
     1  package ravendb
     3  // queryResultBase represents results of the query returned by the server
     4  // Note: in Java results and includes are templated but
     5  // in practice they are only ever set to:
     6  // TResult = ArrayNode i.e. []map[string]interface{}
     7  // TInclude = ObjectNode i.e. map[string]interface{}
     8  type queryResultBase struct {
     9  	Results        []map[string]interface{} `json:"Results"`
    10  	Includes       map[string]interface{}   `json:"Includes"`
    11  	IncludedPaths  []string                 `json:"IncludedPaths"`
    12  	IsStale        bool                     `json:"IsStale"`
    13  	IndexTimestamp *Time                    `json:"IndexTimestamp"`
    14  	IndexName      string                   `json:"IndexName"`
    15  	ResultEtag     int64                    `json:"ResultEtag"`
    16  	LastQueryTime  *Time                    `json:"LastQueryTime"`
    17  }