
     1  ---
     2  layout: intro
     3  sidebar_current: intro-getting-started-build-image
     4  page_title: Build an Image - Getting Started
     5  description: |-
     6    With Packer installed, let's just dive right into it and build our first
     7    image. Our first image will be an Amazon EC2 AMI with Redis pre-installed.
     8    This is just an example. Packer can create images for many platforms with
     9    anything pre-installed.
    10  ---
    12  # Build an Image
    14  With Packer installed, let's just dive right into it and build our first image.
    15  Our first image will be an [Amazon EC2 AMI](
    16  This is just an example. Packer can create images for [many platforms][platforms].
    18  If you don't have an AWS account, [create one now](
    19  For the example, we'll use a "t2.micro" instance to build our image, which
    20  qualifies under the AWS [free-tier](, meaning it
    21  will be free. If you already have an AWS account, you may be charged some amount
    22  of money, but it shouldn't be more than a few cents.
    24  -> **Note:** If you're not using an account that qualifies under the AWS
    25  free-tier, you may be charged to run these examples. The charge should only be a
    26  few cents, but we're not responsible if it ends up being more.
    28  Packer can build images for [many platforms][platforms] other than
    29  AWS, but AWS requires no additional software installed on your computer and
    30  their [free-tier]( makes it free to use for most
    31  people. This is why we chose to use AWS for the example. If you're uncomfortable
    32  setting up an AWS account, feel free to follow along as the basic principles
    33  apply to the other platforms as well.
    35  ## The Template
    37  The configuration file used to define what image we want built and how is called
    38  a *template* in Packer terminology. The format of a template is simple
    39  [JSON]( JSON struck the best balance between
    40  human-editable and machine-editable, allowing both hand-made templates as well
    41  as machine generated templates to easily be made.
    43  We'll start by creating the entire template, then we'll go over each section
    44  briefly. Create a file `example.json` and fill it with the following contents:
    46  ```json
    47  {
    48    "variables": {
    49      "aws_access_key": "",
    50      "aws_secret_key": ""
    51    },
    52    "builders": [{
    53      "type": "amazon-ebs",
    54      "access_key": "{{user `aws_access_key`}}",
    55      "secret_key": "{{user `aws_secret_key`}}",
    56      "region": "us-east-1",
    57      "source_ami_filter": {
    58        "filters": {
    59          "virtualization-type": "hvm",
    60          "name": "ubuntu/images/*ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-*",
    61          "root-device-type": "ebs"
    62        },
    63        "owners": ["099720109477"],
    64        "most_recent": true
    65      },
    66      "instance_type": "t2.micro",
    67      "ssh_username": "ubuntu",
    68      "ami_name": "packer-example {{timestamp}}"
    69    }]
    70  }
    71  ```
    73  When building, you'll pass in `aws_access_key` and `aws_secret_key` as
    74  [user variables](/docs/templates/user-variables.html), keeping your secret keys
    75  out of the template. You can create security credentials on [this
    76  page]( An example
    77  IAM policy document can be found in the [Amazon EC2 builder
    78  docs](/docs/builders/amazon.html).
    80  This is a basic template that is ready-to-go. It should be immediately
    81  recognizable as a normal, basic JSON object. Within the object, the `builders`
    82  section contains an array of JSON objects configuring a specific *builder*. A
    83  builder is a component of Packer that is responsible for creating a machine and
    84  turning that machine into an image.
    86  In this case, we're only configuring a single builder of type `amazon-ebs`. This
    87  is the Amazon EC2 AMI builder that ships with Packer. This builder builds an
    88  EBS-backed AMI by launching a source AMI, provisioning on top of that, and
    89  re-packaging it into a new AMI.
    91  The additional keys within the object are configuration for this builder,
    92  specifying things such as access keys, the source AMI to build from and more.
    93  The exact set of configuration variables available for a builder are specific to
    94  each builder and can be found within the [documentation](/docs/index.html).
    96  Before we take this template and build an image from it, let's validate the
    97  template by running `packer validate example.json`. This command checks the
    98  syntax as well as the configuration values to verify they look valid. The output
    99  should look similar to below, because the template should be valid. If there are
   100  any errors, this command will tell you.
   102  ```text
   103  $ packer validate example.json
   104  Template validated successfully.
   105  ```
   107  Next, let's build the image from this template.
   109  An astute reader may notice that we said earlier we'd be building an image with
   110  Redis pre-installed, and yet the template we made doesn't reference Redis
   111  anywhere. In fact, this part of the documentation will only cover making a first
   112  basic, non-provisioned image. The next section on provisioning will cover
   113  installing Redis.
   115  ## Your First Image
   117  With a properly validated template, it is time to build your first image. This
   118  is done by calling `packer build` with the template file. The output should look
   119  similar to below. Note that this process typically takes a few minutes.
   121  -> **Note:** For the tutorial it is convenient to use the credentials in the
   122  command line. However, it is potentially insecure. See our documentation for
   123  other ways to [specify Amazon credentials](/docs/builders/amazon.html#specifying-amazon-credentials).
   125  -> **Note:** When using packer on Windows, replace the single-quotes in the
   126  command below with double-quotes.
   128  ```text
   129  $ packer build \
   130      -var 'aws_access_key=YOUR ACCESS KEY' \
   131      -var 'aws_secret_key=YOUR SECRET KEY' \
   132      example.json
   133  ==> amazon-ebs: amazon-ebs output will be in this color.
   135  ==> amazon-ebs: Creating temporary keypair for this instance...
   136  ==> amazon-ebs: Creating temporary security group for this instance...
   137  ==> amazon-ebs: Authorizing SSH access on the temporary security group...
   138  ==> amazon-ebs: Launching a source AWS instance...
   139  ==> amazon-ebs: Waiting for instance to become ready...
   140  ==> amazon-ebs: Connecting to the instance via SSH...
   141  ==> amazon-ebs: Stopping the source instance...
   142  ==> amazon-ebs: Waiting for the instance to stop...
   143  ==> amazon-ebs: Creating the AMI: packer-example 1371856345
   144  ==> amazon-ebs: AMI: ami-19601070
   145  ==> amazon-ebs: Waiting for AMI to become ready...
   146  ==> amazon-ebs: Terminating the source AWS instance...
   147  ==> amazon-ebs: Deleting temporary security group...
   148  ==> amazon-ebs: Deleting temporary keypair...
   149  ==> amazon-ebs: Build finished.
   151  ==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
   152  --> amazon-ebs: AMIs were created:
   154  us-east-1: ami-19601070
   155  ```
   157  At the end of running `packer build`, Packer outputs the *artifacts* that were
   158  created as part of the build. Artifacts are the results of a build, and
   159  typically represent an ID (such as in the case of an AMI) or a set of files
   160  (such as for a VMware virtual machine). In this example, we only have a single
   161  artifact: the AMI in us-east-1 that was created.
   163  This AMI is ready to use. If you wanted you could go and launch this AMI right
   164  now and it would work great.
   166  -> **Note:** Your AMI ID will surely be different than the one above. If you
   167  try to launch the one in the example output above, you will get an error. If you
   168  want to try to launch your AMI, get the ID from the Packer output.
   170  -> **Note:** If you see a `VPCResourceNotSpecified` error, Packer might not be
   171  able to determine the default VPC, which the `t2` instance types require. This
   172  can happen if you created your AWS account before `2013-12-04`.  You can either
   173  change the `instance_type` to `m3.medium`, or specify a VPC. Please see
   174 for more
   175  information. If you specify a `vpc_id`, you will also need to set `subnet_id`.
   176  Unless you modify your subnet's [IPv4 public addressing attribute](
   178  you will also need to set `associate_public_ip_address` to `true`, or set up a
   179  [VPN](
   181  ## Managing the Image
   183  Packer only builds images. It does not attempt to manage them in any way. After
   184  they're built, it is up to you to launch or destroy them as you see fit.
   186  After running the above example, your AWS account now has an AMI associated
   187  with it. AMIs are stored in S3 by Amazon, so unless you want to be charged
   188  about $0.01 per month, you'll probably want to remove it. Remove the AMI by
   189  first deregistering it on the [AWS AMI management
   190  page]( Next,
   191  delete the associated snapshot on the [AWS snapshot management
   192  page](
   194  Congratulations! You've just built your first image with Packer. Although the
   195  image was pretty useless in this case (nothing was changed about it), this page
   196  should've given you a general idea of how Packer works, what templates are and
   197  how to validate and build templates into machine images.
   199  ## Some more examples:
   201  ### Another GNU/Linux Example, with provisioners:
   202  Create a file named `welcome.txt` and add the following:
   204  ```
   206  ```
   208  Create a file named `` and add the following:
   211  ```bash
   212  #!/bin/bash
   213  echo "hello"
   214  ```
   216  Set your access key and id as environment variables, so we don't need to pass
   217  them in through the command line:
   219  ```
   222  ```
   224  Now save the following text in a file named `firstrun.json`:
   226  ```json
   227  {
   228      "variables": {
   229          "aws_access_key": "{{env `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`}}",
   230          "aws_secret_key": "{{env `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`}}",
   231          "region":         "us-east-1"
   232      },
   233      "builders": [
   234          {
   235              "access_key": "{{user `aws_access_key`}}",
   236              "ami_name": "packer-linux-aws-demo-{{timestamp}}",
   237              "instance_type": "t2.micro",
   238              "region": "us-east-1",
   239              "secret_key": "{{user `aws_secret_key`}}",
   240              "source_ami_filter": {
   241                "filters": {
   242                "virtualization-type": "hvm",
   243                "name": "ubuntu/images/*ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-*",
   244                "root-device-type": "ebs"
   245                },
   246                "owners": ["099720109477"],
   247                "most_recent": true
   248              },
   249              "ssh_username": "ubuntu",
   250              "type": "amazon-ebs"
   251          }
   252      ],
   253      "provisioners": [
   254          {
   255              "type": "file",
   256              "source": "./welcome.txt",
   257              "destination": "/home/ubuntu/"
   258          },
   259          {
   260              "type": "shell",
   261              "inline":[
   262                  "ls -al /home/ubuntu",
   263                  "cat /home/ubuntu/welcome.txt"
   264              ]
   265          },
   266          {
   267              "type": "shell",
   268              "script": "./"
   269          }
   270      ]
   271  }
   272  ```
   274  and to build, run `packer build firstrun.json`
   276  Note that if you wanted to use a `source_ami` instead of a `source_ami_filter`
   277  it might look something like this: `"source_ami": "ami-fce3c696"`.
   279  Your output will look like this:
   281  ```
   282  amazon-ebs output will be in this color.
   284  ==> amazon-ebs: Prevalidating AMI Name: packer-linux-aws-demo-1507231105
   285      amazon-ebs: Found Image ID: ami-fce3c696
   286  ==> amazon-ebs: Creating temporary keypair: packer_59d68581-e3e6-eb35-4ae3-c98d55cfa04f
   287  ==> amazon-ebs: Creating temporary security group for this instance: packer_59d68584-cf8a-d0af-ad82-e058593945ea
   288  ==> amazon-ebs: Authorizing access to port 22 on the temporary security group...
   289  ==> amazon-ebs: Launching a source AWS instance...
   290  ==> amazon-ebs: Adding tags to source instance
   291      amazon-ebs: Adding tag: "Name": "Packer Builder"
   292      amazon-ebs: Instance ID: i-013e8fb2ced4d714c
   293  ==> amazon-ebs: Waiting for instance (i-013e8fb2ced4d714c) to become ready...
   294  ==> amazon-ebs: Waiting for SSH to become available...
   295  ==> amazon-ebs: Connected to SSH!
   296  ==> amazon-ebs: Uploading ./scripts/welcome.txt => /home/ubuntu/
   297  ==> amazon-ebs: Provisioning with shell script: /var/folders/8t/0yb5q0_x6mb2jldqq_vjn3lr0000gn/T/packer-shell661094204
   298      amazon-ebs: total 32
   299      amazon-ebs: drwxr-xr-x 4 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Oct  5 19:19 .
   300      amazon-ebs: drwxr-xr-x 3 root   root   4096 Oct  5 19:19 ..
   301      amazon-ebs: -rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu  220 Apr  9  2014 .bash_logout
   302      amazon-ebs: -rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 3637 Apr  9  2014 .bashrc
   303      amazon-ebs: drwx------ 2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Oct  5 19:19 .cache
   304      amazon-ebs: -rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu  675 Apr  9  2014 .profile
   305      amazon-ebs: drwx------ 2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Oct  5 19:19 .ssh
   306      amazon-ebs: -rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   18 Oct  5 19:19 welcome.txt
   307      amazon-ebs: WELCOME TO PACKER!
   308  ==> amazon-ebs: Provisioning with shell script: ./
   309      amazon-ebs: hello
   310  ==> amazon-ebs: Stopping the source instance...
   311      amazon-ebs: Stopping instance, attempt 1
   312  ==> amazon-ebs: Waiting for the instance to stop...
   313  ==> amazon-ebs: Creating the AMI: packer-linux-aws-demo-1507231105
   314      amazon-ebs: AMI: ami-f76ea98d
   315  ==> amazon-ebs: Waiting for AMI to become ready...
   316  ```
   318  ### A Windows Example
   320  As with the GNU/Linux example above, should you decide to follow along and
   321  build an AMI from the example template, provided you qualify for free tier
   322  usage, you should not be charged for actually building the AMI.
   323  However, please note that you will be charged for storage of the snapshot
   324  associated with any AMI that you create.
   325  If you wish to avoid further charges, follow the steps in the [Managing the
   326  Image](/intro/getting-started/build-image.html#managing-the-image) section
   327  above to deregister the created AMI and delete the associated snapshot once
   328  you're done.
   330  Again, in this example, we are making use of an existing AMI available from
   331  the Amazon marketplace as the *source* or starting point for building our
   332  own AMI. In brief, Packer will spin up the source AMI, connect to it and then
   333  run whatever commands or scripts we've configured in our build template to
   334  customize the image. Finally, when all is done, Packer will wrap the whole
   335  customized package up into a brand new AMI that will be available from the
   336  [AWS AMI management page](
   337 Any
   338  instances we subsequently create from this AMI will have all of our
   339  customizations baked in. This is the core benefit we are looking to
   340  achieve from using the [Amazon EBS builder](/docs/builders/amazon-ebs.html)
   341  in this example.
   343  Now, all this sounds simple enough right? Well, actually it turns out we
   344  need to put in just a *bit* more effort to get things working as we'd like...
   346  Here's the issue: Out of the box, the instance created from our source AMI
   347  is not configured to allow Packer to connect to it. So how do we fix it so
   348  that Packer can connect in and customize our instance?
   350  Well, it turns out that Amazon provides a mechanism that allows us to run a
   351  set of *pre-supplied* commands within the instance shortly after the instance
   352  starts. Even better, Packer is aware of this mechanism. This gives us the
   353  ability to supply Packer with the commands required to configure the instance
   354  for a remote connection *in advance*. Once the commands are run, Packer
   355  will be able to connect directly in to the instance and make the
   356  customizations we need.
   358  Here's a basic example of a file that will configure the instance to allow
   359  Packer to connect in over WinRM. As you will see, we will tell Packer about
   360  our intentions by referencing this file and the commands within it from
   361  within the `"builders"` section of our
   362  [build template](/docs/templates/index.html) that we will create later.
   364  Note the `<powershell>` and `</powershell>` tags at the top and bottom of
   365  the file. These tags tell Amazon we'd like to run the enclosed code with
   366  PowerShell. You can also use `<script></script>` tags to enclose any commands
   367  that you would normally run in a Command Prompt window. See
   368  [Running Commands on Your Windows Instance at Launch](
   370  for more info about what's going on behind the scenes here.
   372  ```powershell
   373  <powershell>
   374  # Set administrator password
   375  net user Administrator SuperS3cr3t!
   376  wmic useraccount where "name='Administrator'" set PasswordExpires=FALSE
   378  # First, make sure WinRM can't be connected to
   379  netsh advfirewall firewall set rule name="Windows Remote Management (HTTP-In)" new enable=yes action=block
   381  # Delete any existing WinRM listeners
   382  winrm delete winrm/config/listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTP  2>$Null
   383  winrm delete winrm/config/listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTPS 2>$Null
   385  # Create a new WinRM listener and configure
   386  winrm create winrm/config/listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTP
   387  winrm set winrm/config/winrs '@{MaxMemoryPerShellMB="0"}'
   388  winrm set winrm/config '@{MaxTimeoutms="7200000"}'
   389  winrm set winrm/config/service '@{AllowUnencrypted="true"}'
   390  winrm set winrm/config/service '@{MaxConcurrentOperationsPerUser="12000"}'
   391  winrm set winrm/config/service/auth '@{Basic="true"}'
   392  winrm set winrm/config/client/auth '@{Basic="true"}'
   394  # Configure UAC to allow privilege elevation in remote shells
   395  $Key = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System'
   396  $Setting = 'LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy'
   397  Set-ItemProperty -Path $Key -Name $Setting -Value 1 -Force
   399  # Configure and restart the WinRM Service; Enable the required firewall exception
   400  Stop-Service -Name WinRM
   401  Set-Service -Name WinRM -StartupType Automatic
   402  netsh advfirewall firewall set rule name="Windows Remote Management (HTTP-In)" new action=allow localip=any remoteip=any
   403  Start-Service -Name WinRM
   404  </powershell>
   405  ```
   407  Save the above code in a file named `bootstrap_win.txt`.
   409  -> **A quick aside/warning:**<br />
   410  Windows administrators in the know might be wondering why we haven't simply
   411  used a `winrm quickconfig -q` command in the script above, as this would
   412  *automatically* set up all of the required elements necessary for connecting
   413  over WinRM. Why all the extra effort to configure things manually?<br />
   414  Well, long and short, use of the `winrm quickconfig -q` command can sometimes
   415  cause the Packer build to fail shortly after the WinRM connection is
   416  established. How?<br />
   417  1. Among other things, as well as setting up the listener for WinRM, the
   418  quickconfig command also configures the firewall to allow management messages
   419  to be sent over HTTP.<br />
   420  2. This undoes the previous command in the script that configured the
   421  firewall to prevent this access.<br />
   422  3. The upshot is that the system is configured and ready to accept WinRM
   423  connections earlier than intended.<br />
   424  4. If Packer establishes its WinRM connection immediately after execution of
   425  the 'winrm quickconfig -q' command, the later commands within the script that
   426  restart the WinRM service will unceremoniously pull the rug out from under
   427  the connection.<br />
   428  5. While Packer does *a lot* to ensure the stability of its connection in to
   429  your instance, this sort of abuse can prove to be too much and *may* cause
   430  your Packer build to stall irrecoverably or fail!
   432  Now we've got the business of getting Packer connected to our instance
   433  taken care of, let's get on with the *real* reason we're doing all this,
   434  which is actually configuring and customizing the instance. Again, we do this
   435  with [Provisioners](/docs/provisioners/index.html).
   437  The example config below shows the two different ways of using the [PowerShell
   438  provisioner](/docs/provisioners/powershell.html): `inline` and `script`.
   439  The first example, `inline`, allows you to provide short snippets of code, and
   440  will create the script file for you.  The second example allows you to run more
   441  complex code by providing the path to a script to run on the guest VM.
   443  Here's an example of a `sample_script.ps1` that will work with the environment
   444  variables we will set in our build template; copy the contents into your own
   445  `sample_script.ps1` and provide the path to it in your build template:
   447  ```powershell
   448  Write-Host "PACKER_BUILD_NAME is an env var Packer automatically sets for you."
   449  Write-Host "...or you can set it in your builder variables."
   450  Write-Host "The default for this builder is:" $Env:PACKER_BUILD_NAME
   452  Write-Host "The PowerShell provisioner will automatically escape characters"
   453  Write-Host "considered special to PowerShell when it encounters them in"
   454  Write-Host "your environment variables or in the PowerShell elevated"
   455  Write-Host "username/password fields."
   456  Write-Host "For example, VAR1 from our config is:" $Env:VAR1
   457  Write-Host "Likewise, VAR2 is:" $Env:VAR2
   458  Write-Host "VAR3 is:" $Env:VAR3
   459  Write-Host "Finally, VAR4 is:" $Env:VAR4
   460  Write-Host "None of the special characters needed escaping in the template"
   461  ```
   463  Finally, we need to create the actual [build template](
   464  /docs/templates/index.html).
   465  Remember, this template is the core configuration file that Packer uses to
   466  understand what you want to build, and how you want to build it.
   468  As mentioned earlier, the specific builder we are using in this example
   469  is the [Amazon EBS builder](/docs/builders/amazon-ebs.html).
   470  The template below demonstrates use of the [`source_ami_filter`](
   471  /docs/builders/amazon-ebs.html#source_ami_filter) configuration option
   472  available within the builder for automatically selecting the *latest*
   473  suitable source Windows AMI provided by Amazon.
   474  We also use the `user_data_file` configuration option provided by the builder
   475  to reference the bootstrap file we created earlier. As you will recall, our
   476  bootstrap file contained all the commands we needed to supply in advance of
   477  actually spinning up the instance, so that later on, our instance is
   478  configured to allow Packer to connect in to it.
   480  The `"provisioners"` section of the template demonstrates use of the
   481  [powershell](/docs/provisioners/powershell.html) and
   482  [windows-restart](/docs/provisioners/windows-restart.html) provisioners to
   483  customize and control the build process:
   485  ```json
   486  {
   487    "variables": {
   488      "aws_access_key": "{{env `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`}}",
   489      "aws_secret_key": "{{env `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`}}",
   490      "region":         "us-east-1"
   491    },
   492    "builders": [
   493      {
   494        "type": "amazon-ebs",
   495        "access_key": "{{ user `aws_access_key` }}",
   496        "secret_key": "{{ user `aws_secret_key` }}",
   497        "region": "{{ user `region` }}",
   498        "instance_type": "t2.micro",
   499        "source_ami_filter": {
   500          "filters": {
   501            "virtualization-type": "hvm",
   502            "name": "*Windows_Server-2012-R2*English-64Bit-Base*",
   503            "root-device-type": "ebs"
   504          },
   505          "most_recent": true,
   506          "owners": "amazon"
   507        },
   508        "ami_name": "packer-demo-{{timestamp}}",
   509        "user_data_file": "./bootstrap_win.txt",
   510        "communicator": "winrm",
   511        "winrm_username": "Administrator",
   512        "winrm_password": "SuperS3cr3t!"
   513      }
   514    ],
   515    "provisioners": [
   516      {
   517        "type": "powershell",
   518        "environment_vars": ["DEVOPS_LIFE_IMPROVER=PACKER"],
   519        "inline": [
   520          "Write-Host \"HELLO NEW USER; WELCOME TO $Env:DEVOPS_LIFE_IMPROVER\"",
   521          "Write-Host \"You need to use backtick escapes when using\"",
   522          "Write-Host \"characters such as DOLLAR`$ directly in a command\"",
   523          "Write-Host \"or in your own scripts.\""
   524        ]
   525      },
   526      {
   527        "type": "windows-restart"
   528      },
   529      {
   530        "script": "./sample_script.ps1",
   531        "type": "powershell",
   532        "environment_vars": [
   533          "VAR1=A$Dollar",
   534          "VAR2=A`Backtick",
   535          "VAR3=A'SingleQuote",
   536          "VAR4=A\"DoubleQuote"
   537        ]
   538      }
   539    ]
   540  }
   541  ```
   543  Save the build template as `firstrun.json`.
   545  Next we need to set things up so that Packer is able to access and use our
   546  AWS account. Set your access key and id as environment variables, so we
   547  don't need to pass them in through the command line:
   549  ```
   552  ```
   554  Finally, we can create our new AMI by running `packer build firstrun.json`
   556  You should see output like this:
   558  ```
   559  amazon-ebs output will be in this color.
   561  ==> amazon-ebs: Prevalidating AMI Name: packer-demo-1518111383
   562      amazon-ebs: Found Image ID: ami-013e197b
   563  ==> amazon-ebs: Creating temporary keypair: packer_5a7c8a97-f27f-6708-cc3c-6ab9b4688b13
   564  ==> amazon-ebs: Creating temporary security group for this instance: packer_5a7c8ab5-444c-13f2-0aa1-18d124cdb975
   565  ==> amazon-ebs: Authorizing access to port 5985 from in the temporary security group...
   566  ==> amazon-ebs: Launching a source AWS instance...
   567  ==> amazon-ebs: Adding tags to source instance
   568      amazon-ebs: Adding tag: "Name": "Packer Builder"
   569      amazon-ebs: Instance ID: i-0c8c808a3b945782a
   570  ==> amazon-ebs: Waiting for instance (i-0c8c808a3b945782a) to become ready...
   571  ==> amazon-ebs: Skipping waiting for password since WinRM password set...
   572  ==> amazon-ebs: Waiting for WinRM to become available...
   573      amazon-ebs: WinRM connected.
   574  ==> amazon-ebs: Connected to WinRM!
   575  ==> amazon-ebs: Provisioning with Powershell...
   576  ==> amazon-ebs: Provisioning with powershell script: /var/folders/15/d0f7gdg13rnd1cxp7tgmr55c0000gn/T/packer-powershell-provisioner943573503
   577      amazon-ebs: HELLO NEW USER; WELCOME TO PACKER
   578      amazon-ebs: You need to use backtick escapes when using
   579      amazon-ebs: characters such as DOLLAR$ directly in a command
   580      amazon-ebs: or in your own scripts.
   581  ==> amazon-ebs: Restarting Machine
   582  ==> amazon-ebs: Waiting for machine to restart...
   583      amazon-ebs: WIN-NI8N45RPJ23 restarted.
   584  ==> amazon-ebs: Machine successfully restarted, moving on
   585  ==> amazon-ebs: Provisioning with Powershell...
   586  ==> amazon-ebs: Provisioning with powershell script: ./sample_script.ps1
   587      amazon-ebs: PACKER_BUILD_NAME is an env var Packer automatically sets for you.
   588      amazon-ebs: ...or you can set it in your builder variables.
   589      amazon-ebs: The default for this builder is: amazon-ebs
   590      amazon-ebs: The PowerShell provisioner will automatically escape characters
   591      amazon-ebs: considered special to PowerShell when it encounters them in
   592      amazon-ebs: your environment variables or in the PowerShell elevated
   593      amazon-ebs: username/password fields.
   594      amazon-ebs: For example, VAR1 from our config is: A$Dollar
   595      amazon-ebs: Likewise, VAR2 is: A`Backtick
   596      amazon-ebs: VAR3 is: A'SingleQuote
   597      amazon-ebs: Finally, VAR4 is: A"DoubleQuote
   598      amazon-ebs: None of the special characters needed escaping in the template
   599  ==> amazon-ebs: Stopping the source instance...
   600      amazon-ebs: Stopping instance, attempt 1
   601  ==> amazon-ebs: Waiting for the instance to stop...
   602  ==> amazon-ebs: Creating the AMI: packer-demo-1518111383
   603      amazon-ebs: AMI: ami-f0060c8a
   604  ==> amazon-ebs: Waiting for AMI to become ready...
   605  ==> amazon-ebs: Terminating the source AWS instance...
   606  ==> amazon-ebs: Cleaning up any extra volumes...
   607  ==> amazon-ebs: No volumes to clean up, skipping
   608  ==> amazon-ebs: Deleting temporary security group...
   609  ==> amazon-ebs: Deleting temporary keypair...
   610  Build 'amazon-ebs' finished.
   612  ==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
   613  --> amazon-ebs: AMIs were created:
   614  us-east-1: ami-f0060c8a
   615  ```
   617  And if you navigate to your EC2 dashboard you should see your shiny new AMI
   618  listed in the main window of the Images -> AMIs section.
   620  Why stop there though?
   622  As you'll see, with one simple change to the template above, it's
   623  just as easy to create your own Windows 2008 or Windows 2016 AMIs. Just
   624  set the value for the name field within `source_ami_filter` as required:
   626  For Windows 2008 SP2:
   628  ```
   629            "name": "*Windows_Server-2008-SP2*English-64Bit-Base*",
   630  ```
   632  For Windows 2016:
   634  ```
   635            "name": "*Windows_Server-2016-English-Full-Base*",
   636  ```
   638  The bootstrapping and sample provisioning should work the same across all
   639  Windows server versions.
   641  [platforms]: /docs/builders/index.html