamboo.
   310  - `--run-id` - Only used with the report command.  Specify a past rainforest run by ID number to generate a report for.
   311  - `--import-variable-csv-file /path/to/csv/file.csv` - Use with `run` and `--import-variable-name` to upload new tabular variable values before your run to specify the path to your CSV file.
   312  - `--import-variable-name NAME` - Use with `run` and `--import-variable-csv-file` to upload new tabular variable values before your run to specify the name of your tabular variable. You may also use this with the `csv-upload` command to update your variable without starting a run.
   313  - `--single-use` - Use with `run` or `csv-upload` to flag your variable upload as `single-use`. See `--import-variable-csv-file` and `--import-variable-name` options as well.
   315  ## Support
   317  Email []( if you're having trouble using this gem or need help to integrate Rainforest in your CI or deployment flow.
   319  ## Contributing
   321  1. Fork it
   322  2. Make sure you init the submodules (`git submodule init && git submodule update`)
   323  3. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
   324  4. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
   325  5. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
   326  6. Create new Pull Request
   328  ## Release process
   330  Check the `circle.yml` for the latest, but currently merging to master will build and deploy to the following Equinox channels:
   332  Tag                             | Channels
   333  --------------------------------|-------------
   334  No tag                          | dev
   335  vX.Y.Z-alpha.N or vX.Y.Z-beta.N | beta, dev
   336  vX.Y.Z                          | stable, beta, dev
   338  Development + release process is:
   340  1. Branch from master
   341  2. Do work
   342  3. Open PR against master
   343  4. Merge to master
   344  5. Branch from master to update `` to include the commit hashes and release date
   345  6. Update the `version` constant in `rainforest-cli.go` following [semvar](
   346  7. Merge to master
   347  8. Tag the master branch with the release:
   348  ```bash
   349     git tag vX.Y.Z or vX.Y.Z-alpha.N or vX.Y.Z-beta.N
   350     git push origin vX.Y.Z
   351  ```
   352  9. Merge to master to release to stable/beta/dev
   353  10. Add release to Github [release page](