
     1  package spi
     3  import (
     4  	"bytes"
     5  	"context"
     6  	"fmt"
     7  	"strings"
     8  	"time"
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    14  	""
    15  	. ""
    16  	. ""
    17  	. ""
    18  	client ""
    19  	""
    20  	corev1 ""
    21  	metav1 ""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	crclient ""
    27  )
    29  type User struct {
    30  	Framework                    *framework.Framework
    31  	LinkedAccessTokenName        string
    32  	SPIGithubWorkSpaceSecretName string
    33  	WorkspaceURL                 string
    34  	APIProxyClientA              *crclient.Client
    35  	APIProxyClientB              *crclient.Client
    36  	APIProxyClientC              *crclient.Client
    37  }
    39  /*
    40   * Component: spi
    41   * Description: SVPI-495 - Test automation to ensure that a user can't access and use secrets from another workspace
    43   * User A is the owner of workspace A and has access to workspace C as the maintainer
    44   * User B is the owner of workspace B
    45   * User C is the owner of workspace C
    47   * Test cases:
    48  	* check if user can access the SPIAccessToken from another workspace
    49  	* check if user can read the GitHub repo from another workspace
    50  	* check if user can read the secret from another workspace
    51  	* check if user's pod deployed in the user's workspace can read the GitHub repo from another workspace
    52  */
    54  var _ = framework.SPISuiteDescribe(Label("spi-suite", "access-control"), func() {
    56  	defer GinkgoRecover()
    58  	var userA, userB, userC User
    60  	Describe("SVPI-495 - Test automation to ensure that a user can't access and use secrets from another workspace", Ordered, func() {
    62  		delete := func(user User) {
    63  			Expect(user.Framework.AsKubeAdmin.SPIController.DeleteAllBindingTokensInASpecificNamespace(user.Framework.UserNamespace)).To(Succeed())
    64  			Expect(user.Framework.AsKubeAdmin.SPIController.DeleteAllAccessTokensInASpecificNamespace(user.Framework.UserNamespace)).To(Succeed())
    65  			Expect(user.Framework.AsKubeAdmin.SPIController.DeleteAllAccessTokenDataInASpecificNamespace(user.Framework.UserNamespace)).To(Succeed())
    66  			Expect(user.Framework.SandboxController.DeleteUserSignup(user.Framework.UserName)).To(BeTrue())
    67  		}
    69  		createAPIProxyClient := func(userToken, proxyURL string) *crclient.Client {
    70  			APIProxyClient, err := client.CreateAPIProxyClient(userToken, proxyURL)
    71  			Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
    72  			client := APIProxyClient.KubeRest()
    73  			return &client
    74  		}
    76  		createSPITokenBinding := func(user User) {
    77  			namespace := user.Framework.UserNamespace
    78  			secretName := user.SPIGithubWorkSpaceSecretName
    80  			// creates SPITokenBinding
    81  			SPITokenBinding, err := user.Framework.AsKubeDeveloper.SPIController.CreateSPIAccessTokenBinding(SPITokenBindingName, namespace, GithubPrivateRepoURL, secretName, "")
    82  			Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
    84  			// start of upload token
    85  			// SPITokenBinding to be in AwaitingTokenData phase
    86  			// wait SPITokenBinding to be in AwaitingTokenData phase before trying to upload a token
    87  			Eventually(func() v1beta1.SPIAccessTokenBindingPhase {
    88  				SPITokenBinding, err = user.Framework.AsKubeDeveloper.SPIController.GetSPIAccessTokenBinding(SPITokenBinding.Name, namespace)
    89  				Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
    91  				return SPITokenBinding.Status.Phase
    92  			}, 1*time.Minute, 5*time.Second).Should(Equal(v1beta1.SPIAccessTokenBindingPhaseAwaitingTokenData), fmt.Sprintf("SPIAccessTokenBinding %s/%s is not in %s phase", SPITokenBinding.GetNamespace(), SPITokenBinding.GetName(), v1beta1.SPIAccessTokenBindingPhaseAwaitingTokenData))
    94  			// uploads username and token using rest endpoint
    95  			// the UploadUrl in SPITokenBinding should be available before uploading the token
    96  			Eventually(func() string {
    97  				SPITokenBinding, err = user.Framework.AsKubeDeveloper.SPIController.GetSPIAccessTokenBinding(SPITokenBinding.Name, namespace)
    98  				Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
   100  				return SPITokenBinding.Status.UploadUrl
   101  			}, 1*time.Minute, 10*time.Second).ShouldNot(BeEmpty(), fmt.Sprintf(".Status.UploadUrl for SPIAccessTokenBinding %s/%s is not set", SPITokenBinding.GetNamespace(), SPITokenBinding.GetName()))
   102  			Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
   104  			// LinkedAccessToken should exist
   105  			linkedAccessTokenName := SPITokenBinding.Status.LinkedAccessTokenName
   106  			Expect(linkedAccessTokenName).NotTo(BeEmpty())
   108  			// keep LinkedAccessToken name
   109  			username := user.Framework.UserName
   110  			if strings.HasPrefix(username, "spi-user-a") {
   111  				userA.LinkedAccessTokenName = linkedAccessTokenName
   112  			} else if strings.HasPrefix(username, "spi-user-b") {
   113  				userB.LinkedAccessTokenName = linkedAccessTokenName
   114  			} else {
   115  				userC.LinkedAccessTokenName = linkedAccessTokenName
   116  			}
   118  			// get the url to manually upload the token
   119  			uploadURL := SPITokenBinding.Status.UploadUrl
   121  			// Get the token for the current openshift user
   122  			bearerToken, err := utils.GetOpenshiftToken()
   123  			Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
   125  			// build and upload the payload using the uploadURL. it should return 204
   126  			oauthCredentials := `{"access_token":"` + utils.GetEnv(constants.GITHUB_TOKEN_ENV, "") + `"}`
   127  			statusCode, err := user.Framework.AsKubeDeveloper.SPIController.UploadWithRestEndpoint(uploadURL, oauthCredentials, bearerToken)
   128  			Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
   129  			Expect(statusCode).Should(Equal(204))
   131  			// SPITokenBinding to be in Injected phase
   132  			Eventually(func() v1beta1.SPIAccessTokenBindingPhase {
   133  				SPITokenBinding, err = user.Framework.AsKubeDeveloper.SPIController.GetSPIAccessTokenBinding(SPITokenBinding.Name, namespace)
   134  				Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
   135  				return SPITokenBinding.Status.Phase
   136  			}, 5*time.Minute, 5*time.Second).Should(Equal(v1beta1.SPIAccessTokenBindingPhaseInjected), fmt.Sprintf("SPIAccessTokenBinding %s/%s is not in %s phase", SPITokenBinding.GetNamespace(), SPITokenBinding.GetName(), v1beta1.SPIAccessTokenBindingPhaseInjected))
   138  			// SPIAccessToken exists and is in Read phase
   139  			Eventually(func() (v1beta1.SPIAccessTokenPhase, error) {
   140  				SPIAccessToken, err := user.Framework.AsKubeDeveloper.SPIController.GetSPIAccessToken(SPITokenBinding.Status.LinkedAccessTokenName, namespace)
   141  				if err != nil {
   142  					return "", fmt.Errorf("can't get SPI access token %s/%s: %+v", namespace, SPITokenBinding.Status.LinkedAccessTokenName, err)
   143  				}
   145  				return SPIAccessToken.Status.Phase, nil
   146  			}, 1*time.Minute, 5*time.Second).Should(Equal(v1beta1.SPIAccessTokenPhaseReady), fmt.Sprintf("SPIAccessToken %s/%s should be in ready phase", namespace, SPITokenBinding.Status.LinkedAccessTokenName))
   147  			// end of upload token
   148  		}
   150  		// check if guestUser can access a primary's secret in the primary's workspace
   151  		checkSecretAccess := func(client crclient.Client, primaryUser User, shouldAccess bool) {
   152  			// checks that guest user can access a primary's secret in primary's workspace
   153  			spiAccessToken := &v1beta1.SPIAccessToken{}
   154  			err := client.Get(context.Background(), types.NamespacedName{Name: primaryUser.LinkedAccessTokenName, Namespace: primaryUser.Framework.UserNamespace}, spiAccessToken)
   156  			if shouldAccess {
   157  				Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
   158  			} else {
   159  				Expect(err).To(HaveOccurred())
   160  			}
   161  		}
   163  		// check if guest user can read a primary's GitHub repo in the primary's workspace
   164  		checkRepositoryReading := func(client crclient.Client, primaryUser User, shouldRead bool) {
   165  			// create SPIFileContentRequest in primary's workspace URL
   166  			spiFcr := v1beta1.SPIFileContentRequest{
   167  				ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   168  					GenerateName: "spi-file-content-request-",
   169  					Namespace:    primaryUser.Framework.UserNamespace,
   170  				},
   171  				Spec: v1beta1.SPIFileContentRequestSpec{RepoUrl: GithubPrivateRepoURL, FilePath: GithubPrivateRepoFilePath},
   172  			}
   173  			err := client.Create(context.Background(), &spiFcr)
   175  			if shouldRead {
   176  				Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
   178  				// check that guest user can read a primary's GitHub repo in the primary's workspace
   179  				Eventually(func() v1beta1.SPIFileContentRequestStatus {
   180  					err = client.Get(context.Background(), types.NamespacedName{Name: spiFcr.Name, Namespace: spiFcr.Namespace}, &spiFcr)
   181  					Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
   183  					return spiFcr.Status
   184  				}, 2*time.Minute, 10*time.Second).Should(MatchFields(IgnoreExtras, Fields{
   185  					"Content": Not(BeEmpty()),
   186  					"Phase":   Equal(v1beta1.SPIFileContentRequestPhaseDelivered),
   187  				}), fmt.Sprintf("content not provided by SPIFileContentRequest %s/%s", primaryUser.Framework.UserNamespace, spiFcr.Name))
   188  			} else {
   189  				Expect(err).To(HaveOccurred())
   190  			}
   191  		}
   193  		// check if guest user can read a primary's secret in the primary's workspace
   194  		checkSecretReading := func(client crclient.Client, primaryUser User, shouldRead bool) {
   195  			resultSecret := &corev1.Secret{}
   196  			err := client.Get(context.Background(), types.NamespacedName{Name: primaryUser.SPIGithubWorkSpaceSecretName, Namespace: primaryUser.Framework.UserNamespace}, resultSecret)
   198  			if shouldRead {
   199  				Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
   200  				token := resultSecret.Data["password"]
   201  				Expect(token).ToNot(BeEmpty())
   202  			} else {
   203  				Expect(err).To(HaveOccurred())
   204  			}
   205  		}
   207  		// check that guest user can make a request to create a SPIFileContentRequest in the primary's workspace
   208  		makeGhReadRequestFromPod := func(guestUser, primaryUser User, podName, podNamespace, spiFcrName string, shouldAccess bool) {
   209  			namespace := primaryUser.Framework.UserNamespace
   210  			spiFcrData := fmt.Sprintf(`---
   211  apiVersion:
   212  kind: SPIFileContentRequest
   213  metadata:
   214    name: %s
   215    namespace: %s
   216  spec:
   217    filePath:
   218    repoUrl: %s
   219  `, spiFcrName, namespace, GithubPrivateRepoURL)
   220  			readRequest := fmt.Sprintf(
   221  				"curl '%s' \\"+
   222  					"-k \\"+
   223  					"-H 'Authorization: Bearer %s' \\"+
   224  					"-X POST \\"+
   225  					"-H 'Content-Type: application/yaml' \\"+
   226  					"--connect-timeout 30 \\"+
   227  					"--max-time 300 \\"+
   228  					"-d '%s'",
   229  				fmt.Sprintf("%s/apis/", primaryUser.WorkspaceURL, namespace),
   230  				guestUser.Framework.UserToken,
   231  				spiFcrData,
   232  			)
   233  			request := guestUser.Framework.AsKubeAdmin.CommonController.KubeInterface().CoreV1().RESTClient().
   234  				Post().Namespace(podNamespace).
   235  				Resource("pods").
   236  				Name(podName).
   237  				SubResource("exec").
   238  				VersionedParams(&corev1.PodExecOptions{
   239  					Command: []string{
   240  						"/bin/sh",
   241  						"-c",
   242  						readRequest,
   243  					},
   244  					Stdin:  false,
   245  					Stdout: true,
   246  					Stderr: true,
   247  					TTY:    true,
   248  				}, scheme.ParameterCodec)
   250  			config := clientcmd.NewNonInteractiveDeferredLoadingClientConfig(
   251  				clientcmd.NewDefaultClientConfigLoadingRules(),
   252  				&clientcmd.ConfigOverrides{},
   253  			)
   254  			restConfig, err := config.ClientConfig()
   255  			Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
   257  			Eventually(func() bool {
   258  				stop := false
   259  				exec, err := remotecommand.NewSPDYExecutor(restConfig, "POST", request.URL())
   260  				Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
   262  				buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
   263  				errBuffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
   264  				err = exec.StreamWithContext(context.TODO(), remotecommand.StreamOptions{
   265  					Stdout: buffer,
   266  					Stderr: errBuffer,
   267  				})
   268  				Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred(), fmt.Sprintf("error: %v", err))
   269  				Expect(errBuffer.String()).To(BeEmpty(), fmt.Sprintf("stderr: %v", errBuffer.String()))
   271  				// default of attempts: 10
   272  				err = retry.Do(
   273  					func() error {
   274  						_, err = primaryUser.Framework.AsKubeDeveloper.SPIController.GetSPIFileContentRequest(spiFcrName, namespace)
   275  						if err != nil && shouldAccess {
   276  							GinkgoWriter.Printf("buffer info: %s\n", buffer.String())
   277  							return err
   278  						}
   279  						stop = true
   280  						return nil
   281  					},
   282  				)
   283  				return stop
   284  			}, 5*time.Minute, 5*time.Second).Should(BeTrue(), fmt.Sprintf("SPIFileContentRequest '%s' in namespace '%s' was not created", spiFcrName, namespace))
   285  		}
   287  		// check if guest user's pod deployed in guest user's workspace should be able to construct an API request that reads code in the Github repo for primary's user workspace
   288  		checkRepoReadingFromPod := func(client crclient.Client, guestUser, primaryUser User, shouldRead bool) {
   289  			namespace := guestUser.Framework.UserNamespace
   290  			p := &corev1.Pod{
   291  				ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   292  					Namespace:    namespace,
   293  					GenerateName: "pod-",
   294  				},
   295  				Spec: corev1.PodSpec{
   296  					RestartPolicy: corev1.RestartPolicyNever,
   297  					Containers: []corev1.Container{
   298  						{
   299  							Name:  "read",
   300  							Image: "",
   301  							// workaround to force the pod to be running
   302  							Command: []string{
   303  								"sleep",
   304  								"600",
   305  							},
   306  						},
   307  					},
   308  				},
   309  			}
   311  			// create pod
   312  			pod, err := guestUser.Framework.AsKubeAdmin.CommonController.KubeInterface().CoreV1().Pods(namespace).Create(context.Background(), p, metav1.CreateOptions{})
   313  			Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
   315  			// check that pod started
   316  			Eventually(func() corev1.PodPhase {
   317  				pod, err := guestUser.Framework.AsKubeAdmin.CommonController.GetPod(namespace, pod.Name)
   318  				Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
   320  				return pod.Status.Phase
   321  			}, 8*time.Minute, 5*time.Second).Should(Equal(corev1.PodRunning), fmt.Sprintf("Pod %s/%s not created successfully", namespace, pod.Name))
   322  			Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
   324  			// make read request
   325  			spiFcrName := utils.GetGeneratedNamespace("pod-spi-file-content-request")
   326  			makeGhReadRequestFromPod(guestUser, primaryUser, pod.Name, pod.Namespace, spiFcrName, shouldRead)
   328  			spiFcr := v1beta1.SPIFileContentRequest{}
   329  			if shouldRead {
   330  				// check that guest user's pod can read a primary's GitHub repo in the primary's workspace
   331  				Eventually(func() v1beta1.SPIFileContentRequestStatus {
   332  					err = client.Get(context.Background(), types.NamespacedName{Name: spiFcrName, Namespace: primaryUser.Framework.UserNamespace}, &spiFcr)
   333  					Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
   335  					return spiFcr.Status
   336  				}, 2*time.Minute, 10*time.Second).Should(MatchFields(IgnoreExtras, Fields{
   337  					"Content": Not(BeEmpty()),
   338  					"Phase":   Equal(v1beta1.SPIFileContentRequestPhaseDelivered),
   339  				}), fmt.Sprintf("content not provided by SPIFileContentRequest %s/%s", primaryUser.Framework.UserNamespace, spiFcrName))
   340  			} else {
   341  				// check that guest user's pod can not read a primary's GitHub repo in the primary's workspace
   342  				err = client.Get(context.Background(), types.NamespacedName{Name: spiFcrName, Namespace: primaryUser.Framework.UserNamespace}, &spiFcr)
   343  				Expect(err).To(HaveOccurred())
   344  			}
   345  		}
   347  		BeforeAll(func() {
   348  			// Initialize the tests controllers for user A
   349  			// test user A is the owner and have access to the workspace A
   350  			fwUserA, err := framework.NewFramework(utils.GetGeneratedNamespace("spi-user-a"))
   351  			Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
   352  			namespaceUserA := fwUserA.UserNamespace
   353  			Expect(namespaceUserA).NotTo(BeEmpty())
   354  			userA = User{
   355  				Framework:                    fwUserA,
   356  				SPIGithubWorkSpaceSecretName: "e2e-github-secret-workspace-a",
   357  				WorkspaceURL:                 fmt.Sprintf("%s/workspaces/%s", fwUserA.ProxyUrl, fwUserA.UserName),
   358  			}
   360  			// Initialize the tests controllers for user B
   361  			// test user B is the owner and have access to the workspace B
   362  			fwUserB, err := framework.NewFramework(utils.GetGeneratedNamespace("spi-user-b"))
   363  			Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
   364  			namespaceUserB := fwUserB.UserNamespace
   365  			Expect(namespaceUserB).NotTo(BeEmpty())
   366  			userB = User{
   367  				Framework:                    fwUserB,
   368  				SPIGithubWorkSpaceSecretName: "e2e-github-secret-workspace-b",
   369  				WorkspaceURL:                 fmt.Sprintf("%s/workspaces/%s", fwUserB.ProxyUrl, fwUserB.UserName),
   370  			}
   372  			// Initialize the tests controllers for user C
   373  			// test user C is the owner and have access to the workspace C
   374  			fwUserC, err := framework.NewFramework(utils.GetGeneratedNamespace("spi-user-c"))
   375  			Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
   376  			namespaceUserC := fwUserC.UserNamespace
   377  			Expect(namespaceUserC).NotTo(BeEmpty())
   378  			userC = User{
   379  				Framework:                    fwUserC,
   380  				SPIGithubWorkSpaceSecretName: "e2e-github-secret-workspace-c",
   381  				WorkspaceURL:                 fmt.Sprintf("%s/workspaces/%s", fwUserC.ProxyUrl, fwUserC.UserName),
   382  			}
   384  			// create api proxy client with user A token and user's A workspace URL
   385  			userA.APIProxyClientA = createAPIProxyClient(userA.Framework.UserToken, userA.WorkspaceURL)
   386  			// create api proxy client with user A token and user's B workspace URL
   387  			userA.APIProxyClientB = createAPIProxyClient(userA.Framework.UserToken, userB.WorkspaceURL)
   388  			// create api proxy client with user A token and user's C workspace URL
   389  			userA.APIProxyClientC = createAPIProxyClient(userA.Framework.UserToken, userC.WorkspaceURL)
   391  			// create api proxy client with user B token and user's A workspace URL
   392  			userB.APIProxyClientA = createAPIProxyClient(userB.Framework.UserToken, userA.WorkspaceURL)
   393  			// create api proxy client with user B token and user's B workspace URL
   394  			userB.APIProxyClientB = createAPIProxyClient(userB.Framework.UserToken, userB.WorkspaceURL)
   395  			// create api proxy client with user B token and user's C workspace URL
   396  			userB.APIProxyClientC = createAPIProxyClient(userB.Framework.UserToken, userC.WorkspaceURL)
   398  			// create api proxy client with user C token and user's A workspace URL
   399  			userC.APIProxyClientA = createAPIProxyClient(userC.Framework.UserToken, userA.WorkspaceURL)
   400  			// create api proxy client with user C token and user's B workspace URL
   401  			userC.APIProxyClientB = createAPIProxyClient(userC.Framework.UserToken, userB.WorkspaceURL)
   402  			// create api proxy client with user C token and user's C workspace URL
   403  			userC.APIProxyClientC = createAPIProxyClient(userC.Framework.UserToken, userC.WorkspaceURL)
   405  			// share workspace C with user A with maintainer roles
   406  			_, err = fwUserC.AsKubeAdmin.CommonController.CreateSpaceBinding(fwUserA.UserName, fwUserC.UserName, "maintainer")
   407  			Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
   409  			// check if workspace C was shared with user A
   410  			Eventually(func() error {
   411  				err = fwUserC.AsKubeAdmin.CommonController.CheckWorkspaceShare(fwUserA.UserName, fwUserC.UserNamespace)
   412  				return err
   413  			}, 1*time.Minute, 5*time.Second).Should(BeNil(), fmt.Sprintf("error checking if the workspace C (%s) was shared with user A (%s)", fwUserC.UserNamespace, fwUserA.UserName))
   415  			// check if user C is provisioned after workspace share
   416  			Eventually(func() error {
   417  				_, err := fwUserC.SandboxController.GetUserProvisionedNamespace(fwUserC.UserName)
   418  				return err
   419  			}, 1*time.Minute, 5*time.Second).Should(BeNil(), fmt.Sprintf("error getting provisioned usernamespace for user %s", fwUserC.UserName))
   421  			// create SPITokenBinding for user A
   422  			createSPITokenBinding(userA)
   424  			// create SPITokenBinding for user B
   425  			createSPITokenBinding(userB)
   427  			// create SPITokenBinding for user C
   428  			createSPITokenBinding(userC)
   429  		})
   431  		AfterAll(func() {
   432  			if !CurrentSpecReport().Failed() {
   433  				delete(userA)
   434  				delete(userB)
   435  				delete(userC)
   436  			}
   437  		})
   439  		It("checks that user A can access the SPIAccessToken A in workspace A", func() {
   440  			checkSecretAccess(*userA.APIProxyClientA, userA, true)
   441  		})
   443  		It("checks that user A can not access the SPIAccessToken B in workspace B", func() {
   444  			checkSecretAccess(*userA.APIProxyClientB, userB, false)
   445  		})
   447  		It("checks that user A can access the SPIAccessToken C in workspace C", func() {
   448  			// workspace C was shared with user A
   449  			checkSecretAccess(*userA.APIProxyClientC, userC, true)
   450  		})
   452  		It("checks that user B can not access the SPIAccessToken A in workspace A", func() {
   453  			checkSecretAccess(*userB.APIProxyClientA, userA, false)
   454  		})
   456  		It("checks that user B can access the SPIAccessToken B in workspace B", func() {
   457  			checkSecretAccess(*userB.APIProxyClientB, userB, true)
   458  		})
   460  		It("checks that user B can not access the SPIAccessToken C in workspace C", func() {
   461  			checkSecretAccess(*userB.APIProxyClientC, userC, false)
   462  		})
   464  		It("checks that user C can not access the SPIAccessToken A in workspace A", func() {
   465  			checkSecretAccess(*userC.APIProxyClientA, userA, false)
   466  		})
   468  		It("checks that user C can not access the SPIAccessToken B in workspace B", func() {
   469  			checkSecretAccess(*userC.APIProxyClientB, userB, false)
   470  		})
   472  		It("checks that user C can access the SPIAccessToken C in workspace C", func() {
   473  			checkSecretAccess(*userC.APIProxyClientC, userC, true)
   474  		})
   476  		It("checks that user A can read the GitHub repo in workspace A", func() {
   477  			checkRepositoryReading(*userA.APIProxyClientA, userA, true)
   478  		})
   480  		It("checks that user A can not read the GitHub repo in workspace B", func() {
   481  			checkRepositoryReading(*userA.APIProxyClientB, userB, false)
   482  		})
   484  		It("checks that user A can read the GitHub repo in workspace C", func() {
   485  			// workspace C was shared with user A
   486  			checkRepositoryReading(*userA.APIProxyClientC, userC, true)
   487  		})
   489  		It("checks that user B can not read the GitHub repo in workspace A", func() {
   490  			checkRepositoryReading(*userB.APIProxyClientA, userA, false)
   491  		})
   493  		It("checks that user B can read the GitHub repo in workspace B", func() {
   494  			checkRepositoryReading(*userB.APIProxyClientB, userB, true)
   495  		})
   497  		It("checks that user B can not read the GitHub repo in workspace C", func() {
   498  			checkRepositoryReading(*userB.APIProxyClientC, userC, false)
   499  		})
   501  		It("checks that user C can not read the GitHub repo in workspace A", func() {
   502  			checkRepositoryReading(*userC.APIProxyClientA, userA, false)
   503  		})
   505  		It("checks that user C can not read the GitHub repo in workspace B", func() {
   506  			checkRepositoryReading(*userC.APIProxyClientB, userB, false)
   507  		})
   509  		It("checks that user C can read the GitHub repo in workspace C", func() {
   510  			checkRepositoryReading(*userC.APIProxyClientC, userC, true)
   511  		})
   513  		It("checks that user A can read the secret in workspace A", func() {
   514  			checkSecretReading(*userA.APIProxyClientA, userA, true)
   515  		})
   517  		It("checks that user A can not read the secret in workspace B", func() {
   518  			checkSecretReading(*userA.APIProxyClientB, userB, false)
   519  		})
   521  		It("checks that user A can not read the secret in workspace C", func() {
   522  			// although workspace C is shared with user A, the role given is maintainer,
   523  			// which does not have any permissions for secrets object
   524  			checkSecretReading(*userA.APIProxyClientC, userC, false)
   525  		})
   527  		It("checks that user B can not read the secret in workspace A", func() {
   528  			checkSecretReading(*userB.APIProxyClientA, userA, false)
   529  		})
   531  		It("checks that user B can read the secret in workspace B", func() {
   532  			checkSecretReading(*userB.APIProxyClientB, userB, true)
   533  		})
   535  		It("checks that user B can not read the secret in workspace C", func() {
   536  			checkSecretReading(*userB.APIProxyClientC, userC, false)
   537  		})
   539  		It("checks that user C can not read the secret in workspace A", func() {
   540  			checkSecretReading(*userC.APIProxyClientA, userA, false)
   541  		})
   543  		It("checks that user C can not read the secret in workspace B", func() {
   544  			checkSecretReading(*userC.APIProxyClientB, userB, false)
   545  		})
   547  		It("checks that user C can read the secret in workspace C", func() {
   548  			checkSecretReading(*userC.APIProxyClientC, userC, true)
   549  		})
   551  		It("checks that a user's A pod deployed in workspace A should be able to construct an API request that reads code in the Github repo for workspace A", func() {
   552  			checkRepoReadingFromPod(*userA.APIProxyClientA, userA, userA, true)
   553  		})
   555  		It("checks that a user's A pod deployed in workspace A should not be able to construct an API request that reads code in the Github repo for workspace B", func() {
   556  			checkRepoReadingFromPod(*userA.APIProxyClientB, userA, userB, false)
   557  		})
   559  		It("checks that a user's A pod deployed in workspace A should be able to construct an API request that reads code in the Github repo for workspace C", func() {
   560  			// workspace C was shared with user A
   561  			checkRepoReadingFromPod(*userA.APIProxyClientC, userA, userC, true)
   562  		})
   564  		It("checks that a user's B pod deployed in workspace B should not be able to construct an API request that reads code in the Github repo for workspace A", func() {
   565  			checkRepoReadingFromPod(*userB.APIProxyClientA, userB, userA, false)
   566  		})
   568  		It("checks that a user's B pod deployed in workspace B should be able to construct an API request that reads code in the Github repo for workspace B", func() {
   569  			checkRepoReadingFromPod(*userB.APIProxyClientB, userB, userB, true)
   570  		})
   572  		It("checks that a user's B pod deployed in workspace B should not be able to construct an API request that reads code in the Github repo for workspace C", func() {
   573  			checkRepoReadingFromPod(*userB.APIProxyClientC, userB, userC, false)
   574  		})
   576  		It("checks that a user's C pod deployed in workspace C should not be able to construct an API request that reads code in the Github repo for workspace A", func() {
   577  			checkRepoReadingFromPod(*userC.APIProxyClientA, userC, userA, false)
   578  		})
   580  		It("checks that a user's C pod deployed in workspace C should not be able to construct an API request that reads code in the Github repo for workspace B", func() {
   581  			checkRepoReadingFromPod(*userC.APIProxyClientB, userC, userB, false)
   582  		})
   584  		It("checks that a user's C pod deployed in workspace C should be able to construct an API request that reads code in the Github repo for workspace C", func() {
   585  			checkRepoReadingFromPod(*userC.APIProxyClientC, userC, userC, true)
   586  		})
   587  	})
   588  })