
     1  ---
     2  layout: guides
     3  sidebar_current: guides-packer-on-cicd-index
     4  page_title: Build Immutable Infrastructure with Packer in CI/CD
     5  ---
     7  # Build Immutable Infrastructure with Packer in CI/CD
     9  This guide focuses on the following workflow for building immutable
    10  infrastructure. This workflow can be manual or automated and it can be
    11  implemented with a variety of technologies. The goal of this guide is to show
    12  how this workflow can be fully automated using Packer for building images from
    13  a continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline.
    15  1. [Build Images using Packer in CI/CD](/guides/packer-on-cicd/build-image-in-cicd.html)
    16  2. [Upload the new image to S3](/guides/packer-on-cicd/upload-images-to-artifact.html) for future deployment or use during development
    17  3. [Create new Terraform Enterprise runs](/guides/packer-on-cicd/trigger-tfe.html) to provision new instances with the images