(about) 1 <!--[metadata]> 2 +++ 3 title = "Dockerizing a CouchDB service" 4 description = "Sharing data between 2 couchdb databases" 5 keywords = ["docker, example, package installation, networking, couchdb, data volumes"] 6 [menu.main] 7 parent = "smn_applied" 8 +++ 9 <![end-metadata]--> 10 11 # Dockerizing a CouchDB service 12 13 > **Note**: 14 > - **If you don't like sudo** then see [*Giving non-root 15 > access*](/installation/binaries/#giving-non-root-access) 16 17 Here's an example of using data volumes to share the same data between 18 two CouchDB containers. This could be used for hot upgrades, testing 19 different versions of CouchDB on the same data, etc. 20 21 ## Create first database 22 23 Note that we're marking `/var/lib/couchdb` as a data volume. 24 25 $ COUCH1=$(docker run -d -p 5984 -v /var/lib/couchdb shykes/couchdb:2013-05-03) 26 27 ## Add data to the first database 28 29 We're assuming your Docker host is reachable at `localhost`. If not, 30 replace `localhost` with the public IP of your Docker host. 31 32 $ HOST=localhost 33 $ URL="http://$HOST:$(docker port $COUCH1 5984 | grep -o '[1-9][0-9]*$')/_utils/" 34 $ echo "Navigate to $URL in your browser, and use the couch interface to add data" 35 36 ## Create second database 37 38 This time, we're requesting shared access to `$COUCH1`'s volumes. 39 40 $ COUCH2=$(docker run -d -p 5984 --volumes-from $COUCH1 shykes/couchdb:2013-05-03) 41 42 ## Browse data on the second database 43 44 $ HOST=localhost 45 $ URL="http://$HOST:$(docker port $COUCH2 5984 | grep -o '[1-9][0-9]*$')/_utils/" 46 $ echo "Navigate to $URL in your browser. You should see the same data as in the first database"'!' 47 48 Congratulations, you are now running two Couchdb containers, completely 49 isolated from each other *except* for their data.