
     1  apiVersion:
     2  kind: ClusterRole
     3  metadata:
     4    name: certmanager
     5    labels:
     6      app: certmanager
     7  rules:
     8    - apiGroups: [""]
     9      resources: ["certificates", "issuers", "clusterissuers"]
    10      verbs: ["*"]
    11    - apiGroups: [""]
    12      # TODO: remove endpoints once 0.4 is released. We include it here in case
    13      # users use the 'master' version of the Helm chart with a 0.2.x release of
    14      # certManager that still performs leader election with Endpoint resources.
    15      # We advise users don't do this, but some will anyway and this will reduce
    16      # friction.
    17      resources: ["endpoints", "configmaps", "secrets", "events", "services", "pods"]
    18      verbs: ["*"]
    19    - apiGroups: ["extensions"]
    20      resources: ["ingresses"]
    21      verbs: ["*"]
    22  ---
    23  apiVersion:
    24  kind: ClusterRoleBinding
    25  metadata:
    26    name: certmanager
    27    labels:
    28      app: certmanager
    29  roleRef:
    30    apiGroup:
    31    kind: ClusterRole
    32    name: certmanager
    33  subjects:
    34    - name: certmanager
    35      namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
    36      kind: ServiceAccount