
     1  ---
     2  description: |
     3      Templates are JSON files that configure the various components of Packer in
     4      order to create one or more machine images. Templates are portable, static,
     5      and readable and writable by both humans and computers. This has the added
     6      benefit of being able to not only create and modify templates by hand, but
     7      also write scripts to dynamically create or modify templates.
     8  layout: docs
     9  page_title: Templates
    10  sidebar_current: 'docs-templates'
    11  ---
    13  # Templates
    15  Templates are JSON files that configure the various components of Packer in
    16  order to create one or more machine images. Templates are portable, static, and
    17  readable and writable by both humans and computers. This has the added benefit
    18  of being able to not only create and modify templates by hand, but also write
    19  scripts to dynamically create or modify templates.
    21  Templates are given to commands such as `packer build`, which will take the
    22  template and actually run the builds within it, producing any resulting machine
    23  images.
    25  ## Template Structure
    27  A template is a JSON object that has a set of keys configuring various
    28  components of Packer. The available keys within a template are listed below.
    29  Along with each key, it is noted whether it is required or not.
    31  -   `builders` (*required*) is an array of one or more objects that defines the
    32      builders that will be used to create machine images for this template, and
    33      configures each of those builders. For more information on how to define and
    34      configure a builder, read the sub-section on [configuring builders in
    35      templates](/docs/templates/builders.html).
    37  -   `description` (optional) is a string providing a description of what the
    38      template does. This output is used only in the [inspect
    39      command](/docs/commands/inspect.html).
    41  -   `min_packer_version` (optional) is a string that has a minimum Packer
    42      version that is required to parse the template. This can be used to ensure
    43      that proper versions of Packer are used with the template. A max version
    44      can't be specified because Packer retains backwards compatibility with
    45      `packer fix`.
    47  -   `post-processors` (optional) is an array of one or more objects that defines
    48      the various post-processing steps to take with the built images. If not
    49      specified, then no post-processing will be done. For more information on
    50      what post-processors do and how they're defined, read the sub-section on
    51      [configuring post-processors in
    52      templates](/docs/templates/post-processors.html).
    54  -   `provisioners` (optional) is an array of one or more objects that defines
    55      the provisioners that will be used to install and configure software for the
    56      machines created by each of the builders. If it is not specified, then no
    57      provisioners will be run. For more information on how to define and
    58      configure a provisioner, read the sub-section on [configuring provisioners
    59      in templates](/docs/templates/provisioners.html).
    61  -   `variables` (optional) is an object of one or more key/value strings that
    62      defines user variables contained in the template. If it is not specified,
    63      then no variables are defined. For more information on how to define and use
    64      user variables, read the sub-section on [user variables in
    65      templates](/docs/templates/user-variables.html).
    67  ## Comments
    69  JSON doesn't support comments and Packer reports unknown keys as validation
    70  errors. If you'd like to comment your template, you can prefix a *root level*
    71  key with an underscore. Example:
    73  ``` json
    74  {
    75    "_comment": "This is a comment",
    76    "builders": [
    77      {}
    78    ]
    79  }
    80  ```
    82  **Important:** Only *root level* keys can be underscore prefixed. Keys within
    83  builders, provisioners, etc. will still result in validation errors.
    85  ## Example Template
    87  Below is an example of a basic template that could be invoked with `packer build`. It would create an instance in AWS, and once running copy a script to it and run that script using SSH.
    89  -> **Note:** This example requires an account with Amazon Web Services. There are a number of parameters which need to be provided for a functional build to take place. See the [Amazon builder](/docs/builders/amazon.html) documentation for more information.
    91  ``` json
    92  {
    93    "builders": [
    94      {
    95        "type": "amazon-ebs",
    96        "access_key": "...",
    97        "secret_key": "...",
    98        "region": "us-east-1",
    99        "source_ami": "ami-fce3c696",
   100        "instance_type": "t2.micro",
   101        "ssh_username": "ubuntu",
   102        "ami_name": "packer {{timestamp}}"
   103      }
   104    ],
   106    "provisioners": [
   107      {
   108        "type": "shell",
   109        "script": ""
   110      }
   111    ]
   112  }
   113  ```