
     1  ---
     2  assets:
     3    v1: []
     5  config: {}
     7  lifecycle:
     8    v1:
     9      - render:
    10          root: ./
    11          assets:
    12            v1:
    13              - github:
    14                  dest: ./installer/consul
    15                  repo: helm/charts
    16                  path: stable/consul
    17                  ref: master
    18                  strip_path: true
    19      - helmValues:
    20          path: installer/consul/values.yaml
    21      - render:
    22          root: ./
    23          assets:
    24            v1:
    25              - helm:
    26                  dest: ./installer/base
    27                  local:
    28                    chart_root: ./installer/consul
    29                  values_from:
    30                    # haaaack, helmValues needs a configurable dest path for us to store the output
    31                    path: .ship/tmp
    32      - kustomize:
    33          base: installer/base
    34          dest: installer/rendered.yaml