
     1  # Istio
     3  [Istio]( is an open platform for providing a uniform way to integrate microservices, manage traffic flow across microservices, enforce policies and aggregate telemetry data.
     5  ## Introduction
     7  This chart bootstraps all istio [components]( deployment on a [Kubernetes]( cluster using the [Helm]( package manager.
     9  ## Chart Details
    11  This chart can install multiple istio components as subcharts:
    12  - ingress
    13  - ingressgateway
    14  - egressgateway
    15  - sidecarInjectorWebhook
    16  - galley
    17  - mixer
    18  - pilot
    19  - security(citadel)
    20  - grafana
    21  - prometheus
    22  - servicegraph
    23  - tracing(jaeger)
    24  - kiali
    26  To enable or disable each component, change the corresponding `enabled` flag.
    28  ## Prerequisites
    30  - Kubernetes 1.9 or newer cluster with RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) enabled is required
    31  - Helm 2.7.2 or newer or alternately the ability to modify RBAC rules is also required
    32  - If you want to enable automatic sidecar injection, Kubernetes 1.9+ with `admissionregistration` API is required, and `kube-apiserver` process must have the `admission-control` flag set with the `MutatingAdmissionWebhook` and `ValidatingAdmissionWebhook` admission controllers added and listed in the correct order.
    34  ## Resources Required
    36  The chart deploys pods that consume minimum resources as specified in the resources configuration parameter.
    38  ## Installing the Chart
    40  1. If a service account has not already been installed for Tiller, install one:
    41  ```
    42  $ kubectl apply -f install/kubernetes/helm/helm-service-account.yaml
    43  ```
    45  2. Install Tiller on your cluster with the service account:
    46  ```
    47  $ helm init --service-account tiller
    48  ```
    50  3. Install Istio’s [Custom Resource Definitions]( via `kubectl apply`, and wait a few seconds for the CRDs to be committed in the kube-apiserver:
    51     ```
    52     $ kubectl apply -f install/kubernetes/helm/istio/templates/crds.yaml
    53     ```
    54     **Note**: If you are enabling `certmanager`, you also need to install its CRDs and wait a few seconds for the CRDs to be committed in the kube-apiserver:
    55     ```
    56     $ kubectl apply -f install/kubernetes/helm/istio/charts/certmanager/templates/crds.yaml
    57     ```
    59  4. To install the chart with the release name `istio` in namespace `istio-system`:
    60      - With [automatic sidecar injection]( (requires Kubernetes >=1.9.0):
    61      ```
    62      $ helm install install/kubernetes/helm/istio --name istio --namespace istio-system
    63      ```
    65      - Without the sidecar injection webhook:
    66      ```
    67      $ helm install install/kubernetes/helm/istio --name istio --namespace istio-system --set sidecarInjectorWebhook.enabled=false
    68      ```
    70  ## Configuration
    72  The Helm chart ships with reasonable defaults.  There may be circumstances in which defaults require overrides.
    73  To override Helm values, use `--set key=value` argument during the `helm install` command.  Multiple `--set` operations may be used in the same Helm operation.
    75  Helm charts expose configuration options which are currently in alpha.  The currently exposed options are explained in the following table:
    77  | Parameter | Description | Values | Default |
    78  | --- | --- | --- | --- |
    79  | `global.hub` | Specifies the HUB for most images used by Istio | registry/namespace | `` |
    80  | `global.tag` | Specifies the TAG for most images used by Istio | valid image tag | `0.8.latest` |
    81  | `global.proxy.image` | Specifies the proxy image name | valid proxy name | `proxyv2` |
    82  | `global.proxy.concurrency` | Specifies the number of proxy worker threads | number, 0 = auto | `0` |
    83  | `global.imagePullPolicy` | Specifies the image pull policy | valid image pull policy | `IfNotPresent` |
    84  | `global.controlPlaneSecurityEnabled` | Specifies whether control plane mTLS is enabled | true/false | `false` |
    85  | `global.mtls.enabled` | Specifies whether mTLS is enabled by default between services | true/false | `false` |
    86  | `global.rbacEnabled` | Specifies whether to create Istio RBAC rules or not | true/false | `true` |
    87  | `global.refreshInterval` | Specifies the mesh discovery refresh interval | integer followed by s | `10s` |
    88  | `global.arch.amd64` | Specifies the scheduling policy for `amd64` architectures | 0 = never, 1 = least preferred, 2 = no preference, 3 = most preferred | `2` |
    89  | `global.arch.s390x` | Specifies the scheduling policy for `s390x` architectures | 0 = never, 1 = least preferred, 2 = no preference, 3 = most preferred | `2` |
    90  | `global.arch.ppc64le` | Specifies the scheduling policy for `ppc64le` architectures | 0 = never, 1 = least preferred, 2 = no preference, 3 = most preferred | `2` |
    91  | `ingress.enabled` | Specifies whether Ingress should be installed | true/false | `true` |
    92  | `gateways.istio-ingressgateway.enabled` | Specifies whether Ingress gateway should be installed | true/false | `true` |
    93  | `gateways.istio-egressgateway.enabled` | Specifies whether Egress gateway should be installed | true/false | `true` |
    94  | `sidecarInjectorWebhook.enabled` | Specifies whether automatic sidecar-injector should be installed | `true` |
    95  | `galley.enabled` | Specifies whether Galley should be installed for server-side config validation | true/false | `true` |
    96  | `mixer.enabled` | Specifies whether Mixer should be installed | true/false | `true` |
    97  | `pilot.enabled` | Specifies whether Pilot should be installed | true/false | `true` |
    98  | `grafana.enabled` | Specifies whether Grafana addon should be installed | true/false | `false` |
    99  | `grafana.persist` | Specifies whether Grafana addon should persist config data | true/false | `false` |
   100  | `grafana.storageClassName` | If `grafana.persist` is true, specifies the [`StorageClass`]( to use for the `PersistentVolumeClaim` | `StorageClass` | "" |
   101  | `prometheus.enabled` | Specifies whether Prometheus addon should be installed | true/false | `true` |
   102  | `servicegraph.enabled` | Specifies whether Servicegraph addon should be installed | true/false | `false` |
   103  | `tracing.enabled` | Specifies whether Tracing(jaeger) addon should be installed | true/false | `false` |
   104  | `kiali.enabled` | Specifies whether Kiali addon should be installed | true/false | `false` |
   106  ## Uninstalling the Chart
   108  To uninstall/delete the `istio` release:
   109  ```
   110  $ helm delete istio
   111  ```
   112  The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.
   114  To uninstall/delete the `istio` release completely and make its name free for later use:
   115  ```
   116  $ helm delete istio --purge
   117  ```