
     1  ---
     2  description: |
     3      The chef-solo Packer provisioner installs and configures software on machines
     4      built by Packer using chef-solo. Cookbooks can be uploaded from your local
     5      machine to the remote machine or remote paths can be used.
     6  layout: docs
     7  page_title: 'Chef Solo - Provisioners'
     8  sidebar_current: 'docs-provisioners-chef-solo'
     9  ---
    11  # Chef Solo Provisioner
    13  Type: `chef-solo`
    15  The Chef solo Packer provisioner installs and configures software on machines
    16  built by Packer using [chef-solo](
    17  Cookbooks can be uploaded from your local machine to the remote machine or
    18  remote paths can be used.
    20  The provisioner will even install Chef onto your machine if it isn't already
    21  installed, using the official Chef installers provided by Chef Inc.
    23  ## Basic Example
    25  The example below is fully functional and expects cookbooks in the "cookbooks"
    26  directory relative to your working directory.
    28  ``` json
    29  {
    30    "type": "chef-solo",
    31    "cookbook_paths": ["cookbooks"]
    32  }
    33  ```
    35  ## Configuration Reference
    37  The reference of available configuration options is listed below. No
    38  configuration is actually required, but at least `run_list` is recommended.
    40  -   `chef_environment` (string) - The name of the `chef_environment` sent to the
    41      Chef server. By default this is empty and will not use an environment
    43  -   `config_template` (string) - Path to a template that will be used for the
    44      Chef configuration file. By default Packer only sets configuration it needs
    45      to match the settings set in the provisioner configuration. If you need to
    46      set configurations that the Packer provisioner doesn't support, then you
    47      should use a custom configuration template. See the dedicated "Chef
    48      Configuration" section below for more details.
    50  -   `cookbook_paths` (array of strings) - This is an array of paths to
    51      "cookbooks" directories on your local filesystem. These will be uploaded to
    52      the remote machine in the directory specified by the `staging_directory`. By
    53      default, this is empty.
    55  -   `data_bags_path` (string) - The path to the "data\_bags" directory on your
    56      local filesystem. These will be uploaded to the remote machine in the
    57      directory specified by the `staging_directory`. By default, this is empty.
    59  -   `encrypted_data_bag_secret_path` (string) - The path to the file containing
    60      the secret for encrypted data bags. By default, this is empty, so no secret
    61      will be available.
    63  -   `environments_path` (string) - The path to the "environments" directory on
    64      your local filesystem. These will be uploaded to the remote machine in the
    65      directory specified by the `staging_directory`. By default, this is empty.
    67  -   `execute_command` (string) - The command used to execute Chef. This has
    68      various [configuration template
    69      variables](/docs/templates/engine.html) available. See
    70      below for more information.
    72  -   `guest_os_type` (string) - The target guest OS type, either "unix" or
    73      "windows". Setting this to "windows" will cause the provisioner to use
    74      Windows friendly paths and commands. By default, this is "unix".
    76  -   `install_command` (string) - The command used to install Chef. This has
    77      various [configuration template
    78      variables](/docs/templates/engine.html) available. See
    79      below for more information.
    81  -   `json` (object) - An arbitrary mapping of JSON that will be available as
    82      node attributes while running Chef.
    84  -   `prevent_sudo` (boolean) - By default, the configured commands that are
    85      executed to install and run Chef are executed with `sudo`. If this is true,
    86      then the sudo will be omitted. This has no effect when guest\_os\_type is
    87      windows.
    89  -   `remote_cookbook_paths` (array of strings) - A list of paths on the remote
    90      machine where cookbooks will already exist. These may exist from a previous
    91      provisioner or step. If specified, Chef will be configured to look for
    92      cookbooks here. By default, this is empty.
    94  -   `roles_path` (string) - The path to the "roles" directory on your
    95      local filesystem. These will be uploaded to the remote machine in the
    96      directory specified by the `staging_directory`. By default, this is empty.
    98  -   `run_list` (array of strings) - The [run
    99      list]( for Chef. By default this
   100      is empty.
   102  -   `skip_install` (boolean) - If true, Chef will not automatically be installed
   103      on the machine using the Chef omnibus installers.
   105  -   `staging_directory` (string) - This is the directory where all the
   106      configuration of Chef by Packer will be placed. By default this is
   107      "/tmp/packer-chef-solo" when guest\_os\_type unix and
   108      "$env:TEMP/packer-chef-solo" when windows. This directory doesn't need to
   109      exist but must have proper permissions so that the user that Packer uses is
   110      able to create directories and write into this folder. If the permissions
   111      are not correct, use a shell provisioner prior to this to configure it
   112      properly.
   113  -   `version` (string) - The version of Chef to be installed. By default this is
   114      empty which will install the latest version of Chef.
   116  ## Chef Configuration
   118  By default, Packer uses a simple Chef configuration file in order to set the
   119  options specified for the provisioner. But Chef is a complex tool that supports
   120  many configuration options. Packer allows you to specify a custom configuration
   121  template if you'd like to set custom configurations.
   123  The default value for the configuration template is:
   125  ``` liquid
   126  cookbook_path [{{.CookbookPaths}}]
   127  ```
   129  This template is a [configuration
   130  template](/docs/templates/engine.html) and has a set of
   131  variables available to use:
   133  -   `ChefEnvironment` - The current enabled environment. Only non-empty if the
   134      environment path is set.
   135  -   `CookbookPaths` is the set of cookbook paths ready to embedded directly into
   136      a Ruby array to configure Chef.
   137  -   `DataBagsPath` is the path to the data bags folder.
   138  -   `EncryptedDataBagSecretPath` - The path to the encrypted data bag secret
   139  -   `EnvironmentsPath` - The path to the environments folder.
   140  -   `RolesPath` - The path to the roles folder.
   142  ## Execute Command
   144  By default, Packer uses the following command (broken across multiple lines for
   145  readability) to execute Chef:
   147  ``` liquid
   148  {{if .Sudo}}sudo {{end}}chef-solo \
   149    --no-color \
   150    -c {{.ConfigPath}} \
   151    -j {{.JsonPath}}
   152  ```
   154  When guest\_os\_type is set to "windows", Packer uses the following command to
   155  execute Chef. The full path to Chef is required because the PATH environment
   156  variable changes don't immediately propagate to running processes.
   158  ``` liquid
   159  c:/opscode/chef/bin/chef-solo.bat \
   160    --no-color \
   161    -c {{.ConfigPath}} \
   162    -j {{.JsonPath}}
   163  ```
   165  This command can be customized using the `execute_command` configuration. As you
   166  can see from the default value above, the value of this configuration can
   167  contain various template variables, defined below:
   169  -   `ConfigPath` - The path to the Chef configuration file.
   170  -   `JsonPath` - The path to the JSON attributes file for the node.
   171  -   `Sudo` - A boolean of whether to `sudo` the command or not, depending on the
   172      value of the `prevent_sudo` configuration.
   174  ## Install Command
   176  By default, Packer uses the following command (broken across multiple lines for
   177  readability) to install Chef. This command can be customized if you want to
   178  install Chef in another way.
   180  ``` text
   181  curl -L | \
   182    {{if .Sudo}}sudo{{end}} bash -s --{{if .Version}} -v {{.Version}}{{end}}
   183  ```
   185  When guest\_os\_type is set to "windows", Packer uses the following command to
   186  install the latest version of Chef:
   188  ``` text
   189  powershell.exe -Command \". { iwr -useb } | iex; install\"
   190  ```
   192  This command can be customized using the `install_command` configuration.