
     1  {{- if not }}
     2  apiVersion: v1
     3  kind: ConfigMap
     4  metadata:
     5    name: istio-sidecar-injector
     6    namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
     7    labels:
     8      app: {{ template "" . }}
     9      chart: {{ template "istio.chart" . }}
    10      heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
    11      release: {{ .Release.Name }}
    12      istio: sidecar-injector
    13  data:
    14    config: |-
    15      policy: {{ }}
    16      template: |-
    17        initContainers:
    18        - name: istio-init
    19  {{- if contains "/" }}
    20          image: "{{ }}"
    21  {{- else }}
    22          image: "{{ }}/{{ }}:{{ }}"
    23  {{- end }}
    24          args:
    25          - "-p"
    26          - {{ "[[ .MeshConfig.ProxyListenPort ]]" }}
    27          - "-u"
    28          - 1337
    29          - "-m"
    30          - {{ "[[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` .ProxyConfig.InterceptionMode ]]" }}
    31          - "-i"
    32          - {{ "\"[[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` " }} "{{ }}" {{ " ]]\"" }}
    33          - "-x"
    34          - {{ "\"[[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` " }} "{{ }}" {{ " ]]\"" }}
    35          - "-b"
    36          - {{ "\"[[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` (includeInboundPorts .Spec.Containers) ]]\"" }}
    37          - "-d"
    38          - {{ "\"[[ excludeInboundPort (annotation .ObjectMeta `` " }} {{ }} {{ ") (annotation .ObjectMeta `` " }} "{{ }}" {{ ") ]]\"" }}
    39          imagePullPolicy: {{ }}
    40          resources:
    41            requests:
    42              cpu: 10m
    43              memory: 10Mi
    44            limits:
    45              cpu: 10m
    46              memory: 10Mi
    47          securityContext:
    48            capabilities:
    49              add:
    50              - NET_ADMIN
    51            {{ if }}
    52            privileged: true
    53            {{ end -}}
    54          restartPolicy: Always
    55        {{ if eq true }}
    56        - name: enable-core-dump
    57          args:
    58          - -c
    59          - sysctl -w kernel.core_pattern=/var/lib/istio/core.proxy && ulimit -c unlimited
    60          command:
    61            - /bin/sh
    62    {{- if contains "/" }}
    63          image: "{{ }}"
    64    {{- else }}
    65          image: "{{ }}/{{ }}:{{ }}"
    66    {{- end }}
    67          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    68          resources: {}
    69          securityContext:
    70            privileged: true
    71        {{ end }}
    72        containers:
    73        - name: istio-proxy
    74  {{- if contains "/" }}
    75          image: {{ "[[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` " }} "{{ }}" {{ " ]]" }}
    76  {{- else }}
    77          image: {{ "[[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` " }} "{{ }}/{{ }}:{{ }}" {{ " ]]" }}
    78  {{- end }}
    79  {{ if ne 0. }}
    80          ports:
    81          - containerPort: {{ }}
    82            protocol: TCP
    83            name: http-envoy-prom
    84  {{ end }}
    85          args:
    86          - proxy
    87          - sidecar
    88  {{- if }}
    89          - --domain
    90          - {{ }}
    91  {{- end }}
    92          - --configPath
    93          - {{ "[[ .ProxyConfig.ConfigPath ]]" }}
    94          - --binaryPath
    95          - {{ "[[ .ProxyConfig.BinaryPath ]]" }}
    96          - --serviceCluster
    97          {{ "[[ if ne \"\" (index .ObjectMeta.Labels \"app\") -]]" }}
    98          - {{ "[[ index .ObjectMeta.Labels \"app\" ]].[[ valueOrDefault .DeploymentMeta.Namespace \"default\" ]]" }}
    99          {{ "[[ else -]]" }}
   100          - {{ "[[ valueOrDefault .DeploymentMeta.Name \"istio-proxy\" ]].[[ valueOrDefault .DeploymentMeta.Namespace \"default\" ]]" }}
   101          {{ "[[ end -]]" }}
   102          - --drainDuration
   103          - {{ "[[ formatDuration .ProxyConfig.DrainDuration ]]" }}
   104          - --parentShutdownDuration
   105          - {{ "[[ formatDuration .ProxyConfig.ParentShutdownDuration ]]" }}
   106          - --discoveryAddress
   107          - {{ "[[ .ProxyConfig.DiscoveryAddress ]]" }}
   108        {{- if eq "lightstep" }}
   109          - --lightstepAddress
   110          - {{ "[[ .ProxyConfig.GetTracing.GetLightstep.GetAddress ]]" }}
   111          - --lightstepAccessToken
   112          - {{ "[[ .ProxyConfig.GetTracing.GetLightstep.GetAccessToken ]]" }}
   113          - --lightstepSecure={{ "[[ .ProxyConfig.GetTracing.GetLightstep.GetSecure ]]" }}
   114          - --lightstepCacertPath
   115          - {{ "[[ .ProxyConfig.GetTracing.GetLightstep.GetCacertPath ]]" }}
   116        {{- else if eq "zipkin" }}
   117          - --zipkinAddress
   118          - {{ "[[ .ProxyConfig.GetTracing.GetZipkin.GetAddress ]]" }}
   119        {{- end }}
   120          - --connectTimeout
   121          - {{ "[[ formatDuration .ProxyConfig.ConnectTimeout ]]" }}
   122        {{- if }}
   123          - --statsdUdpAddress
   124          - {{ "[[ .ProxyConfig.StatsdUdpAddress ]]" }}
   125        {{- end }}
   126          - --proxyAdminPort
   127          - {{ "[[ .ProxyConfig.ProxyAdminPort ]]" }}
   128          {{ "[[ if gt .ProxyConfig.Concurrency 0 -]]" }}
   129          - --concurrency
   130          - {{ "[[ .ProxyConfig.Concurrency ]]" }}
   131          {{ "[[ end -]]" }}
   132          - --controlPlaneAuthPolicy
   133          - {{ "[[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` .ProxyConfig.ControlPlaneAuthPolicy ]]" }}
   134        {{ "[[- if (ne (annotation .ObjectMeta `` " }} {{ }} {{ ") \"0\") ]]" }}
   135          - --statusPort
   136          - {{ "[[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` " }} {{ }} {{ " ]]" }}
   137          - --applicationPorts
   138          - {{ "\"[[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` (applicationPorts .Spec.Containers) ]]\"" }}
   139        {{ "[[- end ]]" }}
   140          env:
   141          - name: POD_NAME
   142            valueFrom:
   143              fieldRef:
   144                fieldPath:
   145          - name: POD_NAMESPACE
   146            valueFrom:
   147              fieldRef:
   148                fieldPath: metadata.namespace
   149          - name: INSTANCE_IP
   150            valueFrom:
   151              fieldRef:
   152                fieldPath: status.podIP
   153          - name: ISTIO_META_POD_NAME
   154            valueFrom:
   155              fieldRef:
   156                fieldPath:
   157          - name: ISTIO_META_INTERCEPTION_MODE
   158            value: {{ "[[ or (index .ObjectMeta.Annotations \"\") .ProxyConfig.InterceptionMode.String ]]" }}
   159          {{ "[[ if .ObjectMeta.Annotations ]]" }}
   160          - name: ISTIO_METAJSON_ANNOTATIONS
   161            value: |
   162                   {{ "[[ toJSON .ObjectMeta.Annotations ]]" }}
   163          {{ "[[ end ]]" }}
   164          {{ "[[ range $k,$v := .ObjectMeta.Labels ]]" }}
   165          - name: ISTIO_META_{{ "[[ $k ]]" }}
   166            value: "{{ "[[ $v ]]" }}"
   167          {{ "[[ end ]]" }}
   168          imagePullPolicy: {{ }}
   169          {{ "[[ if (ne (annotation .ObjectMeta `` " }} {{ }} {{ ") \"0\") ]]" }}
   170          readinessProbe:
   171            httpGet:
   172              path: /healthz/ready
   173              port: {{ "[[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` " }} {{ }} {{ " ]]" }}
   174            initialDelaySeconds: {{ "[[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` " }} {{ }} {{ " ]]" }}
   175            periodSeconds: {{ "[[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` " }} {{ }} {{ " ]]" }}
   176            failureThreshold: {{ "[[ annotation .ObjectMeta `` " }} {{ }} {{ " ]]" }}
   177          {{ "[[ end -]]" -}}
   178          securityContext:
   179            {{ if }}
   180            privileged: true
   181            {{ end -}}
   182            {{- if ne true }}
   183            readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
   184            {{- end }}
   185            {{ "[[ if eq (annotation .ObjectMeta `` .ProxyConfig.InterceptionMode) \"TPROXY\" -]]" }}
   186            capabilities:
   187              add:
   188              - NET_ADMIN
   189            runAsGroup: 1337
   190            {{ "[[ else -]]" }}
   191            runAsUser: 1337
   192            {{ "[[- end ]]" }}
   193          resources:
   194            {{ "[[ if (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations ``) -]]" }}
   195            requests:
   196              cpu: {{ "\"[[ index .ObjectMeta.Annotations `` ]]\"" }}
   197              memory: {{ "\"[[ index .ObjectMeta.Annotations `` ]]\"" }}
   198          {{ "[[ else -]]" }}
   199  {{- if }}
   200  {{ toYaml | indent 10 }}
   201  {{- end }}
   202          {{ "[[ end -]]" }}
   203          volumeMounts:
   204          - mountPath: /etc/istio/proxy
   205            name: istio-envoy
   206          - mountPath: /etc/certs/
   207            name: istio-certs
   208            readOnly: true
   209          {{ if }}
   210          - mountPath: /var/run/sds
   211            name: sds-uds-path
   212          {{- end }}
   213          {{ if and (eq "lightstep") }}
   214          - mountPath: {{ "[[ directory .ProxyConfig.GetTracing.GetLightstep.GetCacertPath ]]" }}
   215            name: lightstep-certs
   216            readOnly: true
   217          {{- end }}
   218        volumes:
   219        {{ if }}
   220        - name: sds-uds-path
   221          hostPath:
   222            path: /var/run/sds
   223        {{- end }}
   224        {{ if and (eq "lightstep") }}
   225        - name: lightstep-certs
   226          secret:
   227            optional: true
   228            secretName: lightstep.cacert
   229        {{- end }}
   230        - emptyDir:
   231            medium: Memory
   232          name: istio-envoy
   233        - name: istio-certs
   234          secret:
   235            optional: true
   236            {{ "[[ if eq .Spec.ServiceAccountName \"\" -]]" }}
   237            secretName: istio.default
   238            {{ "[[ else -]]" }}
   239            secretName: {{ "[[ printf \"istio.%s\" .Spec.ServiceAccountName ]]"  }}
   240            {{ "[[ end -]]" }}
   241  {{- end }}
   242  {{- if }}
   243  {{ toYaml | indent 8 }}
   244  {{- end }}