
     1  ---
     2  layout: intro
     3  sidebar_current: intro-getting-started-parallel-builds
     4  page_title: Parallel Builds - Getting Started
     5  description: |-
     6    So far we've shown how Packer can automatically build an image and provision
     7    it. This on its own is already quite powerful. But Packer can do better than
     8    that. Packer can create multiple images for multiple platforms in parallel,
     9    all configured from a single template.
    10  ---
    12  # Parallel Builds
    14  So far we've shown how Packer can automatically build an image and provision it.
    15  This on its own is already quite powerful. But Packer can do better than that.
    16  Packer can create multiple images for multiple platforms *in parallel*, all
    17  configured from a single template.
    19  This is a very useful and important feature of Packer. As an example, Packer is
    20  able to make an AMI and a VMware virtual machine in parallel provisioned with
    21  the *same scripts*, resulting in near-identical images. The AMI can be used for
    22  production, the VMware machine can be used for development. Or, another example,
    23  if you're using Packer to build [software
    24  appliances](, then you can build
    25  the appliance for every supported platform all in parallel, all configured from
    26  a single template.
    28  Once you start taking advantage of this feature, the possibilities begin to
    29  unfold in front of you.
    31  Continuing on the example in this getting started guide, we'll build a
    32  [DigitalOcean]( image as well as an AMI. Both will
    33  be near-identical: bare bones Ubuntu OS with Redis pre-installed. However, since
    34  we're building for both platforms, you have the option of whether you want to
    35  use the AMI, or the DigitalOcean snapshot. Or use both.
    37  ## Setting Up DigitalOcean
    39  [DigitalOcean]( is a relatively new, but very
    40  popular VPS provider that has popped up. They have a quality offering of high
    41  performance, low cost VPS servers. We'll be building a DigitalOcean snapshot for
    42  this example.
    44  In order to do this, you'll need an account with DigitalOcean. [Sign up for an
    45  account now]( It is free to sign up. Because the
    46  "droplets" (servers) are charged hourly, you *will* be charged $0.01 for every
    47  image you create with Packer. If you're not okay with this, just follow along.
    49  !> **Warning!** You *will* be charged $0.01 by DigitalOcean per image
    50  created with Packer because of the time the "droplet" is running.
    52  Once you sign up for an account, grab your API token from the [DigitalOcean API
    53  access page]( Save these
    54  values somewhere; you'll need them in a second.
    56  ## Modifying the Template
    58  We now have to modify the template to add DigitalOcean to it. Modify the
    59  template we've been using and add the following JSON object to the `builders`
    60  array.
    62  ```json
    63  {
    64    "type": "digitalocean",
    65    "api_token": "{{user `do_api_token`}}",
    66    "image": "ubuntu-14-04-x64",
    67    "region": "nyc3",
    68    "size": "512mb",
    69    "ssh_username": "root"
    70  }
    71  ```
    73  You'll also need to modify the `variables` section of the template to include
    74  the access keys for DigitalOcean.
    76  ```json
    77  "variables": {
    78    "do_api_token": "",
    79    // ...
    80  }
    81  ```
    83  The entire template should now look like this:
    85  ```json
    86  {
    87    "variables": {
    88      "aws_access_key": "",
    89      "aws_secret_key": "",
    90      "do_api_token": ""
    91    },
    92    "builders": [{
    93      "type": "amazon-ebs",
    94      "access_key": "{{user `aws_access_key`}}",
    95      "secret_key": "{{user `aws_secret_key`}}",
    96      "region": "us-east-1",
    97      "source_ami": "ami-fce3c696",
    98      "instance_type": "t2.micro",
    99      "ssh_username": "ubuntu",
   100      "ami_name": "packer-example {{timestamp}}"
   101    },{
   102      "type": "digitalocean",
   103      "api_token": "{{user `do_api_token`}}",
   104      "image": "ubuntu-14-04-x64",
   105      "region": "nyc3",
   106      "size": "512mb",
   107      "ssh_username": "root"
   108    }],
   109    "provisioners": [{
   110      "type": "shell",
   111      "inline": [
   112        "sleep 30",
   113        "sudo apt-get update",
   114        "sudo apt-get install -y redis-server"
   115      ]
   116    }]
   117  }
   118  ```
   120  Additional builders are simply added to the `builders` array in the template.
   121  This tells Packer to build multiple images. The builder `type` values don't even
   122  need to be different! In fact, if you wanted to build multiple AMIs, you can do
   123  that as long as you specify a unique `name` for each build.
   125  Validate the template with `packer validate`. This is always a good practice.
   127  -> **Note:** If you're looking for more **DigitalOcean configuration
   128  options**, you can find them on the [DigitalOcean Builder
   129  page](/docs/builders/digitalocean.html) in the documentation. The documentation
   130  is more of a reference manual that contains a listing of all the available
   131  configuration options.
   133  ## Build
   135  Now run `packer build` with your user variables. The output is too verbose to
   136  include all of it, but a portion of it is reproduced below. Note that the
   137  ordering and wording of the lines may be slightly different, but the effect is
   138  the same.
   140  ```text
   141  $ packer build \
   142      -var 'aws_access_key=YOUR ACCESS KEY' \
   143      -var 'aws_secret_key=YOUR SECRET KEY' \
   144      -var 'do_api_token=YOUR API TOKEN' \
   145      example.json
   146  ==> amazon-ebs: amazon-ebs output will be in this color.
   147  ==> digitalocean: digitalocean output will be in this color.
   149  ==> digitalocean: Creating temporary ssh key for droplet...
   150  ==> amazon-ebs: Creating temporary keypair for this instance...
   151  ==> amazon-ebs: Creating temporary security group for this instance...
   152  ==> digitalocean: Creating droplet...
   153  ==> amazon-ebs: Authorizing SSH access on the temporary security group...
   154  ==> amazon-ebs: Launching a source AWS instance...
   155  ==> digitalocean: Waiting for droplet to become active...
   156  ==> amazon-ebs: Waiting for instance to become ready...
   157  ==> digitalocean: Connecting to the droplet via SSH...
   158  ==> amazon-ebs: Connecting to the instance via SSH...
   159  ...
   160  ==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
   161  --> amazon-ebs: AMIs were created:
   163  us-east-1: ami-376d1d5e
   164  --> digitalocean: A snapshot was created: packer-1371870364
   165  ```
   167  As you can see, Packer builds both the Amazon and DigitalOcean images in
   168  parallel. It outputs information about each in different colors (although you
   169  can't see that in the block above), making it is easier to identify the actions
   170  executed when you execute the command.
   172  At the end of the build, Packer outputs both of the artifacts created (an AMI
   173  and a DigitalOcean snapshot). Both images created are bare bones Ubuntu
   174  installations with Redis pre-installed.