
     1  ---
     2  # Source: istio/charts/security/templates/configmap.yaml
     3  apiVersion: v1
     4  kind: ConfigMap
     5  metadata:
     6    name: istio-security-custom-resources
     7    namespace: default
     8    labels:
     9      app: istio-security
    10      chart: security-1.0.3
    11      release: istio
    12      heritage: Tiller
    13      istio: security
    14  data:
    15    custom-resources.yaml: |-    
    16      # Authentication policy to enable permissive mode for all services (that have sidecar) in the mesh.
    17      apiVersion: ""
    18      kind: "MeshPolicy"
    19      metadata:
    20        name: "default"
    21        labels:
    22          app: istio-security
    23          chart: security-1.0.3
    24          release: istio
    25          heritage: Tiller
    26      spec:
    27        peers:
    28        - mtls:
    29            mode: PERMISSIVE
    30 |-    
    31      #!/bin/sh
    33      set -x
    35      if [ "$#" -ne "1" ]; then
    36          echo "first argument should be path to custom resource yaml"
    37          exit 1
    38      fi
    40      pathToResourceYAML=${1}
    42      /kubectl get validatingwebhookconfiguration istio-galley 2>/dev/null
    43      if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then
    44          echo "istio-galley validatingwebhookconfiguration found - waiting for istio-galley deployment to be ready"
    45          while true; do
    46              /kubectl -n default get deployment istio-galley 2>/dev/null
    47              if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then
    48                  break
    49              fi
    50              sleep 1
    51          done
    52          /kubectl -n default rollout status deployment istio-galley
    53          if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
    54              echo "istio-galley deployment rollout status check failed"
    55              exit 1
    56          fi
    57          echo "istio-galley deployment ready for configuration validation"
    58      fi
    59      sleep 5
    60      /kubectl apply -f ${pathToResourceYAML}