
     1  package command
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"log"
     6  	"os"
     7  	"strings"
     9  	""
    10  )
    12  // ImportCommand is a cli.Command implementation that imports resources
    13  // into the Terraform state.
    14  type ImportCommand struct {
    15  	Meta
    16  }
    18  func (c *ImportCommand) Run(args []string) int {
    19  	// Get the pwd since its our default -config flag value
    20  	pwd, err := os.Getwd()
    21  	if err != nil {
    22  		c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error getting pwd: %s", err))
    23  		return 1
    24  	}
    26  	var configPath string
    27  	args = c.Meta.process(args, true)
    29  	cmdFlags := c.Meta.flagSet("import")
    30  	cmdFlags.IntVar(&c.Meta.parallelism, "parallelism", 0, "parallelism")
    31  	cmdFlags.StringVar(&c.Meta.statePath, "state", DefaultStateFilename, "path")
    32  	cmdFlags.StringVar(&c.Meta.stateOutPath, "state-out", "", "path")
    33  	cmdFlags.StringVar(&c.Meta.backupPath, "backup", "", "path")
    34  	cmdFlags.StringVar(&configPath, "config", pwd, "path")
    35  	cmdFlags.StringVar(&c.Meta.provider, "provider", "", "provider")
    36  	cmdFlags.Usage = func() { c.Ui.Error(c.Help()) }
    37  	if err := cmdFlags.Parse(args); err != nil {
    38  		return 1
    39  	}
    41  	args = cmdFlags.Args()
    42  	if len(args) != 2 {
    43  		c.Ui.Error("The import command expects two arguments.")
    44  		cmdFlags.Usage()
    45  		return 1
    46  	}
    48  	// Build the context based on the arguments given
    49  	ctx, _, err := c.Context(contextOpts{
    50  		Path:        configPath,
    51  		PathEmptyOk: true,
    52  		StatePath:   c.Meta.statePath,
    53  		Parallelism: c.Meta.parallelism,
    54  	})
    55  	if err != nil {
    56  		c.Ui.Error(err.Error())
    57  		return 1
    58  	}
    60  	// Perform the import. Note that as you can see it is possible for this
    61  	// API to import more than one resource at once. For now, we only allow
    62  	// one while we stabilize this feature.
    63  	newState, err := ctx.Import(&terraform.ImportOpts{
    64  		Targets: []*terraform.ImportTarget{
    65  			&terraform.ImportTarget{
    66  				Addr:     args[0],
    67  				ID:       args[1],
    68  				Provider: c.Meta.provider,
    69  			},
    70  		},
    71  	})
    72  	if err != nil {
    73  		c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error importing: %s", err))
    74  		return 1
    75  	}
    77  	// Persist the final state
    78  	log.Printf("[INFO] Writing state output to: %s", c.Meta.StateOutPath())
    79  	if err := c.Meta.PersistState(newState); err != nil {
    80  		c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error writing state file: %s", err))
    81  		return 1
    82  	}
    84  	c.Ui.Output(c.Colorize().Color(fmt.Sprintf(
    85  		"[reset][green]\n" +
    86  			"Import success! The resources imported are shown above. These are\n" +
    87  			"now in your Terraform state. Import does not currently generate\n" +
    88  			"configuration, so you must do this next. If you do not create configuration\n" +
    89  			"for the above resources, then the next `terraform plan` will mark\n" +
    90  			"them for destruction.")))
    92  	return 0
    93  }
    95  func (c *ImportCommand) Help() string {
    96  	helpText := `
    97  Usage: terraform import [options] ADDR ID
    99    Import existing infrastructure into your Terraform state.
   101    This will find and import the specified resource into your Terraform
   102    state, allowing existing infrastructure to come under Terraform
   103    management without having to be initially created by Terraform.
   105    The ADDR specified is the address to import the resource to. Please
   106    see the documentation online for resource addresses. The ID is a
   107    resource-specific ID to identify that resource being imported. Please
   108    reference the documentation for the resource type you're importing to
   109    determine the ID syntax to use. It typically matches directly to the ID
   110    that the provider uses.
   112    In the current state of Terraform import, the resource is only imported
   113    into your state file. Once it is imported, you must manually write
   114    configuration for the new resource or Terraform will mark it for destruction.
   115    Future versions of Terraform will expand the functionality of Terraform
   116    import.
   118    This command will not modify your infrastructure, but it will make
   119    network requests to inspect parts of your infrastructure relevant to
   120    the resource being imported.
   122  Options:
   124    -backup=path        Path to backup the existing state file before
   125                        modifying. Defaults to the "-state-out" path with
   126                        ".backup" extension. Set to "-" to disable backup.
   128    -config=path        Path to a directory of Terraform configuration files
   129                        to use to configure the provider. Defaults to pwd.
   130                        If no config files are present, they must be provided
   131                        via the input prompts or env vars.
   133    -input=true         Ask for input for variables if not directly set.
   135    -no-color           If specified, output won't contain any color.
   137    -provider=provider  Specific provider to use for import. This is used for
   138                        specifying aliases, such as "". Defaults to the
   139                        normal provider prefix of the resource being imported.
   141    -state=path         Path to read and save state (unless state-out
   142                        is specified). Defaults to "terraform.tfstate".
   144    -state-out=path     Path to write updated state file. By default, the
   145                        "-state" path will be used.
   147  `
   148  	return strings.TrimSpace(helpText)
   149  }
   151  func (c *ImportCommand) Synopsis() string {
   152  	return "Import existing infrastructure into Terraform"
   153  }