
     1  ---
     2  description: |
     3      Packer Plugins allow new functionality to be added to Packer without modifying
     4      the core source code. Packer plugins are able to add new builders,
     5      provisioners, hooks, and more.
     6  layout: docs
     7  page_title: 'Plugins - Extending'
     8  sidebar_current: 'docs-extending-plugins'
     9  ---
    11  # Plugins
    13  Packer Plugins allow new functionality to be added to Packer without modifying
    14  the core source code. Packer plugins are able to add new builders,
    15  provisioners, hooks, and more. In fact, much of Packer itself is implemented by
    16  writing plugins that are simply distributed with Packer. For example, all the
    17  builders, provisioners, and more that ship with Packer are implemented
    18  as Plugins that are simply hardcoded to load with Packer.
    20  This section will cover how to install and use plugins. If you're interested in
    21  developing plugins, the documentation for that is available below, in the [developing
    22  plugins](#developing-plugins) section.
    24  Because Packer is so young, there is no official listing of available Packer
    25  plugins. Plugins are best found via Google. Typically, searching "packer plugin
    26  *x*" will find what you're looking for if it exists. As Packer gets older, an
    27  official plugin directory is planned.
    29  ## How Plugins Work
    31  Packer plugins are completely separate, standalone applications that the core of
    32  Packer starts and communicates with.
    34  These plugin applications aren't meant to be run manually. Instead, Packer core
    35  executes them as a sub-process, run as a sub-command (`packer plugin`) and
    36  communicates with them. For example, the VMware builder is actually run as
    37  `packer plugin packer-builder-vmware`. The next time you run a Packer build,
    38  look at your process list and you should see a handful of `packer-` prefixed
    39  applications running.
    41  ## Installing Plugins
    43  The easiest way to install a plugin is to name it correctly, then place it in
    44  the proper directory. To name a plugin correctly, make sure the binary is named
    45  `packer-TYPE-NAME`. For example, `packer-builder-amazon-ebs` for a "builder"
    46  type plugin named "amazon-ebs". Valid types for plugins are down this page more.
    48  Once the plugin is named properly, Packer automatically discovers plugins in the
    49  following directories in the given order. If a conflicting plugin is found
    50  later, it will take precedence over one found earlier.
    52  1.  The directory where `packer` is, or the executable directory.
    54  2.  `~/.packer.d/plugins` on Unix systems or `%APPDATA%/packer.d/plugins`
    55      on Windows.
    57  3.  The current working directory.
    59  The valid types for plugins are:
    61  -   `builder` - Plugins responsible for building images for a specific platform.
    63  -   `post-processor` - A post-processor responsible for taking an artifact from
    64      a builder and turning it into something else.
    66  -   `provisioner` - A provisioner to install software on images created by
    67      a builder.
    69  ## Developing Plugins
    71  This page will document how you can develop your own Packer plugins. Prior to
    72  reading this, it is assumed that you're comfortable with Packer and also know
    73  the [basics of how Plugins work](/docs/extending/plugins.html), from a user
    74  standpoint.
    76  Packer plugins must be written in [Go](, so it is also
    77  assumed that you're familiar with the language. This page will not be a Go
    78  language tutorial. Thankfully, if you are familiar with Go, the Go toolchain
    79  provides many conveniences to help to develop Packer plugins.
    81  ~> **Warning!** This is an advanced topic. If you're new to Packer, we
    82  recommend getting a bit more comfortable before you dive into writing plugins.
    84  ### Plugin System Architecture
    86  Packer has a fairly unique plugin architecture. Instead of loading plugins
    87  directly into a running application, Packer runs each plugin as a *separate
    88  application*. Inter-process communication and RPC is then used to communicate
    89  between the many running Packer processes. Packer core itself is responsible for
    90  orchestrating the processes and handles cleanup.
    92  The beauty of this is that your plugin can have any dependencies it wants.
    93  Dependencies don't need to line up with what Packer core or any other plugin
    94  uses, because they're completely isolated into the process space of the plugin
    95  itself.
    97  And, thanks to Go's
    98  [interfaces](, it
    99  doesn't even look like inter-process communication is occurring. You just use
   100  the interfaces like normal, but in fact they're being executed in a remote
   101  process. Pretty cool.
   103  ### Plugin Development Basics
   105  Developing a plugin allows you to create additional functionality for Packer.
   106  All the various kinds of plugins have a corresponding interface. The plugin needs
   107  to implement this interface and expose it using the Packer plugin package
   108  (covered here shortly), and that's it!
   110  There are two packages that really matter that every plugin must use. Other than
   111  the following two packages, you're encouraged to use whatever packages you want.
   112  Because plugins are their own processes, there is no danger of colliding
   113  dependencies.
   115  -   `` - Contains all the interfaces that you have to
   116      implement for any given plugin.
   118  -   `` - Contains the code to serve
   119      the plugin. This handles all the inter-process communication stuff.
   121  There are two steps involved in creating a plugin:
   123  1.  Implement the desired interface. For example, if you're building a builder
   124      plugin, implement the `packer.Builder` interface.
   126  2.  Serve the interface by calling the appropriate plugin serving method in your
   127      main method. In the case of a builder, this is `plugin.RegisterBuilder`.
   129  A basic example is shown below. In this example, assume the `Builder` struct
   130  implements the `packer.Builder` interface:
   132  ``` go
   133  import (
   134    ""
   135  )
   137  // Assume this implements packer.Builder
   138  type Builder struct{}
   140  func main() {
   141    plugin.RegisterBuilder(new(Builder))
   142  }
   143  ```
   145  **That's it!** `plugin.RegisterBuilder` handles all the nitty gritty of
   146  communicating with Packer core and serving your builder over RPC. It can't get
   147  much easier than that.
   149  Next, just build your plugin like a normal Go application, using `go build` or
   150  however you please. The resulting binary is the plugin that can be installed
   151  using standard installation procedures.
   153  The specifics of how to implement each type of interface are covered in the
   154  relevant subsections available in the navigation to the left.
   156  ~> **Lock your dependencies!** Using `govendor` is highly recommended since
   157  the Packer codebase will continue to improve, potentially breaking APIs along
   158  the way until there is a stable release. By locking your dependencies, your
   159  plugins will continue to work with the version of Packer you lock to.
   161  ### Logging and Debugging
   163  Plugins can use the standard Go `log` package to log. Anything logged using this
   164  will be available in the Packer log files automatically. The Packer log is
   165  visible on stderr when the `PACKER_LOG` environmental is set.
   167  Packer will prefix any logs from plugins with the path to that plugin to make it
   168  identifiable where the logs come from. Some example logs are shown below:
   170  ``` text
   171  2013/06/10 21:44:43 Loading builder: custom
   172  2013/06/10 21:44:43 packer-builder-custom: 2013/06/10 21:44:43 Plugin minimum port: 10000
   173  2013/06/10 21:44:43 packer-builder-custom: 2013/06/10 21:44:43 Plugin maximum port: 25000
   174  2013/06/10 21:44:43 packer-builder-custom: 2013/06/10 21:44:43 Plugin address: :10000
   175  ```
   177  As you can see, the log messages from the custom builder plugin are prefixed
   178  with "packer-builder-custom". Log output is *extremely* helpful in debugging
   179  issues and you're encouraged to be as verbose as you need to be in order for the
   180  logs to be helpful.
   182  ### Plugin Development Tips
   184  Here are some tips for developing plugins, often answering common questions or
   185  concerns.
   187  #### Naming Conventions
   189  It is standard practice to name the resulting plugin application in the format
   190  of `packer-TYPE-NAME`. For example, if you're building a new builder for
   191  CustomCloud, it would be standard practice to name the resulting plugin
   192  `packer-builder-custom-cloud`. This naming convention helps users identify the
   193  purpose of a plugin.
   195  #### Testing Plugins
   197  While developing plugins, you can configure your Packer configuration to point
   198  directly to the compiled plugin in order to test it. For example, building the
   199  CustomCloud plugin, I may configure packer like so:
   201  ``` json
   202  {
   203    "builders": {
   204      "custom-cloud": "/an/absolute/path/to/packer-builder-custom-cloud"
   205    }
   206  }
   207  ```
   209  This would configure Packer to have the "custom-cloud" plugin, and execute the
   210  binary that I am building during development. This is extremely useful during
   211  development.
   213  #### Distributing Plugins
   215  It is recommended you use a tool like [goxc]( in
   216  order to cross-compile your plugin for every platform that Packer supports,
   217  since Go applications are platform-specific. goxc will allow you to build for
   218  every platform from your own computer.