
     1  sudo: required  # create a full VM, not a container
     2  language: go
     3  go:
     4    - 1.9.x
     5  install: true   # build only with what's in vendor/
     6  before_script:
     7    # install the dep tool so we can check for missing dependencies later
     8    - cd vendor/
     9    - go install
    10    - cd -  # return to the project root directory
    11  script:
    12    - cat
    13    - bash
    14  after_success:
    15    - if [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" == "master" ]; then ghr --username u-root --token $GITHUB_TOKEN --replace --prerelease --debug `git describe --always`  dist/; fi
    16  notifications:
    17    slack: u-root:S74GnNB8ekAiqNYTjwbEhkQE