
     1  # Console integration tests
     3  These are tests for ship yaml, with the intention of testing functionality used with console/
     5  ## Running the integration tests (from the parent directory)
     7  ### Quick Start
     8  ```shell
     9  make integration-test
    10  ```
    12  ### Dependencies
    13  - Helm
    14  - Terraform
    15  - Test Docker Registry
    16      * To run a local Docker registry for tests, run the following command:
    17        ```sh
    18        docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2
    19        ```
    20  - Test S3 Bucket
    21      * To run a local http server for tests, run the following command:
    22        ```sh
    23        npm install -g http-echo-server
    24        PORT=4569 http-echo-server 
    25        ```
    27  ## Running the integration tests (from a docker image)
    29  The integration test docker image can be built with
    31  ```shell
    32  make build_ship_integration_test
    33  ```
    35  The resulting image can be run with
    37  ```shell
    38  docker run --net="host" -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock replicated/ship-e2e-test:latest
    39  ```
    41  ## Adding a new integration test
    43  Each integration test is a folder containing a yaml file with the
    44  desired customer ID/installation ID/release semver, a folder 'input' containing
    45  `.ship/release.yml` and `.ship/state.json`, and a folder 'expected'
    46  containing the expected output of running ship with that state file, release yaml,
    47  and customer ID/installation ID/release semver.
    49  Each integration test is run twice - once in runbook (or 'local yaml') mode and once in online mode.
    50  Both runs are headless and use the Cobra API to simulate running Ship from the CLI.
    51  The runbook mode run will use the release yaml located at `input/.ship/release.yml` and the state file located at `input/.ship/state.json`.
    52  The online mode run will use the state file at `input/.ship/state.json` but will get the release yaml from the graphql api using the provided customer ID, installation ID and release semver.
    53  Files are produced in a temporary directory created within the integration test directory.
    54  The contents of this directory is then diffed with the contents of `expected/`.
    55  File names and contents must match.
    57  To add a new test, create a release that should demonstrate the desired behavior in the integration test staging account.
    58  You should also create a new directory for your test within the integration subdirectory.
    59  After running this release in an empty directory, copy the files produced (including hidden directories) to `<your_test_dir>/expected` and the `.ship` directory to `<your_test_dir>/input/.ship`.
    60  The contents of the `.ship` directory within expected and input can differ if desired.
    61  Finally, add a file `<your_test_dir>/metadata.yaml` and include strings for `customer_id`, `installation_id` and `release_version`.