
     1  ---
     2  layout: "downloads"
     3  page_title: "Download Packer"
     4  sidebar_current: "downloads-packer"
     5  description: |-
     6    Download Packer
     7  ---
     9  <h1>Download Packer</h1>
    11  <section class="downloads">
    12    <div class="description row">
    13      <div class="col-md-12">
    14        <p>
    15          Below are the available downloads for the latest version of Packer
    16          (<%= latest_version %>). Please download the proper package for your
    17          operating system and architecture.
    18        </p>
    19        <p>
    20          You can find the
    21          <a href="<%= latest_version %>/packer_<%= latest_version %>_SHA256SUMS">
    22            SHA256 checksums for Packer <%= latest_version %>
    23          </a>
    24          online and you can
    25          <a href="<%= latest_version %>/packer_<%= latest_version %>_SHA256SUMS.sig">
    26            verify the checksums signature file
    27          </a>
    28          which has been signed using <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">HashiCorp's GPG key</a>.
    29          You can also <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">download other versions of Packer</a> from the releases service.
    30        </p>
    31        <p>
    32        Follow the <a href="/intro/getting-started/install.html#precompiled-binaries"> Install guide </a> once downloaded.
    33        </p>
    34        <p>
    35        Check out the <a href="<%= latest_version %>/">v<%= latest_version %> CHANGELOG</a> for information on the latest release.
    36        </p>
    37      </div>
    38    </div>
    40    <% product_versions.each do |os, arches| %>
    41      <% next if os == "web" %>
    42      <div class="row">
    43        <div class="col-md-12 download">
    44          <div class="icon pull-left"><%= system_icon(os) %></div>
    45          <div class="details">
    46            <h2 class="os-name"><%= pretty_os(os) %></h2>
    47            <ul>
    48              <% arches.each do |arch, url| %>
    49                <li><a href="<%= url %>"><%= pretty_arch(arch) %></a></li>
    50              <% end %>
    51            </ul>
    52            <% if os == "freebsd" %>
    53              <div class="alert alert-info">
    54                Note: At least <code>FreeBSD 10-STABLE</code> is required to run Packer.
    55                If you'd like to run on an earlier version, please
    56                <a href="/docs/install/index.html#compiling-from-source">compile Packer yourself</a>
    57                using the <a href="">correct version of Go</a>.
    58              </div>
    59            <% end %>
    60            <div class="clearfix"></div>
    61          </div>
    62        </div>
    63      </div>
    64    <% end %>
    66    <div class="row">
    67      <div class="col-md-12 poweredby">
    68        <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
    69          <%= inline_svg "fastly.svg", height: 50 %>
    70        </a>
    71      </div>
    72    </div>
    73  </section>