
     1  ## List of Notable changes from 1.X to 2.0:
     3  - Global flags are given before the command. eg:
     4      - 1.X: `rainforest run --token my_token --tag foo`
     5      - 2.0: `rainforest --token my_token run --tag foo`
     6  - `--fg` has been removed. Runs are tracked in the foreground by default. To create
     7  a run without tracking it, use the `--bg` flag.
     8  - The `export` command has been renamed `download`.
     9  - `--import-variable-csv-file` has been deprecated for the `csv-upload` command.
    10  Instead, simply supply the file path as the argument without a flag.
    11      - Note: `--import-variable-csv-file` with the `run` command has not been
    12      deprecated.
    13  - New global flag `--skip-update` will execute your command without attempting
    14  to auto-update your CLI binary if an update is available.