
     1  # Common settings.
     2  global:
     3    # Default hub for Istio images.
     4    # Releases are published to docker hub under 'istio' project.
     5    # Daily builds from prow are on, and nightly builds from circle on
     6    hub:
     8    # Default tag for Istio images.
     9    tag: release-1.0-latest-daily
    11    # Gateway used for legacy k8s Ingress resources. By default it is
    12    # using 'istio:ingress', to match 0.8 config. It requires that
    13    # ingress.enabled is set to true. You can also set it
    14    # to ingressgateway, or any other gateway you define in the 'gateway'
    15    # section.
    16    k8sIngressSelector: ingress
    18    # k8sIngressHttps will add port 443 on the ingress and ingressgateway.
    19    # It REQUIRES that the certificates are installed  in the
    20    # expected secrets - enabling this option without certificates
    21    # will result in LDS rejection and the ingress will not work.
    22    k8sIngressHttps: false
    24    proxy:
    25      image: proxyv2
    27      # Resources for the sidecar.
    28      resources:
    29        requests:
    30          cpu: 10m
    31        #  memory: 128Mi
    32        # limits:
    33        #   cpu: 100m
    34        #   memory: 128Mi
    36      # Controls number of Proxy worker threads.
    37      # If set to 0 (default), then start worker thread for each CPU thread/core.
    38      concurrency: 0
    40      # Configures the access log for each sidecar. Setting it to an empty string will
    41      # disable access log for sidecar.
    42      accessLogFile: "/dev/stdout"
    44      #If set to true, istio-proxy container will have privileged securityContext
    45      privileged: false
    47      # If set, newly injected sidecars will have core dumps enabled. Core dumps will always be written to the same
    48      # file to prevent storage filling up indefinitely. Add a timestamp option to core_pattern to keep all cores:
    49      # e.g. sysctl -w kernel.core_pattern=/var/lib/istio/core.%e.%p.%t
    50      enableCoreDump: false
    52      # Default port for Pilot agent health checks. A value of 0 will disable health checking.
    53      # statusPort: 15020
    54      statusPort: 0
    56      # The initial delay for readiness probes in seconds.
    57      readinessInitialDelaySeconds: 1
    59      # The period between readiness probes.
    60      readinessPeriodSeconds: 2
    62      # The number of successive failed probes before indicating readiness failure.
    63      readinessFailureThreshold: 30
    65      # istio egress capture whitelist
    66      #
    67      # example: includeIPRanges: ","
    68      # would only capture egress traffic on those two IP Ranges, all other outbound traffic would
    69      # be allowed by the sidecar
    70      includeIPRanges: "*"
    71      excludeIPRanges: ""
    73      # istio ingress capture whitelist
    74      # examples:
    75      #     Redirect no inbound traffic to Envoy:    --includeInboundPorts=""
    76      #     Redirect all inbound traffic to Envoy:   --includeInboundPorts="*"
    77      #     Redirect only selected ports:            --includeInboundPorts="80,8080"
    78      includeInboundPorts: "*"
    79      excludeInboundPorts: ""
    81      # This controls the 'policy' in the sidecar injector.
    82      autoInject: enabled
    84      # Sets the destination Statsd in envoy (the value of the "--statsdUdpAddress" proxy argument
    85      # would be <host>:<port>).
    86      # Disabled by default.
    87      # The istio-statsd-prom-bridge is deprecated and should not be used moving forward.
    88      envoyStatsd:
    89        # If enabled is set to true, host and port must also be provided. Istio no longer provides a statsd collector.
    90        enabled: false
    91        host: # example: statsd-svc
    92        port: # example: 9125
    94      # This controls the stats collection for proxies. To disable stats
    95      # collection, set the prometheusPort to 0.
    96      stats:
    97        prometheusPort: 15090
    99    proxy_init:
   100      # Base name for the proxy_init container, used to configure iptables.
   101      image: proxy_init
   103    # imagePullPolicy is applied to istio control plane components.
   104    # local tests require IfNotPresent, to avoid uploading to dockerhub.
   105    # TODO: Switch to Always as default, and override in the local tests.
   106    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
   108    # controlPlaneMtls enabled. Will result in delays starting the pods while secrets are
   109    # propagated, not recommended for tests.
   110    controlPlaneSecurityEnabled: false
   112    # disablePolicyChecks disables mixer policy checks.
   113    # Will set the value with same name in istio config map - pilot needs to be restarted to take effect.
   114    disablePolicyChecks: false
   116    # policyCheckFailOpen allows traffic in cases when the mixer policy service cannot be reached.
   117    # Default is false which means the traffic is denied when the client is unable to connect to Mixer.
   118    policyCheckFailOpen: false
   120    # EnableTracing sets the value with same name in istio config map, requires pilot restart to take effect.
   121    enableTracing: true
   123    # Default mtls policy. If true, mtls between services will be enabled by default.
   124    mtls:
   125      # Default setting for service-to-service mtls. Can be set explicitly using
   126      # destination rules or service annotations.
   127      enabled: false
   129    # ImagePullSecrets for all ServiceAccount, list of secrets in the same namespace
   130    # to use for pulling any images in pods that reference this ServiceAccount.
   131    # Must be set for any clustser configured with privte docker registry.
   132    imagePullSecrets:
   133      # - private-registry-key
   135    # Specify pod scheduling arch(amd64, ppc64le, s390x) and weight as follows:
   136    #   0 - Never scheduled
   137    #   1 - Least preferred
   138    #   2 - No preference
   139    #   3 - Most preferred
   140    arch:
   141      amd64: 2
   142      s390x: 2
   143      ppc64le: 2
   145    # Whether to restrict the applications namespace the controller manages;
   146    # If not set, controller watches all namespaces
   147    oneNamespace: false
   149    # Whether to perform server-side validation of configuration.
   150    configValidation: true
   152    # If set to true, the pilot and citadel mtls will be exposed on the
   153    # ingress gateway
   154    meshExpansion: false
   156    # If set to true, the pilot and citadel mtls and the plain text pilot ports
   157    # will be exposed on an internal gateway
   158    meshExpansionILB: false
   160    # A minimal set of requested resources to applied to all deployments so that
   161    # Horizontal Pod Autoscaler will be able to function (if set).
   162    # Each component can overwrite these default values by adding its own resources
   163    # block in the relevant section below and setting the desired resources values.
   164    defaultResources:
   165      requests:
   166        cpu: 10m
   167      #   memory: 128Mi
   168      # limits:
   169      #   cpu: 100m
   170      #   memory: 128Mi
   172    # Not recommended for user to configure this. Hyperkube image to use when creating custom resources
   173    hyperkube:
   174      hub:
   175      tag: v1.7.6_coreos.0
   177    # Kubernetes >=v1.11.0 will create two PriorityClass, including system-cluster-critical and
   178    # system-node-critical, it is better to configure this in order to make sure your Istio pods
   179    # will not be killed because of low prioroty class.
   180    # Refer to
   181    # for more detail.
   182    priorityClassName: ""
   184    # Include the crd definition when generating the template.
   185    # For 'helm template' and helm install > 2.10 it should be true.
   186    # For helm < 2.9, crds must be installed ahead of time with
   187    # 'kubectl apply -f install/kubernetes/helm/istio/templates/crds.yaml
   188    # and this options must be set off.
   189    crds: true
   191  #
   192  # ingress configuration
   193  #
   194  ingress:
   195    enabled: false
   196    replicaCount: 1
   197    autoscaleMin: 1
   198    autoscaleMax: 5
   199    service:
   200      annotations: {}
   201      loadBalancerIP: ""
   202      type: LoadBalancer #change to NodePort, ClusterIP or LoadBalancer if need be
   203      # Uncomment the following line to preserve client source ip.
   204      # externalTrafficPolicy: Local
   205      ports:
   206      - port: 80
   207        name: http
   208        nodePort: 32000
   209      - port: 443
   210        name: https
   211      selector:
   212        istio: ingress
   214  #
   215  # Gateways Configuration
   216  # By default (if enabled) a pair of Ingress and Egress Gateways will be created for the mesh.
   217  # You can add more gateways in addition to the defaults but make sure those are uniquely named
   218  # and that NodePorts are not conflicting.
   219  # Disable specifc gateway by setting the `enabled` to false.
   220  #
   221  gateways:
   222    enabled: true
   224    istio-ingressgateway:
   225      enabled: true
   226      labels:
   227        app: istio-ingressgateway
   228        istio: ingressgateway
   229      replicaCount: 1
   230      autoscaleMin: 1
   231      autoscaleMax: 5
   232      resources: {}
   233        # limits:
   234        #  cpu: 100m
   235        #  memory: 128Mi
   236        #requests:
   237        #  cpu: 1800m
   238        #  memory: 256Mi
   239      cpu:
   240        targetAverageUtilization: 80
   241      loadBalancerIP: ""
   242      serviceAnnotations: {}
   243      type: LoadBalancer #change to NodePort, ClusterIP or LoadBalancer if need be
   244      # Uncomment the following line to preserve client source ip.
   245      # externalTrafficPolicy: Local
   247      ports:
   248        ## You can add custom gateway ports
   249      - port: 80
   250        targetPort: 80
   251        name: http2
   252        nodePort: 31380
   253      - port: 443
   254        name: https
   255        nodePort: 31390
   256      - port: 31400
   257        name: tcp
   258        nodePort: 31400
   259      # Pilot and Citadel MTLS ports are enabled in gateway - but will only redirect
   260      # to pilot/citadel if global.meshExpansion settings are enabled.
   261      - port: 15011
   262        targetPort: 15011
   263        name: tcp-pilot-grpc-tls
   264      - port: 8060
   265        targetPort: 8060
   266        name: tcp-citadel-grpc-tls
   267      - port: 853
   268        targetPort: 853
   269        name: tcp-dns-tls
   270      - port: 15030
   271        targetPort: 15030
   272        name: http2-prometheus
   273      - port: 15031
   274        targetPort: 15031
   275        name: http2-grafana
   276      secretVolumes:
   277      - name: ingressgateway-certs
   278        secretName: istio-ingressgateway-certs
   279        mountPath: /etc/istio/ingressgateway-certs
   280      - name: ingressgateway-ca-certs
   281        secretName: istio-ingressgateway-ca-certs
   282        mountPath: /etc/istio/ingressgateway-ca-certs
   284    istio-egressgateway:
   285      enabled: true
   286      labels:
   287        app: istio-egressgateway
   288        istio: egressgateway
   289      replicaCount: 1
   290      autoscaleMin: 1
   291      autoscaleMax: 5
   292      cpu:
   293        targetAverageUtilization: 80
   294      serviceAnnotations: {}
   295      type: ClusterIP #change to NodePort or LoadBalancer if need be
   296      ports:
   297        - port: 80
   298          name: http2
   299        - port: 443
   300          name: https
   301      secretVolumes:
   302        - name: egressgateway-certs
   303          secretName: istio-egressgateway-certs
   304          mountPath: /etc/istio/egressgateway-certs
   305        - name: egressgateway-ca-certs
   306          secretName: istio-egressgateway-ca-certs
   307          mountPath: /etc/istio/egressgateway-ca-certs
   309    # Mesh ILB gateway creates a gateway of type InternalLoadBalancer,
   310    # for mesh expansion. It exposes the mtls ports for Pilot,CA as well
   311    # as non-mtls ports to support upgrades and gradual transition.
   312    istio-ilbgateway:
   313      enabled: false
   314      labels:
   315        app: istio-ilbgateway
   316        istio: ilbgateway
   317      replicaCount: 1
   318      autoscaleMin: 1
   319      autoscaleMax: 5
   320      resources:
   321        requests:
   322          cpu: 800m
   323          memory: 512Mi
   324        #limits:
   325        #  cpu: 1800m
   326        #  memory: 256Mi
   327      cpu:
   328        targetAverageUtilization: 80      
   329      loadBalancerIP: ""
   330      serviceAnnotations:
   331 "internal"
   332      type: LoadBalancer
   333      ports:
   334      ## You can add custom gateway ports - google ILB default quota is 5 ports,
   335      - port: 15011
   336        name: grpc-pilot-mtls
   337      # Insecure port - only for migration from 0.8. Will be removed in 1.1
   338      - port: 15010
   339        name: grpc-pilot
   340      - port: 8060
   341        targetPort: 8060
   342        name: tcp-citadel-grpc-tls
   343      # Port 853 is reserved for the kube-dns gateway
   344      - port: 853
   345        name: tcp-dns
   346      secretVolumes:
   347      - name: ilbgateway-certs
   348        secretName: istio-ilbgateway-certs
   349        mountPath: /etc/istio/ilbgateway-certs
   350      - name: ilbgateway-ca-certs
   351        secretName: istio-ilbgateway-ca-certs
   352        mountPath: /etc/istio/ilbgateway-ca-certs
   354  #
   355  # sidecar-injector webhook configuration
   356  #
   357  sidecarInjectorWebhook:
   358    enabled: true
   359    replicaCount: 1
   360    image: sidecar_injector
   361    enableNamespacesByDefault: false
   363  #
   364  # galley configuration
   365  #
   366  galley:
   367    enabled: true
   368    replicaCount: 1
   369    image: galley
   371  #
   372  # mixer configuration
   373  #
   374  mixer:
   375    enabled: true
   376    replicaCount: 1
   377    autoscaleMin: 1
   378    autoscaleMax: 5
   379    image: mixer
   381    env:
   382      GODEBUG: gctrace=2
   384    istio-policy:
   385      autoscaleEnabled: true
   386      autoscaleMin: 1
   387      autoscaleMax: 5
   388      cpu:
   389        targetAverageUtilization: 80
   391    istio-telemetry:
   392      autoscaleEnabled: true
   393      autoscaleMin: 1
   394      autoscaleMax: 5
   395      cpu:
   396        targetAverageUtilization: 80
   398    prometheusStatsdExporter:
   399      hub:
   400      tag: v0.6.0
   402  #
   403  # pilot configuration
   404  #
   405  pilot:
   406    enabled: true
   407    replicaCount: 1
   408    autoscaleMin: 1
   409    autoscaleMax: 5
   410    image: pilot
   411    sidecar: true
   412    traceSampling: 1.0
   413    # Resources for a small pilot install
   414    resources:
   415      requests:
   416        cpu: 500m
   417        memory: 2048Mi
   418    env:
   420      GODEBUG: gctrace=2
   421    cpu:
   422      targetAverageUtilization: 80
   424  #
   425  # security configuration
   426  #
   427  security:
   428    replicaCount: 1
   429    image: citadel
   430    selfSigned: true # indicate if self-signed CA is used.
   432  #
   433  # addons configuration
   434  #
   435  telemetry-gateway:
   436    gatewayName: ingressgateway
   437    grafanaEnabled: false
   438    prometheusEnabled: false
   440  grafana:
   441    enabled: false
   442    replicaCount: 1
   443    image:
   444      repository: grafana/grafana
   445      tag: 5.2.3
   446    persist: false
   447    storageClassName: ""
   448    security:
   449      enabled: false
   450      adminUser: admin
   451      adminPassword: admin
   452    service:
   453      annotations: {}
   454      name: http
   455      type: ClusterIP
   456      externalPort: 3000
   457      internalPort: 3000
   459  prometheus:
   460    enabled: true
   461    replicaCount: 1
   462    hub:
   463    tag: v2.3.1
   465    service:
   466      annotations: {}
   467      nodePort:
   468        enabled: false
   469        port: 32090
   471  servicegraph:
   472    enabled: false
   473    replicaCount: 1
   474    image: servicegraph
   475    service:
   476      annotations: {}
   477      name: http
   478      type: ClusterIP
   479      externalPort: 8088
   480      internalPort: 8088
   481    ingress:
   482      enabled: false
   483      # Used to create an Ingress record.
   484      hosts:
   485        - servicegraph.local
   486      annotations:
   487        # nginx
   488        # "true"
   489      tls:
   490        # Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
   491        # - secretName: servicegraph-tls
   492        #   hosts:
   493        #     - servicegraph.local
   494    # prometheus addres
   495    prometheusAddr: http://prometheus:9090
   497  tracing:
   498    enabled: false
   499    provider: jaeger
   500    jaeger:
   501      hub:
   502      tag: 1.5
   503      memory:
   504        max_traces: 50000
   505      ui:
   506        port: 16686
   507      ingress:
   508        enabled: false
   509        # Used to create an Ingress record.
   510        hosts:
   511          - jaeger.local
   512        annotations:
   513          # nginx
   514          # "true"
   515        tls:
   516          # Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
   517          # - secretName: jaeger-tls
   518          #   hosts:
   519          #     - jaeger.local
   520    replicaCount: 1
   521    service:
   522      annotations: {}
   523      name: http
   524      type: ClusterIP
   525      externalPort: 9411
   526      internalPort: 9411
   527    ingress:
   528      enabled: false
   529      # Used to create an Ingress record.
   530      hosts:
   531        - tracing.local
   532      annotations:
   533        # nginx
   534        # "true"
   535      tls:
   536        # Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
   537        # - secretName: tracing-tls
   538        #   hosts:
   539        #     - tracing.local
   541  kiali:
   542    enabled: false
   543    replicaCount: 1
   544    hub:
   545    tag: v0.9
   546    ingress:
   547      enabled: false
   548      ## Used to create an Ingress record.
   549      # hosts:
   550      #  - kiali.local
   551      annotations:
   552        # nginx
   553        # "true"
   554      tls:
   555        # Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
   556        # - secretName: kiali-tls
   557        #   hosts:
   558        #     - kiali.local
   559    dashboard:
   560      username: admin
   561      # Default admin passphrase for kiali. Must be set during setup, and
   562      # changed by overriding the secret
   563      passphrase: admin
   565      # Override the automatically detected Grafana URL, usefull when Grafana service has no ExternalIPs
   566      # grafanaURL:
   568      # Override the automatically detected Jaeger URL, usefull when Jaeger service has no ExternalIPs
   569      # jaegerURL:
   571  # Certmanager uses ACME to sign certificates. Since Istio gateways are
   572  # mounting the TLS secrets the Certificate CRDs must be created in the
   573  # istio-system namespace. Once the certificate has been created, the
   574  # gateway must be updated by adding 'secretVolumes'. After the gateway
   575  # restart, DestinationRules can be created using the ACME-signed certificates.
   576  certmanager:
   577    enabled: false
   578    hub:
   579    tag: v0.3.1
   580    resources: {}