(about) 1 package aws 2 3 import ( 4 "fmt" 5 "log" 6 7 "" 8 "" 9 ) 10 11 func dataSourceAwsRouteTable() *schema.Resource { 12 return &schema.Resource{ 13 Read: dataSourceAwsRouteTableRead, 14 15 Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{ 16 "subnet_id": { 17 Type: schema.TypeString, 18 Optional: true, 19 Computed: true, 20 }, 21 "route_table_id": { 22 Type: schema.TypeString, 23 Optional: true, 24 Computed: true, 25 }, 26 "vpc_id": { 27 Type: schema.TypeString, 28 Optional: true, 29 Computed: true, 30 }, 31 "filter": ec2CustomFiltersSchema(), 32 "tags": tagsSchemaComputed(), 33 "routes": { 34 Type: schema.TypeList, 35 Computed: true, 36 Elem: &schema.Resource{ 37 Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{ 38 "cidr_block": { 39 Type: schema.TypeString, 40 Computed: true, 41 }, 42 43 "gateway_id": { 44 Type: schema.TypeString, 45 Computed: true, 46 }, 47 48 "instance_id": { 49 Type: schema.TypeString, 50 Computed: true, 51 }, 52 53 "nat_gateway_id": { 54 Type: schema.TypeString, 55 Computed: true, 56 }, 57 58 "vpc_peering_connection_id": { 59 Type: schema.TypeString, 60 Computed: true, 61 }, 62 63 "network_interface_id": { 64 Type: schema.TypeString, 65 Computed: true, 66 }, 67 }, 68 }, 69 }, 70 "associations": { 71 Type: schema.TypeList, 72 Computed: true, 73 Elem: &schema.Resource{ 74 Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{ 75 "route_table_association_id": { 76 Type: schema.TypeString, 77 Computed: true, 78 }, 79 80 "route_table_id": { 81 Type: schema.TypeString, 82 Computed: true, 83 }, 84 85 "subnet_id": { 86 Type: schema.TypeString, 87 Computed: true, 88 }, 89 90 "main": { 91 Type: schema.TypeBool, 92 Computed: true, 93 }, 94 }, 95 }, 96 }, 97 }, 98 } 99 } 100 101 func dataSourceAwsRouteTableRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { 102 conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn 103 req := &ec2.DescribeRouteTablesInput{} 104 vpcId, vpcIdOk := d.GetOk("vpc_id") 105 subnetId, subnetIdOk := d.GetOk("subnet_id") 106 rtbId, rtbOk := d.GetOk("route_table_id") 107 tags, tagsOk := d.GetOk("tags") 108 filter, filterOk := d.GetOk("filter") 109 110 if !vpcIdOk && !subnetIdOk && !tagsOk && !filterOk && !rtbOk { 111 return fmt.Errorf("One of route_table_id, vpc_id, subnet_id, filters, or tags must be assigned") 112 } 113 req.Filters = buildEC2AttributeFilterList( 114 map[string]string{ 115 "route-table-id": rtbId.(string), 116 "vpc-id": vpcId.(string), 117 "association.subnet-id": subnetId.(string), 118 }, 119 ) 120 req.Filters = append(req.Filters, buildEC2TagFilterList( 121 tagsFromMap(tags.(map[string]interface{})), 122 )...) 123 req.Filters = append(req.Filters, buildEC2CustomFilterList( 124 filter.(*schema.Set), 125 )...) 126 127 log.Printf("[DEBUG] Describe Route Tables %v\n", req) 128 resp, err := conn.DescribeRouteTables(req) 129 if err != nil { 130 return err 131 } 132 if resp == nil || len(resp.RouteTables) == 0 { 133 return fmt.Errorf("Your query returned no results. Please change your search criteria and try again.") 134 } 135 if len(resp.RouteTables) > 1 { 136 return fmt.Errorf("Multiple Route Table matched; use additional constraints to reduce matches to a single Route Table") 137 } 138 139 rt := resp.RouteTables[0] 140 141 d.SetId(*rt.RouteTableId) 142 d.Set("vpc_id", rt.VpcId) 143 d.Set("tags", tagsToMap(rt.Tags)) 144 if err := d.Set("routes", dataSourceRoutesRead(rt.Routes)); err != nil { 145 return err 146 } 147 148 if err := d.Set("associations", dataSourceAssociationsRead(rt.Associations)); err != nil { 149 return err 150 } 151 152 return nil 153 } 154 155 func dataSourceRoutesRead(ec2Routes []*ec2.Route) []map[string]interface{} { 156 routes := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0, len(ec2Routes)) 157 // Loop through the routes and add them to the set 158 for _, r := range ec2Routes { 159 if r.GatewayId != nil && *r.GatewayId == "local" { 160 continue 161 } 162 163 if r.Origin != nil && *r.Origin == "EnableVgwRoutePropagation" { 164 continue 165 } 166 167 if r.DestinationPrefixListId != nil { 168 // Skipping because VPC endpoint routes are handled separately 169 // See aws_vpc_endpoint 170 continue 171 } 172 173 m := make(map[string]interface{}) 174 175 if r.DestinationCidrBlock != nil { 176 m["cidr_block"] = *r.DestinationCidrBlock 177 } 178 if r.GatewayId != nil { 179 m["gateway_id"] = *r.GatewayId 180 } 181 if r.NatGatewayId != nil { 182 m["nat_gateway_id"] = *r.NatGatewayId 183 } 184 if r.InstanceId != nil { 185 m["instance_id"] = *r.InstanceId 186 } 187 if r.VpcPeeringConnectionId != nil { 188 m["vpc_peering_connection_id"] = *r.VpcPeeringConnectionId 189 } 190 if r.NetworkInterfaceId != nil { 191 m["network_interface_id"] = *r.NetworkInterfaceId 192 } 193 194 routes = append(routes, m) 195 } 196 return routes 197 } 198 199 func dataSourceAssociationsRead(ec2Assocations []*ec2.RouteTableAssociation) []map[string]interface{} { 200 associations := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0, len(ec2Assocations)) 201 // Loop through the routes and add them to the set 202 for _, a := range ec2Assocations { 203 204 m := make(map[string]interface{}) 205 m["route_table_id"] = *a.RouteTableId 206 m["route_table_association_id"] = *a.RouteTableAssociationId 207 // GH[11134] 208 if a.SubnetId != nil { 209 m["subnet_id"] = *a.SubnetId 210 } 211 m["main"] = *a.Main 212 associations = append(associations, m) 213 } 214 return associations 215 }