
     1  ---
     2  description: |
     3      The ncloud builder allows you to create server images using the NAVER Cloud Platform.
     4  layout: docs
     5  page_title: 'Naver Cloud Platform - Builders'
     6  sidebar_current: 'docs-builders-ncloud'
     7  ---
     9  # NAVER CLOUD PLATFORM Builder
    11  The `ncloud` builder allows you to create server images using the [NAVER Cloud
    12  Platform](
    14  ## Configuration Reference
    16  ### Required:
    18  -   `ncloud_access_key` (string) - User's access key. Go to [\[Account
    19      Management \> Authentication
    20      Key\]]( to create and view
    21      your authentication key.
    23  -   `ncloud_secret_key` (string) - User's secret key paired with the access
    24      key. Go to [\[Account Management \> Authentication
    25      Key\]]( to create and view
    26      your authentication key.
    28  -   `server_image_product_code` (string) - Product code of an image to create.
    29      (member\_server\_image\_no is required if not specified)
    31  -   `server_product_code` (string) - Product (spec) code to create.
    33  ### Optional:
    35  -   `member_server_image_no` (string) - Previous image code. If there is an
    36      image previously created, it can be used to create a new image.
    37      (`server_image_product_code` is required if not specified)
    39  -   `server_image_name` (string) - Name of an image to create.
    41  -   `server_image_description` (string) - Description of an image to create.
    43  -   `block_storage_size` (number) - You can add block storage ranging from 10
    44      GB to 2000 GB, in increments of 10 GB.
    46  -   `access_control_group_configuration_no` (string) - This is used to allow
    47      winrm access when you create a Windows server. An ACG that specifies an
    48      access source (``) and allowed port (5985) must be created in
    49      advance.
    51  -   `user_data` (string) - Init script to run when an instance is created.
    52      -   For Linux servers, Python, Perl, and Shell scripts can be used. The
    53          path of the script to run should be included at the beginning of the
    54          script, like \#!/usr/bin/env python, \#!/bin/perl, or \#!/bin/bash.
    55      -   For Windows servers, only Visual Basic scripts can be used.
    56      -   All scripts must be written in English.
    57  -   `user_data_file` (string) - A path to a file containing a `user_data`
    58      script. See above for more information.
    60  -   `region` (string) - Name of the region where you want to create an image.
    61      (default: Korea)
    62      -   values: Korea / US-West / HongKong / Singapore / Japan / Germany
    65  ## Sample code of template.json
    67  ```
    68  {
    69    "variables": {
    70      "ncloud_access_key": "FRxhOQRNjKVMqIz3sRLY",
    71      "ncloud_secret_key": "xd6kTO5iNcLookBx0D8TDKmpLj2ikxqEhc06MQD2"
    72    },
    73    "builders": [
    74      {
    75        "type": "ncloud",
    76        "access_key": "{{user `ncloud_access_key`}}",
    77        "secret_key": "{{user `ncloud_secret_key`}}",
    79        "server_image_product_code": "SPSW0WINNT000016",
    80        "server_product_code": "SPSVRSSD00000011",
    81        "member_server_image_no": "4223",
    82        "server_image_name": "packer-test {{timestamp}}",
    83        "server_description": "server description",
    84        "user_data": "CreateObject(\"WScript.Shell\").run(\"cmd.exe /c powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned & winrm quickconfig -q & sc config WinRM start= auto & winrm set winrm/config/service/auth @{Basic=\"\"true\"\"} & winrm set winrm/config/service @{AllowUnencrypted=\"\"true\"\"} & winrm get winrm/config/service\")",
    85        "region": "US-West"
    86      }
    87    ]
    88  }
    89  ```
    91  ## Requirements for creating Windows images
    93  You should include the following code in the packer configuration file for
    94  provision when creating a Windows server.
    96  ```
    97    "builders": [
    98      {
    99        "type": "ncloud",
   100        ...
   101        "user_data":
   102          "CreateObject(\"WScript.Shell\").run(\"cmd.exe /c powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned & winrm set winrm/config/service/auth @{Basic=\"\"true\"\"} & winrm set winrm/config/service @{AllowUnencrypted=\"\"true\"\"} & winrm quickconfig -q & sc config WinRM start= auto & winrm get winrm/config/service\")",
   103        "communicator": "winrm",
   104        "winrm_username": "Administrator"
   105      }
   106    ],
   107    "provisioners": [
   108      {
   109        "type": "powershell",
   110        "inline": [
   111          "$Env:SystemRoot\\System32\\Sysprep\\Sysprep.exe /oobe /generalize /shutdown /quiet \"/unattend:C:\\Program Files (x86)\\NBP\\nserver64.xml\" "
   112        ]
   113      }
   114    ]
   115  ```
   117  ## Note
   119  * You can only create as many public IP addresses as the number of server
   120    instances you own. Before running Packer, please make sure that the number of
   121    public IP addresses previously created is not larger than the number of
   122    server instances (including those to be used to create server images).
   123  * When you forcibly terminate the packer process or close the terminal
   124    (command) window where the process is running, the resources may not be
   125    cleaned up as the packer process no longer runs. In this case, you should
   126    manually clean up the resources associated with the process.