
     1  apiVersion: v1
     2  kind: ServiceAccount
     3  metadata:
     4    name: cockroachdb
     5    labels:
     6      app: cockroachdb
     7  ---
     8  apiVersion:
     9  kind: Role
    10  metadata:
    11    name: cockroachdb
    12    labels:
    13      app: cockroachdb
    14  rules:
    15  - apiGroups:
    16    - ""
    17    resources:
    18    - secrets
    19    verbs:
    20    - create
    21    - get
    22  ---
    23  apiVersion:
    24  kind: ClusterRole
    25  metadata:
    26    name: cockroachdb
    27    labels:
    28      app: cockroachdb
    29  rules:
    30  - apiGroups:
    31    -
    32    resources:
    33    - certificatesigningrequests
    34    verbs:
    35    - create
    36    - get
    37    - watch
    38  ---
    39  apiVersion:
    40  kind: RoleBinding
    41  metadata:
    42    name: cockroachdb
    43    labels:
    44      app: cockroachdb
    45  roleRef:
    46    apiGroup:
    47    kind: Role
    48    name: cockroachdb
    49  subjects:
    50  - kind: ServiceAccount
    51    name: cockroachdb
    52    namespace: default
    53  ---
    54  apiVersion:
    55  kind: ClusterRoleBinding
    56  metadata:
    57    name: cockroachdb
    58    labels:
    59      app: cockroachdb
    60  roleRef:
    61    apiGroup:
    62    kind: ClusterRole
    63    name: cockroachdb
    64  subjects:
    65  - kind: ServiceAccount
    66    name: cockroachdb
    67    namespace: default
    68  ---
    69  apiVersion: v1
    70  kind: Service
    71  metadata:
    72    # This service is meant to be used by clients of the database. It exposes a ClusterIP that will
    73    # automatically load balance connections to the different database pods.
    74    name: cockroachdb-public
    75    labels:
    76      app: cockroachdb
    77  spec:
    78    ports:
    79    # The main port, served by gRPC, serves Postgres-flavor SQL, internode
    80    # traffic and the cli.
    81    - port: 26257
    82      targetPort: 26257
    83      name: grpc
    84    # The secondary port serves the UI as well as health and debug endpoints.
    85    - port: 8080
    86      targetPort: 8080
    87      name: http
    88    selector:
    89      app: cockroachdb
    90  ---
    91  apiVersion: v1
    92  kind: Service
    93  metadata:
    94    # This service only exists to create DNS entries for each pod in the stateful
    95    # set such that they can resolve each other's IP addresses. It does not
    96    # create a load-balanced ClusterIP and should not be used directly by clients
    97    # in most circumstances.
    98    name: cockroachdb
    99    labels:
   100      app: cockroachdb
   101    annotations:
   102      # This is needed to make the peer-finder work properly and to help avoid
   103      # edge cases where instance 0 comes up after losing its data and needs to
   104      # decide whether it should create a new cluster or try to join an existing
   105      # one. If it creates a new cluster when it should have joined an existing
   106      # one, we'd end up with two separate clusters listening at the same service
   107      # endpoint, which would be very bad.
   108 "true"
   109      # Enable automatic monitoring of all instances when Prometheus is running in the cluster.
   110 "true"
   111 "_status/vars"
   112 "8080"
   113  spec:
   114    ports:
   115    - port: 26257
   116      targetPort: 26257
   117      name: grpc
   118    - port: 8080
   119      targetPort: 8080
   120      name: http
   121    clusterIP: None
   122    selector:
   123      app: cockroachdb
   124  ---
   125  apiVersion: policy/v1beta1
   126  kind: PodDisruptionBudget
   127  metadata:
   128    name: cockroachdb-budget
   129    labels:
   130      app: cockroachdb
   131  spec:
   132    selector:
   133      matchLabels:
   134        app: cockroachdb
   135    maxUnavailable: 1
   136  ---
   137  apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
   138  kind: StatefulSet
   139  metadata:
   140    name: cockroachdb
   141  spec:
   142    serviceName: "cockroachdb"
   143    replicas: 3
   144    template:
   145      metadata:
   146        labels:
   147          app: cockroachdb
   148      spec:
   149        serviceAccountName: cockroachdb
   150        # Init containers are run only once in the lifetime of a pod, before
   151        # it's started up for the first time. It has to exit successfully
   152        # before the pod's main containers are allowed to start.
   153        initContainers:
   154        # The init-certs container sends a certificate signing request to the
   155        # kubernetes cluster.
   156        # You can see pending requests using: kubectl get csr
   157        # CSRs can be approved using:         kubectl certificate approve <csr name>
   158        #
   159        # All addresses used to contact a node must be specified in the --addresses arg.
   160        #
   161        # In addition to the node certificate and key, the init-certs entrypoint will symlink
   162        # the cluster CA to the certs directory.
   163        - name: init-certs
   164          image: cockroachdb/cockroach-k8s-request-cert:0.2
   165          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
   166          command:
   167          - "/bin/ash"
   168          - "-ecx"
   169          - "/request-cert -namespace=${POD_NAMESPACE} -certs-dir=/cockroach-certs -type=node -addresses=localhost,,${POD_IP},$(hostname -f),$(hostname -f|cut -f 1-2 -d '.'),cockroachdb-public -symlink-ca-from=/var/run/secrets/"
   170          env:
   171          - name: POD_IP
   172            valueFrom:
   173              fieldRef:
   174                fieldPath: status.podIP
   175          - name: POD_NAMESPACE
   176            valueFrom:
   177              fieldRef:
   178                fieldPath: metadata.namespace
   179          volumeMounts:
   180          - name: certs
   181            mountPath: /cockroach-certs
   183        affinity:
   184          podAntiAffinity:
   185            preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
   186            - weight: 100
   187              podAffinityTerm:
   188                labelSelector:
   189                  matchExpressions:
   190                  - key: app
   191                    operator: In
   192                    values:
   193                    - cockroachdb
   194                topologyKey:
   195        containers:
   196        - name: cockroachdb
   197          image: cockroachdb/cockroach:v1.1.5
   198          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
   199          ports:
   200          - containerPort: 26257
   201            name: grpc
   202          - containerPort: 8080
   203            name: http
   204          volumeMounts:
   205          - name: datadir
   206            mountPath: /cockroach/cockroach-data
   207          - name: certs
   208            mountPath: /cockroach/cockroach-certs
   209          command:
   210            - "/bin/bash"
   211            - "-ecx"
   212            # The use of qualified `hostname -f` is crucial:
   213            # Other nodes aren't able to look up the unqualified hostname.
   214            # Once 2.0 is out, we should be able to switch from --host to --advertise-host to make port-forwarding work to the main port.
   215            - "exec /cockroach/cockroach start --logtostderr --certs-dir /cockroach/cockroach-certs --host $(hostname -f) --http-host --join cockroachdb-0.cockroachdb,cockroachdb-1.cockroachdb,cockroachdb-2.cockroachdb --cache 25% --max-sql-memory 25%"
   216        # No pre-stop hook is required, a SIGTERM plus some time is all that's
   217        # needed for graceful shutdown of a node.
   218        terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60
   219        volumes:
   220        - name: datadir
   221          persistentVolumeClaim:
   222            claimName: datadir
   223        - name: certs
   224          emptyDir: {}
   225    updateStrategy:
   226      type: RollingUpdate
   227    volumeClaimTemplates:
   228    - metadata:
   229        name: datadir
   230      spec:
   231        accessModes:
   232          - "ReadWriteOnce"
   233        resources:
   234          requests:
   235            storage: 1Gi